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im just scared that by the time we actually hear the real catalyst that we will be bored to death by it

This is what went through my mind the other day... I've heard the stems so much. I think by the time August 2nd rolls around I'll be refreshed enough to hear the actual song, though :D

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im just scared that by the time we actually hear the real catalyst that we will be bored to death by it or think that a remix overshadows it.

i think listening to all these so-so remixes is going to make the actual track fucking epiiiiiic.

i was on the fence between gigascythe and danger silent until now. the fact that he was such a dick and giga was so polite about it sums it up.


the fact that he was such a dick and giga was so polite about it sums it up.

QFT. Another thing being one person actually joined this website because they're a fan of Linkin Park, not because they want people to check out their band/remix.


lol you guys are funny. re-read the post, i say we put all our passion and effort into it. we use chord structures that made sense...and the vocals ARE ON TIME! his mix, the vocals aren't even on time, the mix sounds terrible, and didn't really do anything creative. but it's whatever. i was making a point that it's funny with somewhere around 1,000 votes...these little kids are still coming back and winning with self-promotion by changing their e-mails and using bots. i agree with what someone said on the actual lp forums...they need to use the stormcloud way for contests where people can't cheat.


it's just lame. if you like that better, that's your opinion.

I think a lot of people have put a lot of effort in it, and some more than others in promoting, posting links, almost spamming, pretending to be the best band of the world, pretending being the judges of the contest. Everybody has his own opinion but you can't judge your own song and saying it's perfect which is not the case. A lot of people here and in other forums, and on facebook are hating you for what you've said and this is lame.


Hi, Im Oldschool LP fan, so I did Reanimation-style remix

Music video included.


To get back to the actual contest, I really enjoyed this remix a lot. I think I may vote for it.

Posted (edited)

Hm and to think I actually helped to get DangerSilent's submission out there when I first heard it. Sorry for helping u guys, you didn't deserve any of it. Go Giga and the rest of u guys working hard to win the contest.

Edited by crazygolfer

I think what happened here was that when Dangersilent initally posted his remix, he didn't expect such good responses. So after everyone seemingly praising him like i don't know what, he thought he would win. He then realized that it wouldn't happen and starts bashing at Alex. That's way out of line by him and although Alexe's remix might not be the best out there, I personally think he deserves the win for all the other stuff he has done for the past couple of years.


Hi, Im Oldschool LP fan, so I did Reanimation-style remix

Music video included.


Oh yes, I didn't notice this remix (because of a certain dude complaining), but it's very good. :) Maybe a little repetitive, but the reanimation style is great an makes me nostalgic


I think what happened here was that when Dangersilent initally posted his remix, he didn't expect such good responses. So after everyone seemingly praising him like i don't know what, he thought he would win. He then realized that it wouldn't happen and starts bashing at Alex. That's way out of line by him and although Alexe's remix might not be the best out there, I personally think he deserves the win for all the other stuff he has done for the past couple of years.

No, he knew he wouldn't win. Seriously, as a musician understand another musician, he was complaining that some of the key/timing is off. That is true. He was being a dick, but being a musician I also did wonder how Alex could get so far with the noticeable flaws... I personally would want the person with the best remix to win. That's what it's about. And that's whats gonna happen (according to LP's standards). I pray to Joe Pesci I win though! I don't think I'm getting listened to as much as others though

No, he knew he wouldn't win. Seriously, as a musician understand another musician, he was complaining that some of the key/timing is off. That is true. He was being a dick, but being a musician I also did wonder how Alex could get so far with the noticeable flaws... I personally would want the person with the best remix to win. That's what it's about. And that's whats gonna happen (according to LP's standards). I pray to Joe Pesci I win though! I don't think I'm getting listened to as much as others though

Hey Rocky.


