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Waiting For The End *SNIPPET*

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Why is Mike's rapping so bad on ATS? WTF

I'll say this to you and anyone else who's wanting the old LP back. I'm going out on a limb when I say this, but Linkin Park WILL return to the Hybrid Theory and Meteora sound one day. Maybe not on the next album or the next two or three albums, but its going to happen eventually. Almost every band go back to their roots at one time or another. Hell, Korn's done it twice. Perhaps maybe at one point they'll decide to bring things full circle and put together one last album that has all the signature elements that we came to know them by. But I could be wrong.
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I'll say this to you and anyone else who's wanting the old LP back. I'm going out on a limb when I say this, but Linkin Park WILL return to the Hybrid Theory and Meteora sound one day. Maybe not on the next album or the next two or three albums, but its going to happen eventually. Almost every band go back to their roots at one time or another. Hell, Korn's done it twice. Perhaps maybe at one point they'll decide to bring things full circle and put together one last album that has all the signature elements that we came to know them by. But I could be wrong.

Sorry to be a party pooper to everyone, but I disagree with this statement. Linkin Park is different than any other band in music. IMO, Korn returned to their old sound in hopes of regaining their once strong popularity, as well as bring back old fans. But they failed on that. I can honestly never see LP making another album like Hybrid Theory or Meteora...


i think that to an extent w&k was their old style refined. heavy riffs, in your face rapping, chester shredding the chorus. to me it kind of harkens back to the old doomsday type music we used to have, it's just that the delivery is different from chester and mike.


Cause he sounds like he's fucking Jamaican?

i'd say he sounds like he's from trinidad and tobago. his accent is much more refined and elegant like the the trini accent. the jamaican accent is just so rough and-- oh wait I(you) haven't even heard the whole song yet so how would I(you) be able to truly tell what he sounds like just yet?


stick that in your pipe and smoke it! B)


i think that to an extent w&k was their old style refined. heavy riffs, in your face rapping, chester shredding the chorus. to me it kind of harkens back to the old doomsday type music we used to have, it's just that the delivery is different from chester and mike.

My thoughts exactly

This song gives me chills every time. So good.

i was skeptical at first but adam youre the bee's knees so i trust you.


Sounds like it could be a great single. The reggae style is awesome but i am kind of hoping it isnt a trend throughout the album. It's a little harder reggae than in Wretches & Kings but still similar. This definitely has potential to be a chart-topper and finally dethrone OneRepublic's Secrets lol. Good song but the radio station here plays it 247 times a day lol


Sample recalled Leave Out All The Rest, but recalled nothing in common between the two new songs. The album will be multifaceted, covering a large radius of sound! really looking forward ..


Sorry to be a party pooper to everyone, but I disagree with this statement. Linkin Park is different than any other band in music. IMO, Korn returned to their old sound in hopes of regaining their once strong popularity, as well as bring back old fans. But they failed on that. I can honestly never see LP making another album like Hybrid Theory or Meteora...



Also, for any of you who want any artist to go back to their old style:


YOU try to consciously regress to the exact same mindset and line of thinking you had ten years ago. YOU try ignoring all of your personal growth and changes in taste in the past ten years. I know I sure can't. If someone told me right now to play guitar and write music the same way I did even five years ago, I'd laugh in their face and tell them where to shove it. I can't even THINK the same way I did five years ago, I've grown so much as a person and my tastes are almost a complete about-face. And even if the case is not as extreme for them, any amount of time will cause a person to think differently and grow. Asking them to forget all of that for your sake... it's kind of insulting, actually.


You don't have to like their change in style, but you can sure as hell respect them for not just pandering to fan and label expectations, and for making the art they want to make.




Also, for any of you who want any artist to go back to their old style:


YOU try to consciously regress to the exact same mindset and line of thinking you had ten years ago. YOU try ignoring all of your personal growth and changes in taste in the past ten years. I know I sure can't. If someone told me right now to play guitar and write music the same way I did even five years ago, I'd laugh in their face and tell them where to shove it. I can't even THINK the same way I did five years ago, I've grown so much as a person and my tastes are almost a complete about-face. And even if the case is not as extreme for them, any amount of time will cause a person to think differently and grow. Asking them to forget all of that for your sake... it's kind of insulting, actually.


You don't have to like their change in style, but you can sure as hell respect them for not just pandering to fan and label expectations, and for making the art they want to make.

+1 million. well, said.


Om amother note, earlier i said i only like Mike's part in the snippet, but now i am growing to like Chester's part too




Also, for any of you who want any artist to go back to their old style:


YOU try to consciously regress to the exact same mindset and line of thinking you had ten years ago. YOU try ignoring all of your personal growth and changes in taste in the past ten years. I know I sure can't. If someone told me right now to play guitar and write music the same way I did even five years ago, I'd laugh in their face and tell them where to shove it. I can't even THINK the same way I did five years ago, I've grown so much as a person and my tastes are almost a complete about-face. And even if the case is not as extreme for them, any amount of time will cause a person to think differently and grow. Asking them to forget all of that for your sake... it's kind of insulting, actually.


