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One More Light Album


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Listening the entire album now and it's totally different records that previous but I'm enjoying it. So, I don't give a f**k bout those negative reviews/comments. Btw, castro78 & spraypaintandinkpen is the" greatest" LP fans of all time.

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I think MInus summed it up way better than that. Go check out his review on LPA :)

LPA is trash. No thanks.

Listening the entire album now and it's totally different records that previous but I'm enjoying it. So, I don't give a f**k bout those negative reviews/comments. Btw, castro78 & spraypaintandinkpen is the" greatest" LP fans of all time.

Well, thanks. Discussion boards are for comments-- both positive and negative. If you want fanboy city, check out LPA.

Edited by spraypaintninkpens
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LPA is trash. No thanks.


Well, thanks. Discussion boards are for comments-- both positive and negative. If you want fanboy city, check out LPA.

You mad? Hahah. Is it wrong to call you both "greatest" fans? Seems like you guys knows more bout the band than the others. *big clap*

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LPA is trash. No thanks.

I don't want to start a war. Why can't both websites get along with each other?


One is clearly better than the other but I won't say which and let you guess.


But why does their have to be a war.


Hint: LPA doesn't blindly dick-eat everything LP does like you are making it seem.

Edited by Bliss
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LPA is trash. No thanks.

Well, thanks. Discussion boards are for comments-- both positive and negative. If you want fanboy city, check out LPA.

Hey, can we not talk shit about other sites please? There are fanboys on both sites of both extremes. It's not exclusive to one.

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So after the first listen I can say that I definitely don't hate it. The instrumentation (or lack thereof) does fall pretty flat a lot of the time. There are also a few songs where they certainly went overboard on the electronics. Sorry For Now is one of the best songs on the album but the breakdown has too many weird EDM noises and chipmunk voices like the new Fall Out Boy song and basically ruins it. Overall I think the album is a mixed bag, but now going through my 3rd listen it is growing on me more.



My favorite tracks are Invisible, Talking to Myself, One More Light, Heavy, and Sharp Edges.


Edit: Sorry for Now is such a FANTASTIC song and it kills me that they overdid the electronic elements >.<

Edited by Austinalex23
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Well, thanks. Discussion boards are for comments-- both positive and negative. If you want fanboy city, check out LPA.


Saying shit like "this band needs to disband" or "I think/hope this is the end of LP" is not discussion in any manner.

Edited by Broman
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Alright, look. Forums are meant for discussion. Having opinions is welcome. Good or bad, you're entitled to yours and are free to share it.


What you are NOT welcome to do is go after every single person who has a differing opinion than you. You know who you are who are doing this, and so does the rest of the thread. If you notice, people are sharing their negative opinions NORMALLY and there are no issues. That's healthy conversation. If you have a problem with every single opinion, perhaps you are the problem. Get over yourselves, suck up your pride, and let your bygones be bygones. Arguing aimlessly and blindly like children is not the way to promote discussion. Just because you have the freedom of sharing your opinion here does not give you the right to infringe upon everyone else's.


Calling out other fansites randomly falls under this too.


From here on out, if we see you attacking people's opinions in an immature manner and consistently, you are getting warned.

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As a fan of pop music the creativity of this album starts during Sorry For Now and it ends there for sure.


Worst pop album I've heard in years, even Aoki ft LP is better.

I just want to say I really appreciate the Paramore representation happening here.

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I just want to say I really appreciate the Paramore representation happening here.

After Laughter is fucking awesome it's not groundbreaking but it still sounds original, fresh and it still has the Paramore spirit. If Hayley wanted Paramore could join the edm trend and sell millions of records i highly appreciate that she wanted to do something original. Taylor and Zac killed it too.

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After Laughter is fucking awesome it's not groundbreaking but it still sounds original, fresh and it still has the Paramore spirit. If Hayley wanted Paramore could join the edm trend and sell millions of records i highly appreciate that she wanted to do something original. Taylor and Zac killed it too.


After Laughter is a great album. It's basically all I've been listening to since last Friday. Fake Happy is my personal favorite.

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After Laughter is fucking awesome it's not groundbreaking but it still sounds original, fresh and it still has the Paramore spirit. If Hayley wanted Paramore could join the edm trend and sell millions of records i highly appreciate that she wanted to do something original. Taylor and Zac killed it too.

Hard times and Fake happy are such good songs.

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After Laughter is a great album. It's basically all I've been listening to since last Friday. Fake Happy is my personal favorite.

people might come here and say that it sucks, okay fine. I just fucking love that it sounds so damn original I don't remember any other band with a similar sound to After Laugher and w/ OML you can tell that it sounds extremely trendy with the Migos/Future rapping style, tons of claps, chipmunk vocals, trap beats etc.

