hahninator Posted March 9, 2010 Author Posted March 9, 2010 I never said anyone was getting upset. I just think this thread is ironic. Cause it is. Mike said he'd rather you trade shows than trade youtube links because they sound better. He doesn't say, "yeah you guys have free rein to post these for download." This article is also before all the shows were made available. Whatever. I'm over it. PS - Lawyered: watch "How I Met Your Mother" It is KINDA ironic, in a different way. Naaaaa man. This goes way back. It's funny you say that because when you actually had a good message board on LP.com, Mike actually posted a thread himself for us to upload and share DSP links to the shows. He does say "yeah, you guys have free rein to post these for download". And by now, I would think that Linkin Park management would understand better than ANYONE that despite what hardcore fans do, they will buy the product no matter what. Yes, I share DSP's and other people do but do you know how much we buy from them? Shinoda: Yes, and we also – that’s another thing that I think is really cool about it is we also encourage our fans, for those who get this thing, is we encourage them. Our sets change. We play songs maybe one night that we don’t play the next, and so if you want to get those songs, we encourage our fans to go on and trade them and kind of get to know each other. We really like the fact that, in the digital world, people who like the same things and want to be part of something can communicate and share and exchange things with each other. This is one of those things that we would really like our fans to kind of do that with. Bennington: Plus, different shows, some shows are really special. Just the way that a certain song came off one night just really touches people sometimes. Those are the kind of MP3s that get passed around a lot. We are not out to fuck anyone over. Noone. I hope you guys understand, seriously, how many people are VERY interested in following ALL of the DSP's, no matter if they have a substantial amount of money or no money. A fan is a fan. If they want to hear a show I have, I'm not going to be like "Well you can't hear it because you can't afford to buy it and I won't send it to you". I'm not like that. LPLive is for the fans, by the fans. I like helping people out. I also like hearing the shows. Other people ALSO enjoy hearing the shows. I have them all on my iPod...it's so convenient to just click a show I haven't heard in a while and listen to it while going to class or going to bed or something. The point is, we aren't fucking anyone over. We aren't stealing your money, we aren't saying F. U. LINKIN PARK. We love the DSP's, we love the live shows (duh because this is LP LIVE) , and we like to let others check out the live aspect of Linkin Park, one of my favorite parts about their band. I'm not out to get anyone, I'm not out to steal any money, I mean damn, seriously understand we are not bad people. HOW do you think the logic of this website is ridiculous? All LPLive has done since I created it is help people out in as many ways as possible. I have dropped assloads of money on this site and I would hope someone like you would not be instrumental in bringing it down.
Geki Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 Wow are you fucking serious? Everyone acts like Adam is some God in the LP world or something. I like when people rebel a little bit, it keeps things fun.
hahninator Posted March 9, 2010 Author Posted March 9, 2010 Everyone acts like Adam is some God in the LP world or something. I like when people rebel a little bit, it keeps things fun. Not trying to kiss ass here but seriously, Adam has done a LOT recently in the LP world to bring things back to a good happy medium. The LPU has improved WONDERS. Adam is instrumental in quite a few things. New DSP site, new LP.com, etc...he does a very good job at what he is told to do and has a very open personality...very approachable and I think it's great he's on LPL. Some people blow it out of proportion but I do appreciate his work (which is why my sig has had that comment in it since I saw it). And a comment to my earlier post: No matter if you do DSP's or not, people are going to record shows and pass them around anyway. I've recorded several LP shows on my own and shared them around...it's a big hobby. People love hearing the shows - they are unique, very fun to listen to, etc. Why do you think it's ridiculous that we like following them?
HybridMeteora798 Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 Like Mark said - Adam has done wonderful things for the LP fans and LPLive - as well as for myself even personally. I won't go through and name them all again or beat that dead horse. But let me say, that as a "business move" this is probably the worst thing they could have done. Saying from the beginning that sharing was okay, and putting them up for download like that with ticket purchases was great. It was a way to capture YOUR experience and then share them with each other. Centralized marketing. People AT the show will buy it and then trade for others. People at the show obviously bought them to trade so it's not like everyone was "illegally downloading" On another note money issue I can understand greatly. This is a horrible economy, some people simply can not afford to pay for a live show download. Does that mean you exclude them? Does that make them less of a fan? It doesn't and they shouldn't be punished. The rate that is being charged for these shows is that of a live album. A lot of fans love this band so much they want to follow every live show, do you really expect them to then pay 9.99 each time? It adds up. And i'm not going to be mean, those shows are mixed well for quick turnaround. But they aren't mixed or mastered to live CD quality, and yet you charge almost the same amount for it. It's unfair, and it's greedy. Business wise the smartest thing I would see is the first option. People WILL buy it, fans if they can afford will pay whether or not it's up on LPlive or whatever. It's called dedication and it still exists. What is being done now not only alienates the less fortunate fans, but also royally screws over and pisses off the rest. And to say that "oh Mike didn't mean this" or "Chester didn't mean that" needs to stop. Either say it EXACTLY how you mean in the beginning, or stop saying shit like that all and then saying well it's not monetarily working so we mean this really.
