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  1. his keyboard gets bottled, not him. Also, the bitching about the bitching exceeds the bitching itself at this point. Most people are just interested in getting the rip, except for those complaining about the complainers.
  2. I haven't seen anyone mention this, so maybe the webcast didn't show this, but the audio went completely dead towards the end of breaking the habit at the actual concert... that ticked a lot of people off. To make matters worse, they brought DBS out during the LP setlist... not a good fit for the crowd. If DBS had stayed another song, it would have been very very bad. It's a shame, because the show started off well, but it went downhill very quickly after the BTH incident. The band lost their groove, and all the DBS hate/water bottle at mike, seemed to visibly upset chester and mike. On a side note, I was equally disappointed in the overall tool performance. The band was amazing, more powerful than in the 5 previews shows I had seem them in, but Maynard was waaaaaaaaaaaay off, busted leg, missing notes, and he just gave up at the end, and didn't sing the last part of vicarious. I got the feeling the setlist was originally longer, Maynard just walked off stage without saying anything, which was very strange.
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