Hard times and Fake happy are such good songs.

fuck yeah man.
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I'm sure I'll give my thoughts on all the tracks at some point but I'm just quickly listening through the songs I haven't heard right now. Sorry For Now makes me feel almost embarrassed to say that I am a fan of this band. What absolute garbage

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I'm sure I'll give my thoughts on all the tracks at some point but I'm just quickly listening through the songs I haven't heard right now. Sorry For Now makes me feel almost embarrassed to say that I am a fan of this band. What absolute garbage

What about it specifically do you dislike the most? The fact that it's pop? I'm asking because it's easily my favorite track on the album, hands down. Curious to hear another perspective.

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What about it specifically do you dislike the most? The fact that it's pop? I'm asking because it's easily my favorite track on the album, hands down. Curious to hear another perspective.


SFN is a great frickin song but the electronic elements were way overdone and ruined it for me.


people might come here and say that it sucks, okay fine. I just fucking love that it sounds so damn original I don't remember any other band with a similar sound to After Laugher and w/ OML you can tell that it sounds extremely trendy with the Migos/Future rapping style, tons of claps, chipmunk vocals, trap beats etc.

fuck yeah man.


It is original for today but it does borrow a lot of elements from the 80s. I don't hate OML at all, I just think they went too far with the electronic elements a few too many times. A lot of the instrumentation comes off as bland.

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I've listened to the album a few times already. To sum it up, I like this record more than I thought I would (thanks LP for releasing the weak shit earlier?) but it´s definitely on my bottom 3 (with Meteora, and Living Things)


While I enjoy listening to most of these tracks, a common denominator for me is that a lot of times I feel like the songs end up going nowhere. What I mean by that is that they start slow, build up, get louder, and then right after the 2nd chorus I just kept on waiting for the "oh shit" moment that never happened. It´s almost like they are incomplete.


01 Nobody Can Save Me: I like this song but the chorus sounds like a verse to me. I wished it had a stronger chorus and a better breakdown/bridge.
02 Good Goodbye: Not a fan of the features. Mike could have just had his own verses. Chorus is catchy.
03 Talking to Myself: Great song! I wished the production was better. I feel like it lacks the energy we´ve seenon the live performances.
04 Battle Symphony: I still like this song, even though it´s one of those that sound flat since it just never "explodes"
05 Invisible: Not a huge fan, but after listening to the official instrumental, I really like the subtle details in the background.
06 Heavy: It's catchy, I'll give you that, but it´s definitely my least favorite on the album.
07 Sorry for Now: I really like this one. It has a great vibe, although I wish those chipmunks weren't there. It´s probably the only song that develops and takes you to different places until the very end.
08 Halfway Right: I also like this one, but it's another example of a song that I wish had a better bridge.
09 One More Light: Probably my favorite song on the record. Beautifully done, even though I wished that last chorus had a full band and some strings. Still solid.
10 Sharp Edges: Another song that I really like. And just like most of the album, I feel it lacks a better bridge at the end.


Overall a decent collection of songs (I don't see any of them making it to my top 10 or 15 LP tracks of all time though). Besides the chipmunks, and the lack of surprise on these songs, I still wonder why in the hell Shinoda can´t just have a real acoustic drum sound on these songs. What is the point of having a drummer track songs if on most of them, it{s going to sound like they were made on a computer. I feel like a lot of these songs (Battle Symphony, Invisible, Sharp Edges, to name a few) would have an extra "punch" and energy if they had Rob´s original drum track.

Edited by danielpsoad-09
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Edit: Sorry for Now is such a FANTASTIC song and it kills me that they overdid the electronic elements >.<

I actually think that's why I love Sorry For Now so much. The electronic elements add so much to the song.

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I actually think that's why I love Sorry For Now so much. The electronic elements add so much to the song.

I agree, and the ending "understaaaaand" by Mike reminds me of the release at the end of WFTE when Chester hit that high note. It builds and builds and has an awesome explosion at the end.

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I don't really like it.


This is a pretty quick reaction after the first listen, but it feels very forgettable to me. Most of the songs haven't really made an impact on me, aside from Good Goodbye for the features and Mike's verse, Invisible, and One More Light. Sharp Edges might've been better without the electronic elements. I liked where it was going in the first verse, but I think it took the wrong turn. OML, in fact, is probably the best song on the album for me, because it's a big change of pace from the rest of the album. I didn't think I would mind the modern pop production, and I don't necessarily mind it, but it just feels so...regular. Feels very 2017, in the way that I think a lot of other people could've made the beats here. Battle Symphony probably has the best one.


I don't know. It could grow on me - like I said, this is just the first reaction after a first listen. But I don't feel compelled by it. In terms of albums I listened to on or around release day, all of them prior to this (starting with Minutes to Midnight) grabbed me right off the bat, even Living Things. This doesn't really do that, and that's concerning. But I need to listen to it a couple more times, I suppose.

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I listened to it various times now, and I keep being torn. I like the record, but a few changes could make me love it. Without the chipmunks, the predictable 'breaks' etc. and some inclusion of maybe some proper strings etc. in some songs, better mixing and the guest appearences being gone, I think this would be already a much better album. Myabe it is a really hard grower, I will give it some more spins, but I can't believe I having a hard time getting into a LP record

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