A_Savage_Jedi Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 (edited) very interesting thread Edited March 9, 2010 by A_Savage_Jedi
Xero21 Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 (edited) Everyone acts like Adam is some God in the LP world or something. I like when people rebel a little bit, it keeps things fun. There's a difference between rebelling a little and completely tossing out all the cools things he's done for 1 thing you disagree with. If you don't agree with his opinion on the DSPs, great, disagree with him. But what in the world? Just because of that, now he's a douche? It's a shame that one disagreement can completely null and void all the other positives. Edited March 9, 2010 by Xero21
rav0k Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 (edited) What's with all the bitchin' tonight? The Mad Hatter affected a lot of people? Edited March 9, 2010 by rav0k
Pez Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 Wow i came here to comment on the setlists yet it looks more like World war 3. This is a really interesting thread!
Pecan603 Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 (edited) Adam, why are you such a douche?I can't believe you are a moderator and yet you are saying stupid shit like this. You do realize how much of a "douche" you made yourself look right there, right? What a shame. Grow up. Edited March 9, 2010 by Pecan603
hahninator Posted March 9, 2010 Author Posted March 9, 2010 I can't believe you are a moderator and yet you are saying stupid shit like this. You do realize how much of a "douche" you made yourself look right there, right? What a shame. Grow up. Moderator or not, I don't feel like Staff here needs to be an accurate representation of LPLive. Like we do the work but the opinions posted by individual staff members aren't what the site as a whole views. Everyone has their own opinion and I don't feel that just because they have a badge by their name that they have to censor what they say, because that's bullshit. I am REALLY big on freedom of speech...if you feel like saying something, say it and let's debate it, lol.
sotrix Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 Moderator or not, I don't feel like Staff here needs to be an accurate representation of LPLive. Like we do the work but the opinions posted by individual staff members aren't what the site as a whole views.That definitely applies double for me! Now let's get back to how wonderful Liz is ...
Cyro Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 The only thing that pissed me off here is this: I think the logic of this website is completely ridiculous sometimes. That's a pretty bold statement. I always thought Adam came across as kind of a douche too though... But what are you gonna do... That's my honest opinion. It's not like there aren't thousands of other people who could have and would have done the same things he did for the fans. I'm sure there's a lot more that goes on behind the scenes... But that's how I feel... Oh, and this whole DSP issue is nonsense altogether. I get that Warner makes a lot of decisions for the band and all, but at some point or another the fact that LP continues to put up with it comes into play. They had a label dispute in the past where they demanded release from their contract... What happened? They signed a new one for more albums... And just because one guy doesn't seem to understand why we all do the things we do here... Doesn't mean there aren't hundreds of people who disagree with him, so, whatever I guess. People have been trading live shows for as long as the bands existence and will continue to do so regardless of whoever thinks they need to make a quick buck over it.
rav0k Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 Now let's get back to how wonderful Liz is ... Mmm....
Adam Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 I'll say one more thing, then I'm leaving this alone because it's really not worth it. I was not hired by Linkin Park to come to talk to fans and post on messageboards and whatever else you think. I don't say what the band, management or WBR tell me to. Occasionally, I'll pass along a message to Mark, but I always let him know the source. I took it upon myself to start getting to know the fans and posting on this site because I thought it would be a benefit for YOU to have a connection straight to the band. On this messageboard, I'm speaking for myself. Whether you think I'm a douche or not is irrelevant. I couldn't care less what you think of me. I'm passionate about music. I've been passionate about music longer than Linkin Park has even been a band. I get where you're coming from with all of this. Believe me. I understand where your passion for this stuff comes from. That said, my opinion on this is my opinion. I've never said that what I say on here is gospel. I've never asked anyone on any fansite or messageboard to roll out a "red carpet" for me. I'm not looking for pats on the back from you and I've never demanded anything of Mark. I don't take myself too seriously. As far as I'm concerned, this issue is closed because I'm done thinking about it and caring about it. I and the rest of the LP team put a lot of work into making these DSPs available for you guys. A lot of work. THAT'S why I have certain views on this. Not because of the money or because of anything else.
