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After reading through 8 pages of complaining, everyone just needs to calm down and wait. The album will be out in less than a month and then everyone can give their review on ATS. This is Ana's view on ATS and she likes it. She has already said that it WAS NOT Auto-Tune and was vocal effects (less than what was used on The Catalyst).


If the album ends up sounding like 30STM, Muse, Innerpartysystem, and Pendulum like Ana said, then this will really be a change for LP. The good thing is that I like most of those bands anyways. I wouldn't worry people.


It sounds similar to the beginnings of almost every song by Innerparty System.


Iridiscent - Track 10

sounds like Marching On by One Republic. Very similar.

Yeah!!!!! I love both of them so much!!!!!Yipee!!


So that makes it okay? You all hate on artists who use auto-tune and now LP uses a similar effect but its okay because they're "genre busting" now?

No? It makes you and everyone else wrong.


If it isn't auto-tune, don't call it auto-tune.


oh, they totally deserve more attention, they are honestly musical geniuses in my mind.

i saw them live a year ago and they were phenomenal.

though, i kind of like how they're fan base is so small because it makes for an intimate kind of relationship.


and i totally agree - this whole dubstep reference ana said made me really excited. i love dubstep.

Ah awesome, I've managed to see them live a few times and made some very close friends over on their forum, they are certainly something.


After reading through 8 pages of complaining, everyone just needs to calm down and wait. The album will be out in less than a month and then everyone can give their review on ATS. This is Ana's view on ATS and she likes it. She has already said that it WAS NOT Auto-Tune and was vocal effects (less than what was used on The Catalyst).


If the album ends up sounding like 30STM, Muse, Innerpartysystem, and Pendulum like Ana said, then this will really be a change for LP. The good thing is that I like most of those bands anyways. I wouldn't worry people.

I don't understand why auto-tune gets slayd all the time, although it's mostly abused - which is why it's earned a bad reputation plus the fact some people still think it's wrong that it's not "natural" or "real". I thought we got over the fact that musicians these days don't actually need physical instruments to produce amazing music.

So even though Ana has clarified that it's not really auto-tune, if used properly, I'd be pretty psyched to hear LP use it.
Posted (edited)

If the album is like the description.

bye bye 50% from the real fans base

+20% Pop fans.


and bye bye tours or festivals with heavy bands.

I think that LP will sell alot of recors with this album, but lose alot of fans.


Im not saying that the album is going to be POP,

but is more accessible to pop fans.(will not be like QWERTY or others heavy songs, that not all the people like this songs for "heavys".





For example - dubstep stuff - why? Because it got popular like 1 year ago and it's mainstream and everybody's going nuts about it. "Oh I love dubstep, so cool".. Linkin Park and dubstep shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence, guys. It's ajust an easy way to please the crowd of pop and electro lovers

Edited by Collision




For example - dubstep stuff - why? Because it got popular like 1 year ago and it's mainstream and everybody's going nuts about it. "Oh I love dubstep, so cool".. Linkin Park and dubstep shouldn't be mentioned in the same sentence, guys. It's ajust an easy way to please the crowd of pop and electro lovers

Ana described the album quite accurate, I agree to her in almost all points, but I don't think AT ALL that pop-fans are going to like it, its not pop at all in my opinion. at least most of the songs aren't. its really aggressive and fast and mindblowing, in my opinion.


I think it's quite funny that everyone was saying "Oh no, I wanna hear Mike more often. Why doesn't he sing No Roads Left live? No Roads Left would have made the album so much better." and now we HAVE Mike's vocals on ATS and everyone's bitching around....

THIS. Personally, I'm excited to hear Mike's vocals.

They're far from perfect, but I like the rawness of it.


Also... I just watched the new LPTV.

If that's supposed to be Chester 'rapping'...

I can't fucking wait to hear the song, because that was SICK.


It's entirely possible that a hardcore fan will hate ATS because what made them the "hardcore' fan originally is likely just not present in the new album.


You can appreciate what the band are doing and the ethics behind it, but you can't put ethics onto your ipod and rock out to it.


The band are purposely trying not to sound like Linkin Park, hardcore fans are hardcore fans because they like Linkin Park over other bands. Now LP has become an other band, your going have to decide all over again. Almost like listening to a new band for the first time.


I don't get how people say this album is for hardcore fans, i think it's the hardcore fan base that might be a little bit more split, the casual listener is either going to listen to it or not, either way they won't care too much.

You're an idiot. The band cannot not sound like Linkin Park. Linkin Park will forever sound like themselves if the music is made by them. What you meant and should say is the band is trying hard for their new album not to sound like Hybrid Theory/Meteora. Because that is basically what you're saying.


God! people have no respect for LP's creativity! Even if you don't like the song, you can at least respect it. I have never seen any people as bitchy as some of you.


Me personal dont like mike singing, cause he just cant sing! He should better rap and let chester do the sing parts!!


Can someone answer the question i asked about the song "across the line" ?

No, "Across The Line" is not in the new album. And that song is not a new song. :)


No, "Across The Line" is not in the new album. And that song is not a new song. :)

I think Mike can indeed sing. He proves it pretty well on the new album.


I think Mike can indeed sing. He proves it pretty well on the new album.

Yup i agree. I'm very exicted about Mike singing a lot in this new Album. He sings very well. :D


It's like the most of you don't even know what they're talking/writing...


First of all, maybe they use auto-tune. But auto-tune doesn't mean that they are going to sound like t-pain. t-pain used the programm in another way it was intended so he was getting that king of effect out of it.


And now you're complaining about "only 2 screams".... WTF? First you cry for mor raps, and now that ana posted that there is some heavy raps you just care about "ONLY 2 SCREAMS". It seems like you're always looking for a spot, so you can cry for something.


And the last point is the thing with the electronic drums. They used electronic drums in what I've done, papercut and even faint... that are all somehow electronic drums.


( sry for the real fucked up english :> )

This. And i'm not gonna say anything about the album until I hear it.


The new LPTV changed my mind.

Shouldn't have made up your mind after one song. :P


Based on Ana's review, I think this was the order of the 6 track sampler:


1. Blackout

2. Wretches And Kings

3. Waiting For The End

4. Robot Boy

5. Burning In The Skies

6. The Catalyst

Posted (edited)

Was Jornada Del Muerto a song with vocals? An instrumental? Or is it like a speech type track?


EDIT: I'm assuming this is the description from Ana, unless this is another track:



Mike and Chester singing in another language (or english backwards) and followed by a guitar distortion and a drum beat in WID style.

It builds up slowly and fades out into an empty space.''

Edited by Geki

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