I decided to give your song another listen. You seem to have a lot of knowledge about music, so I thought, what the hell. A second listen wouldn't hurt. I must say, you were correct. This indeed does sound professional to me and it is seemless. I can't find one mistake in it, musically. However, my opinion on it is different. From a professional standpoint, this would be near perfect track. But, the point of this contest, is not to look for perfection. It is to do something unique. I went through listening your whole track and I DID enjoy it, don't get me wrong, but there wasn't a point in the song where my eyes opened because a certain part of it was amazing. Also, 1:40 - 1:54. I've heard that beat in a mainstream song somewhere.


The thing that amazed me with Alex was that, he did something different. The first minute of his song was better than most people full entries. What he did with Mikes voice, by pitching it, was something I didn't expect. It was very unique in this contest, very different, and it sounded great. My jaw literally dropped, and I saw myself going back and playing the first minute of his track a countless times. I must admit, I didn't enjoy his track to the very end, but that one minute is the type of work that is needed in this contest.


Anywho, seeing that multiple votes can be placed in this contest, you have got a vote from me for a very well done piece. Keep working on the music. You have talent my friend! LOTS of it! And your positive attitude is what I like to see. I would definitely like to see more work from you.

Posted (edited)

DangerSilent, it isn't a good look being an ass, even if your mix is definitely good. And if what your saying is true some might consider it a bit unfair that you have promotion companies backing you etc. If I could have voted, you may have lost mine. The mainstream has enough arrogance as it is.


I find Alex's mix creative and I really enjoy the first minute. But I hate it beyond that. The timing isn't off, but the vocals don't fit in at all and there are too many abrupt changes on the track. In my opinion there are just too many things going on that don't work together.

Thank you, and I respect your opinion. And I'm glad you can hear music. I'm not an ass, I just speak the truth man. That is all. But I'm done argueing. I was a little drunk, and that's that. Oh well.


@Rocky -- THANK YOU FOR STATING WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO SAY! Completely in agreeance with you! :)


@Anjum_Agony.In.Disguise -- Now...the only beef we have is with you. You arrogant little indian pussy. Listen up...don't be sad because we own any band you've ever listened to (yup now I'm saying what you say I'm saying). It's funny how you guys twist my words around. Ya comment our web-design art, which I did since I'm a web-designer, and it only took me less than 10 minutes. You're an idiot dude. It's ok that you've never had a girlfriend, but don't take it out on me that the closest thing to you in your life...is your hand. You better hope I never meet you in real life.


"when someone does a job that is accepted by many people, and this is one of those cases, the remix of Alex is accepted by many fans of LP" - another thing i was getting at. it's just accepted because of all the other songs this kid covers for linkin park...which i said clearly ARE GOOD! jesus.


and alex...if you voted for us, thanks. i was just heated cause i was drunk and pissed. but still, i dont care about winning...so if you somehow move to the US in the next week and win this thing...I WILL CONGRATULATE YOU. BUT!!!!!! .........i still think your mix's vocals are off and needs a ton of work. then again so might ours....i just wanted to gain exposure like that one guy said earlier, to get LP to hear the mix. I could give a fuck less about meeting them, because I have met them 3508930593903 times...Chester owns the Club Tattoo right next to where i live and i used to hang out with him there all the time. And I don't give a shit about $1,000 anyway. and im going out to LA tomorrow...so i guess i just won the contest already huh? yeyyyyy....not. anyway, that's my reasoning. love all you haters too ;)



Edited by DangerSilent

just for saying that, i hope you win

:lol: rock on!


Hey Rocky.


I decided to give your song another listen.......

I totally appreciate your post! And I share your opinion on both mine and Alex's entry. Mine is a little more mainstream. Alex's sounds mainstream sans the pitch-shift. But I wish at least the majority of Alex's had that WOW feeling. I got that feeling too until it started falling off. I wish I had a more "different" feel. I'm relying on the professionalism/ "this doesn't sound like Linkin Park/nu-metal/hip-hop".


@Rocky -- THANK YOU FOR STATING WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO SAY! Completely in agreeance with you! :)

No prob!


Zwier.z has the best remix and deserves to win IMO


You CAN take back your vote (click Thanks for Voting!)


First place does NOT mean you win the contest


And all personal attacks stop now.


I just hope Mike reads your entire retarded fight.