JZLP-Benningstrong Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 I'll say one more thing, then I'm leaving this alone because it's really not worth it. I was not hired by Linkin Park to come to talk to fans and post on messageboards and whatever else you think. I don't say what the band, management or WBR tell me to. Occasionally, I'll pass along a message to Mark, but I always let him know the source. I took it upon myself to start getting to know the fans and posting on this site because I thought it would be a benefit for YOU to have a connection straight to the band. On this messageboard, I'm speaking for myself. Whether you think I'm a douche or not is irrelevant. I couldn't care less what you think of me. I'm passionate about music. I've been passionate about music longer than Linkin Park has even been a band. I get where you're coming from with all of this. Believe me. I understand where your passion for this stuff comes from. That said, my opinion on this is my opinion. I've never said that what I say on here is gospel. I've never asked anyone on any fansite or messageboard to roll out a "red carpet" for me. I'm not looking for pats on the back from you and I've never demanded anything of Mark. I don't take myself too seriously. As far as I'm concerned, this issue is closed because I'm done thinking about it and caring about it. I and the rest of the LP team put a lot of work into making these DSPs available for you guys. A lot of work. THAT'S why I have certain views on this. Not because of the money or because of anything else. Adam only see us as money we are part of his job, I wonder if he even likes LP... I think that the LPUHQ doesnt do a good job, shitty 30 seconds videos of nothing, no updates from the studio, no exclusive tracks, shitty chats (cmon we are in the 2010.. videochats exist) The DSP's should be up in the LPU for free, (WTF? 10 shows = 100 dollars? that's stupid) being a member of the LPU is not a special thing anymore I miss 1.0 Adam do something more original in the LPU and maybe more people will join...
vyonizr Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 Adam do something more original in the LPU and maybe more people will join... Yeah Adam. Please also add my country to the country list when signing up on LPU.com . Is there a kind of... discrimination?
letdownagain Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 It really ridiculous how some of you have slaughtered Adam for one statement. The LPU has become this place where tons and tons of exclusive stuff is supposed to come from and people get pissed when it doesn't. You get a CD and a shirt every year which is equal to (if not less than) the price of the package. The band isn't making some huge profit from it. So many Linkin Park fans I've seen are extremely ungrateful. Name some other bands that have recorded the last 3 years of their touring for download and have 9 fan club CDs? I don't know what bands you're all listening to that care so much it makes LP seem like they don't care about the fans.
HybridThe0ry97 Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 I mean.... I can name some bands that actually recorded new music in the past 3 years. That's part of the problem. Instead of making new music, someone found a way to take something fans were already doing, do it better, and put it out, and no new music. Since we subscribe to them, essentially, we are subscribing to things we don't necessarily want. I don't remember anyone asking for 100 dsps. So the sentimental value attached to our show trading is undermined by an attempt to make money. Because, whether or not they put these out, fans would still record them. Ultimately, we are the ones being taken advantage of because probably 85 percent of those sales are gonna come from dedicated LP fans.
Trumtram Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 (edited) wow, i feel ashamed how some people release their anger about whats wrong in the lp world on adam. im not following everything on here, still it is really immature to take him as a scapegoat just because his opinion differs from everyone elses here yet still is not less extreme. i keep asking me how so many people literally rip him apart and insult him while accepting the much bigger "douche" around all the time. sometimes i don't get you guys . on topic: i think as long as lplive gets credit it shouldn't be a problem. on the other hand, mark, you now got a glimpse on how it has to feel to write/record/release music today when you find your hard work all over the internet shortly after (or months before...) the release date. it's the world we live in these days. this is not meant to be an insult to you or anyone. just saying. Edited March 9, 2010 by Trumtram
Rob_Wilson Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 Adam do something more original in the LPU and maybe more people will join... Like a CD with 9 unreleased demos, with a song from the MTM sessions that's never before been released...
ChuckCheese Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 What in the world does this have to do with setlists being posted????
murphyLP Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 Adam only see us as money we are part of his job, I wonder if he even likes LP... I think that the LPUHQ doesnt do a good job, shitty 30 seconds videos of nothing, no updates from the studio, no exclusive tracks, shitty chats (cmon we are in the 2010.. videochats exist) The DSP's should be up in the LPU for free, (WTF? 10 shows = 100 dollars? that's stupid) being a member of the LPU is not a special thing anymore I miss 1.0 Adam do something more original in the LPU and maybe more people will join... +1 perfect!!!
sian18 Posted March 9, 2010 Posted March 9, 2010 this is stuped adam dose alot for us and has helped to make lpu9 awsome. the dsps are to much money for stuff we already have apart from aus/nz and i think they should release older shows. and i think the setlist up on last fm is fine as long as he gave credit to lplive but come on leave adam alone one post by him and your all taking off on him its stuped
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