You don't have to like their change in style, but you can sure as hell respect them for not just pandering to fan and label expectations, and for making the art they want to make.

Fucking. This.


i just wish that the new style and the fact that it's going to be totally different and that the band won't return to nu-metal sinks in to some of the THICK sculls of some fans. How hard is it to comprehend the fact that change is constant, except for a vending machine.


^you had me going and believing in you gradon. then you dropped that tasteless vending machine joke and i just wanted to belly flop on your existence.




i get fed up hearing people saying "uh, lp have changed wtf! where is the HT stylez!? i don't like this!" - if you don't like it, fine that's OK. Don't get up in LP's face for changing though. Do you listen to the same music you did 10 years ago? No, because Bob the fucking builder is for 3 yr olds. You don't like the same music, the same clothes, the same hair or the same food as you did 10 years ago so why the hell should a band be stuck in the previous decade to satisfy fans who don't grow up?




i get fed up hearing people saying "uh, lp have changed wtf! where is the HT stylez!? i don't like this!" - if you don't like it, fine that's OK. Don't get up in LP's face for changing though. Do you listen to the same music you did 10 years ago? No, because Bob the fucking builder is for 3 yr olds. You don't like the same music, the same clothes, the same hair or the same food as you did 10 years ago so why the hell should a band be stuck in the previous decade to satisfy fans who don't grow up?





^you had me going and believing in you gradon. then you dropped that tasteless vending machine joke and i just wanted to belly flop on your existence.



hehe is was just too tempting

i held (for a very long time) the opinion that if you start an album with a sound, you should stick with it....fans bought that album because it was different and they loved that sound...they didn't buy it for them to then change.


But as I've been in many bands myself I understand....writing in the same style constantly isn't rewarding, and you end up either having arguments because you keep saying "we've done this" or you try something really different.


people should try creating art for a couple of years and see if they can stick to 1 type/genre for more than 3 years......it's hard without getting very bored.


i held (for a very long time) the opinion that if you start an album with a sound, you should stick with it....fans bought that album because it was different and they loved that sound...they didn't buy it for them to then change.


But as I've been in many bands myself I understand....writing in the same style constantly isn't rewarding, and you end up either having arguments because you keep saying "we've done this" or you try something really different.


people should try creating art for a couple of years and see if they can stick to 1 type/genre for more than 3 years......it's hard without getting very bored.

You make music for yourself not for fans.


I Love the fact that all 3 songs we have heard are all entirely different from each other but somehow Link.


I also love the fact that people ill bitch so much when this album comes out because its another change they wont like.

Posted (edited)

Asking them to forget all of that for your sake... it's kind of insulting, actually.

I have to forget my outside problems when reporting to work every day.


I have to satisfy my customers regardless of who I was 10 years ago compared to now.


Oh, I forgot. Linkin Park is not human. They are expected to do what they want without getting criticism from their paying fans.

Edited by rav0k

I have to forget my outside problems when reporting to work every day.


I have to satisfy my customers regardless of who I was 10 years ago compared to now.


Oh, I forgot. Linkin Park is not human. They are expected to do what they want without getting criticism from their paying fans.

lol that are 2 different kind of jobs (idk what your job is though)

just like painters etc. LP are making art.


Art is something you make from your own emotions, experiences and feelings.

They are human so these kind of things change in years...


Ofcourse there will be always criticism and that is good, but the most arguments people give aren't.

People make art to express their feelings, If they would make HT part 3 (since Meteora was kinda part 2)

then there would also be criticism because probably the people would complain it would sound old, samey or even unoriginal

Posted (edited)

Of course there will be always criticism and that is good

That's my initial point. Their career is selling music, criticism is to be expected.


There are so many fans of this band that make no room for criticism and it really begins to feel like a preschool playground.


I personally love ATS so far. I am curious as to what else is awaiting me on this seemingly golden record. :mellow:



Korn returned to their old sound in hopes of regaining their once strong popularity, as well as bring back old fans. But they failed on that.

Korn returned to their old recording method, not their old sound. Their new album probably would have sounded great if they stuck with the software they had been using. They tried putting an old recording method (8 track) on music that was similar to See You on the Other Side and Untitled. It sounded very bad in my opinion, although I think the first single, Oildale (Leave Me Alone), was awesome.

Edited by rav0k

Agreed. Casual fans piss me off for some reason.

That just means that a good portion of the population will be dancing to what appears to be anti-government music. :lol:

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