hahninator Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 What are your thoughts on the next CD? We've recently heard and seen on Mike's blog that the band has already sat down and seriously wrote some material for the album. From all the reports that we've been given, they will be heading into the studio this month to write the record. The question I have for you is: when will this thing come out? Will it come out in the summer of 2009? But what about Dead By Sunrise? Will Chester do that and delay the LP album to November? I've heard many predictions about this album. For instance, Preston thinks that they will start cranking out the new songs quickly, and have the record out in May, with some type of Projekt Revolution tour to follow. Some people are telling me winter 2010 is when it's coming. What do you think? Since they've discussed this album for a while now, are they going to just go in and absolutely make a masterpiece in just a few months? What about a producer? M Shinoda? I know I've opened up a can of worms, but I'm wanting to hear some feedback on this one.
Fleur de Lys Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I think Linkin Park album is finished by the end of 2009. Dead by Sunrise? Hmm. I don't really know. I really hope it will come out this winter/spring. I don't think there will be a Project Rev 2009. But lets see. Good opening post Hahninator.
jannelp Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 Hmm, I think it's going to be relatively quick. I mean, even if it was summer 2009, it'd be 2 years after MTM, which is a decent period... I was surprised that they're going to the studio so fast though, hearing about Rob even going into the studio this or next week... Fingers crossed on summer '09
arbiter Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 (edited) I more than want it to come out winter '09 than i think it will. I hope it comes out winter'09 or autumn. As long as it's during my next school year before Christmas. I don't think they should release the album during the summer. Although, ultimately, since Warner bros. has an input into the release date, it takes it to a new level. I don't think they should rush the album. Sure, they're notorious for taking time on their follow-up albums, it doesn't mean they should rush this one so that fans are not kept waiting long but release something they and we the fans are not quite ready to be proud of a year later. Creativity knows no boundary such as time. I want them to release something that I'll be proud off to play so loud in the dorms that it will annoy my roomies. I trust LP to be ready when they're ready. I'm counting on their obsessive perfectionist habit to kick in and produce a kick ass album whenever. I have no problem with Mike being the producer. He does one hell of a job. Although, i liked Don Gilmore. They should bring him back to help. Anyway, those are my two cents on the issue. Edited November 6, 2008 by arbiter
pbizkit33 Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I think we are looking an early 2010 release somewhere in Jan or Feb area. The overall plan as i see it is that Julien-K album in February of 2009 followed by a DBS album late summer early fall w/short big city small venue tour of coheadlining JK and DBS. LP to put album out in 2010 with tour schedule like 2008.
And One LTU Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I think they'll end album writing on summer '09, but will release on autumn '09. If they'll end album writing on summer, they can do PR with DBS and other bands on July and some European festivals on August. Then break until October with no touring. October can be good time to make up 2008 MFR benefit dates.
murphyLP Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 Great questions In my opinion they already have like 10 songs written... They will do this album in the next 3 months. I really don´t believe the fact that they spent that time in Minutes to Midnight and don´t have some songs ready. I really think they have. They will make some changes but the structure is already made. Chester´s album will be released in March 09. And Linkin Park´s new album will come in November or something like this!!!! And I think Mike will be the producer of the next album. These are my predictions hehe
pbizkit33 Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 (edited) Chester´s album will be released in March 09. Julien-K's album is out in February, so I think they will want to have some separation between the 2 albums considering they are stylistically alike. Chester's album probably summer 09. Just on Cbennington.com and Jen's last edit is only 2009 release date, she crossed out early. Edited November 6, 2008 by pbizkit33
Papelbon Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I hope that if they are going to record this quick that they will have the album done by the summer, and i think that the DBS record will be done by fall (hopefully) with a short tour from them promoting the album and then a winter tour for the new LP album. Just my .02
murphyLP Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 Julien-K's album is out in February, so I think they will want to have some separation between the 2 albums considering they are stylistically alike. Chester's album probably summer 09. Just on Cbennington.com and Jen's last edit is only 2009 release date, she crossed out early. Well...maybe that´s the key!!! They might release both albums at the same time (or near)... Chester said that he wants to go to the Road with his solo album. They can play together... first Julien K plays and after Dead by Sunrise (or whatever it will be called). So both can share some spotlight and it will not conflict with the LP album release. I don´t know, i´m pretty much guessing here
daniel624 Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 i think DBS's album may come out in Feb/March then Chester will have some time for LP finally , the new album in May or June and PR09 in summer again!!
April Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I think Chester will release his album in spring 2009 and go on tour in summer (maybe 10-15 gigs or less). Linkin Park will finish their album by summer 2009 but release in autumn 2009.
LPKode2 Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I think we are looking an early 2010 release somewhere in Jan or Feb area. The overall plan as i see it is that Julien-K album in February of 2009 followed by a DBS album late summer early fall w/short big city small venue tour of coheadlining JK and DBS. LP to put album out in 2010 with tour schedule like 2008. I agree, just what i was thinking
And One LTU Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 Other idea from me: JK album release - February 2009 DBS album release - May 2009 LP album release - November 2009 On July, Linkin Park can do pause of album writing and play some festival shows in Europe (Maybe together with DBS) and play PR Festival at August (They can do PR Fest on 2009, but PR2010 should be tour again). Before Linkin Park album release (October maybe?) Linkin Park can make up MFR Asian dates (and add some more countries like Malaysia, Japan, South Korea and India).
ChuckCheese Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I'm pretty sure the new album will be out late next year. They said they won't take as long to finish this album as it usually takes them. As for Dead By Sunrise, I really have no clue when Chester will finish it up. I'm hoping early 2009, or the latest being summer.
linkinmetalfanatic Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 im thinkin late '09, early-mid '10, but hoping mid '09 [so they have time to really create some cool shit but i dont have to wait too long haha!) is chester better?
Geki Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 I think LP might be done by Fall of 2009. I don't want a new album by May, I want them to take their time and make it really good. As for DBS, I'm thinking he might release a single in the upcoming months (December, January, February, March) and then release the album by like May or June. Hopefully.
chesterb Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 julien-k will release their new album i february, right? then they'll tour in support of that, then there will be dead by sunrise after the JK tour, so maybe in august, october? then he'll tour with that maybe until november, at the most december, so i think we're looking at mid 2010, cuz when will he have time to record with LP unless they get on the road with him to record and tour simultaneously? i don't know but it looks diffcult to me!!!
handsheldhigh Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 my bet about lp next release 1. dbs album, on march maybe on chester's bday 2. little scape tour in asia and hopefully in latin america in jun/jul 3. new single in october 4. new album in late nov/before christmas
INK 1 2Many Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 My predictions will be have to be... Dead By Sunrise = March 2009 Add in a Projekt Revolution 2009 in the summer with DBS headlining the Revolution stage. LP new Album = September 2009
thefly Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 If I may add a thought, here and there I read that there could be a PR in summer 2009, with the new LP album out at the end of 2009. I don't really think that's possible. LP won't do a PR - or any other kind of tour for that matter - without a new album out. And a PR without LP ... I don't think this could happen. But I agree with most of you here, DBS album early next year (hopefully - it sure is about time), and the new LP album in late 2009. Sounds right to me. And Chaz could do some touring with DBS after the release of his solo album ...
And One LTU Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 (edited) my bet about lp next release 2. little scape tour in asia and hopefully in latin america in jun/jul Latin America on June / July? This is bad time to play in Latin America. Much better is February / March or October / November. June and July is better time for Europe - there are a lot of festivals. If I may add a thought, here and there I read that there could be a PR in summer 2009, with the new LP album out at the end of 2009. I don't really think that's possible. LP won't do a PR - or any other kind of tour for that matter - without a new album out. And a PR without LP ... I don't think this could happen.It's possible, Chester said that he wanna try to do PR festival. Next year is good time to do PR Fest (not tour), because it could be short break from studio. Just like 2006 Summer Sonic shows. Edited November 6, 2008 by And One LTU
felipeintheend Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 Probably they will release the new album in the end of 2009!
ThePretender Posted November 6, 2008 Posted November 6, 2008 LP likes to release albums in november: LiT, CC, RtR. The release will be in the (late spring / early) summer of 08, just like MtM. And I hope Rubin as producer, with Gilmore as Exec. Producer.
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