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Posted (edited)

This is my friend Adam's entry:




I think its really good. =)

maybe because I've been remixing for almost a decade I am bias, but I think people should pay more attention to entries like these instead of whatever has power chords/almost resembles old LP. The remix that Mike really liked is NOWHERE near is popular. The stuff that Mike really was looking forward to hearing is kinda...not there or being outshined

Edited by Rocky

Regarding the rules; I think I'm okay because the vocal enhancements it was referring to referred to personal assets, rather than the stems. I mean, people are changing things like EQ and reverb on the stem vocals so pitch-shifting is just another effect in that sense, if you see what I mean.


Anyway thanks for the feedback :)


Alex McMillan (18)

United Kingdom


Put a lot of effort into this one - any support you guys can give would be appreciated so much. Thanks!



This is completely mind-blowing. Great job, Alex! I wish the real song will turn out in this direction :D
Posted (edited)


Project name: Switchface

Age: 25


Here's my take on it. Some of you have heard the previous version. This is the improved one. I changed the overall tone ('cuz it sounded a bit out of tune) and I messed up a bit with the initial beat sequences. Apart from that everything was left as it was. In case you didn't hear the previous version, there's some synth / industrial touches here and there and the piano give a slight futuristic feel to it.


Hope you like it, guys! And of course don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this little mix :)

Edited by Nook
Posted (edited)

wow, thats on the same level as epic as Alex's

2:03 is killing it. Awesome remix as well smile.gif

zwieR.Z., you got my vote man, since the beginning, but I also had to vote for my man Alex! No hard feelings man.

Thank you guys ;)


Nook - good job, I love the drums!

Edited by zwieR.Z.

Nook - good job, I love the the drums!


zwieR.Z. - good job man, it sounds great!


Nook - yours too, I like the industrial feel. :)

I'm digging the friendly competition. It really shows just how mature the LP community can be :)




Well, thanks a bunch. Really enjoyed what you did with your remix. A nice job with the vocal pitch-shifting, which, I think, added a different twist, dimension (call it as you like) to the original.



Thanks again, buddy. As far your mix goes, great job again. A nice idea with this guitar-wall pattern. Overall your version sounded to me like some sort of symphonic-metal track. I dig the piano melodies. Especially in the end :P A jumpy-folky kinda thing :) What I didn't like, though, was the lack of power / kick / room in the drum section. Apart from that, pretty good take on the track :)

Posted (edited)

Hi Ana.

hi geki. is that meant to be sarcastic or friendly? sorry web 2.0 doesent supports this feature to know how words are meant :D



oh and if you like vote for it so it can be heard by LP:






Not like others, I had to record bass, cello and guitar with my webcam microphone coz I dont own any professional equipment so please excuse the "poor" sound quality.

Edited by ana

Just want to remind everyone to post into our most recent competition topic if you want to take part in the LPL contest, open for everyone who cant take part in the official contest!


What's a good remix software? Aside from FL studio :)


I've got a good idea for a remix, and i basically want to play around w/it even if i cant enter. What programs do the pros use? Please note that i know no real remixes, so i'll just be using the seeds and effects and maybe virtual instruments :)


Wow, the contest is turning out very well....I've seen about 30 versions of "The Catalyst" which could be professional work, either here or on Youtube. You guys have talent :)


ZwierR.Z. and Alex -> my favorite LPL remixs..."amazingly" good :D

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