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Posted (edited)

Does anybody have the 3 DBS songs in high quality mp3???


Anyways, I actually enjoyed watching the show. I thought Chester nailed Given Up, the DBS songs and New Divide. I can't wait for the DSP for this whole tour. I just wish someone would upload the show in mp3, not RAR or FLAC or anything like that.

Edited by Geki

I haven't seen anyone mention this, so maybe the webcast didn't show this, but the audio went completely dead towards the end of breaking the habit at the actual concert... that ticked a lot of people off. To make matters worse, they brought DBS out during the LP setlist... not a good fit for the crowd. If DBS had stayed another song, it would have been very very bad.


It's a shame, because the show started off well, but it went downhill very quickly after the BTH incident. The band lost their groove, and all the DBS hate/water bottle at mike, seemed to visibly upset chester and mike.


On a side note, I was equally disappointed in the overall tool performance. The band was amazing, more powerful than in the 5 previews shows I had seem them in, but Maynard was waaaaaaaaaaaay off, busted leg, missing notes, and he just gave up at the end, and didn't sing the last part of vicarious. I got the feeling the setlist was originally longer, Maynard just walked off stage without saying anything, which was very strange.


Ok.. its really bad that they thrown after mike.. (reminds me on the show where phx thrown a guitar after mike)^^


but I think it was a very BAD idea that DBS played durring LP set.

I was thinking about to go on a concert but i didnt do it this year and i am happy about it.


because apart from that LP wasnt really headlining.. i would buy tickets for LINKIN PARK not DBS!.

and I know that the majority doesnt agree with me but, when somebody says that he and his band wants to be the best live band an there is a 18 song setlist... sry but the LP tickets arent cheap anyway....


well lets wait for Project Revolution X


As much as well all like to see NRL being played, it prob won't happen ever. Sorry if i bursts anyones bubble but thats how i see it, even when i said in the past that it'll be played...but chances are for the future of the song being played live...slim to none.

Posted (edited)

Mike said a year ago that his problem with this song is if they play the song at the beginning of the set it would kill his voice for the rest of the set and if they play it at the end his voice are tooo "dead" to do it



/e: what a bout a new petition ? I could design a page? anyone with me?

Edited by maatze
Posted (edited)

I extreme lol'ed when I saw how much people were crying and complaining about other people crying and complaining.... hahaha...


It's a forum people... If you honestly don't expect people to bitch and complain to their heart's content about the topic at hand, then you obviously aren't used to this whole online thing, or you have to get your head examined.


Congratulations... There was ONE random verse over ONE song. Dedicated has never debuted live. LP never played Dedicated live. Doing one verse over POA doesn't mean that song debuted... Yeah, Mike did some interesting things this tour, but beyond that and New Divide... no. We already got HHH acapella, and the verse over Crawling last year, Mike just combined them this year. And APFMH over the outro to Points is cool and all, but I'd much rather get the actual song.


This tour was boring. OOOOH look I'm bitching, now what? If you can't handle someone giving their NEGATIVE opinion on a topic, then simply ignore the post. Just because you can't handle any negative feedback on your favorite band, doesn't mean everyone is going to hide their opinions just to make you feel better. I love LP, they are my favorite band. But if they do something I think is stupid, I'm damn well going to voice my opinion. *cough*LPU*cough*


I'm sorry, it just seems fame has gone to LP's head, just as it would for anyone.

Edited by Cyro
  Slim Shinoda said:



11. Breaking The Habit (Broken Part)

12. Shadow Of The Day

13. Hands Held High (Intro)

14. Crawling (Intro HHH)

15. In The End

16. Bleed It Out


17. Crawl Back In

18. Fire

19. My Suffering


20. New Divide

21. Faint

22. One Step Closer


Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 640x480 [Video]

Audio: MPEG Audio Layer 3 44100Hz stereo 96Kbps [Audio]

Video Size: 640 x 480

Media Length: 00:47:48

Thanks ... but can anyone actually watch this? Seems to be corrupted ....

  thefly said:

Thanks ... but can anyone actually watch this? Seems to be corrupted ....

I have the same problem, I tried to watch it with 5 kinds of video player and I just hear sound but can't see the video :S


I'm Uploading the whole show on Megaupload atm. Will take a while with this crappy connection but i'll post the links as soon as it's ready. (will be an hour or 2)

  stevie said:

I'm Uploading the whole show on Megaupload atm. Will take a while with this crappy connection but i'll post the links as soon as it's ready. (will be an hour or 2)

Sounds nice :) thank you


and till it's up...for everyone who has problem with watching the other video: It works with VLC Media Player

  mark403 said:

I have the same problem, I tried to watch it with 5 kinds of video player and I just hear sound but can't see the video :S

i can watch it on VLC Media Player
  v1c70r said:

i can watch it on VLC Media Player

Tried that one as well. The first video of LOATR/Numb worked, but the big one with the second half of the show stops after a couple of seconds ...

  thefly said:

Tried that one as well. The first video of LOATR/Numb worked, but the big one with the second half of the show stops after a couple of seconds ...

yes, I tried with VLC but it quits the video after a few seconds...

Posted (edited)

From Twitter:




Just played epicenter09. LP kicked ass. DBS played well to a mixed crowd. We have our work cut out for us. Reminds me of when LP first start




Epicenter LA - I thought the show was great. Sure a couple of haters, but we were good! Despite some technical probs...

Edited by Subs

you have to wait for the last part and then you can open it with winzip.

and you gonna have to wait 40 more minutes because I lost my connection while uploading :(

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