Warnings have been issued. The stupid fight stops now or we go on with suspensions. Enough is enough.


lol you guys are funny. re-read the post, i say we put all our passion and effort into it. we use chord structures that made sense...and the vocals ARE ON TIME! his mix, the vocals aren't even on time, the mix sounds terrible, and didn't really do anything creative. but it's whatever. i was making a point that it's funny with somewhere around 1,000 votes...these little kids are still coming back and winning with self-promotion by changing their e-mails and using bots. i agree with what someone said on the actual lp forums...they need to use the stormcloud way for contests where people can't cheat.


it's just lame. if you like that better, that's your opinion. but u have a few members of different bands, and producers in a studio right now watching me type this, that have listened to all these different remixes...laughing, at how idiotic the world can be, and how blind they can be to good music. i like ALL kinds of music. but they said they wanted it to be like LINKIN PARK and be catchy, and give your own creative edge to it...they did not say make it a hiphop or techno song. they want a real live mainstream song. thats what we did, and i put a lot of effort into those vocals, and it was great doing it.


i could give a crap less about winning. i just think you need wake up and listen to good music. if you love linkin park so much, how can let someone make a mockery of it??


i'm a terrible person? i make music for people who want to have better lives...to help people strive to be better people...not to shit on people's music lol. for instance, stop people from killing themselves. go listen to our music, and lyrics, you'll understand. and as for his subscribers....um...check our myspace, we have over 22,000 on ours, and Jambonie, who is backing us and promoting has way over 100,000 friends on theirs...plus i just deleted my myspace with over 3 million friends. so dont give me that. i know how online promoting works better than most. i also can detect e-mail phishers and when someone is using bots. if you want, i'll ip trace him to get his e-mails he is using...


and sorry about the double post, that was my bad..forgot to edit. won't happen again =X

Psst...If you want to get votes, stop acting like a jerk towards other members. If you have nothing nice to say about someone's remix, then don't say anything at all.




Anyway, here's my remix, I don't think I'm going to update it, right before I started to record one of my guitar strings broke and I can't buy new ones to fix it till tommorrow, so I was just like "F**k it" and so I'm keeping it the way it is: http://soundcloud.com/the-saint-of-d/catalyst-remix-1-5


Devin: Age 15

United States


AndOne about summed it up. Anyway...


Really liked your remix, Rocky. Got my vote.


And Devin, jeez, I wish you were eligible to enter because that's a great mix. Love the electronics.


Anyway, here's my remix, I don't think I'm going to update it, right before I started to record one of my guitar strings broke and I can't buy new ones to fix it till tommorrow, so I was just like "F**k it" and so I'm keeping it the way it is: http://soundcloud.com/the-saint-of-d/catalyst-remix-1-5


Devin: Age 15

United States

If you want to enter the LPL contest go here: http://lplive.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=4830

And other point, it doesn't really mather that much being first second, or whatever, it just helps you being noticed by LP. Nobody knows how will the song sound like, and maybe it'll sound ike one of the "remixes", and the point is being original and commercial.


Anyway im still waiting for xefuzion's one :)


It is your good luck dangersilent that andone has stopped the fight otherwise you were about to be kicked where it hurts most.

Posted (edited)

AndOne about summed it up. Anyway...


Really liked your remix, Rocky. Got my vote.


And Devin, jeez, I wish you were eligible to enter because that's a great mix. Love the electronics.


wait... you said you voted for us alex... lol


and to the Indian dude... nothing you ever do could ever effect me in any way whatsoever. you're about as useful as as a poopstain in my toilet bowl. haha

Edited by DangerSilent

wait... you said you voted for us alex... lol


and to the Indian dude... nothing you ever do could ever effect me in any way whatsoever. you're about as useful as as a poopstain in my toilet bowl. haha

The "haha" totally makes that remark less insulting.

Posted (edited)

Well Pawel,


DangerSilent obviously hasn't read the rules anyways since he did a cover/ tribute (not following rules) instead of a remix for a Remix Contest. Still a decent song, not the right criteria.




Edited by Jack

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