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Everything posted by 1996_LP

  1. Lol that can't be true, surely??? xD Anyway, I hate most radio edits. Cutting out great parts of song just cause its 'not short enough. I mean, the deal with "let down" and the removal of half the solo!? Why not shorten the outro/fadeout instead!? The worst case of this probably goes to "Given Up" where they completly REMOVED the bridge of the song. No awesome guitar breakdown, no "put me out of my misery". All gone! It's not right to butcher a song like that. Seriously.
  2. LOL Not many people have clocked that, XD
  3. these vids are amazing. Ryan & especially Amir are extremely underated guitarists. I really hope we see more of these awesome videos in the future. Not just DBS, but LP too. I mean f**king hell, the solo in Condemed, i'd never be able to play that xD
  4. Yeah, i totally agree. LPL is ace for exclusives & news (not the mention the ultimate live guide it was named after) and LPA is fantastic for Lyrics/tabs, discography, info, images and facts And of course, they both have great forums. but I don't care what Hahninator & Derek say, its LPL vs LPA to the death!!! you cant deny it!
  5. typical. he's probably just burned god knows how many with the mp3 straight from LP live. I hate it when people do that, createing completly fake items & making a profit out of it. I feel sorry for the people who brought it now.
  6. +1 A greatest hits/best of album could be quite awesome. One that comes to mind is the band Sevendust. as well as having 4 b-sides of unrealeased tracks, they had alternate mixes and versions of hit songs. I can totally see LP doing that, especially tracks on Meteora etc. It;ll be great! Just not yet in my humble opinion. a couple more albums down the line i think.
  7. They should play HTF & E2R again. They didn't give them much of a chance back then, but now their playing chops have improved greatly since '03 they could really turn those songs into whole new animals now.
  8. I keep floggin this vid to death, but since you ask... The most epic version of P4MH ever! I was there, with new ominious intro. then as soon as brad hits the first note of the orginal riff the crowd just went insane! Performed flawlessly with chester adding new badass screams in the breakdown/outro. Just perfect
  9. Niiiice! Epic prizes. The're all good. props to whoever made this an international contest!
  10. Doing a chris cornell and making a dance/pop record xD
  11. Haha that riff is simlar. think is alot of songs heavy songs like that share a similar chord proggession (Slipknot's "virus of life" comes to mind) Good track though! I've always felt that "Sad Exchange" by Finger Eleven sounded a little like A.06 in its intro & verses (probably cause its in the same tunning aswel)
  12. one that i remmber clearly was "No more Sorrow" with the marching band (2007??) where brad messess up the heavy intro. lol Which was a real shame as that NMS could have been the most epic performance ever xD He's messed up the ebow part a few times too in other performances. DAMIT BRAD! lol
  13. Exactly. ATL & BB have as much chance as No roads left, ASP, lockjaw or ANY of the non-album tracks. If they ever are played, it'll be a random, one of performance. If that. Certainly not in the regular sets. Even if QwERTY & RME popped up every now and then, they certainly didn't last long.
  14. it has a hell of alot more chance to be played than "She coudn't" thats for sure! XD
  15. yeah, terrific idea. only problem is that it will either get spammed to death or just crash. lol But hopefully they'll record them all. I loved watching the last one!
  16. It'll be great if they took a chapter out of Sevendust's book for the next album or so. The've been working on their 8th record and posted videos DAILY on youtube, showing them practising/recording and basicly messing about xD They must have a hundred or so vids up now
  17. wow i'm impressed. The hunting is very unquie. The new album sounds very promising indeed
  18. I agree it should be HT related. Demos & new songs would be cool, but they can save them for LPU11 i guess. The least they could do is reissue & remaster HT (akin to the HTEP ten years ago) with all the bonus tracks (HV remix, My december etc) but I can totally see the majority of the fans boycoting the LPU for that xD But then again that sounds more like a comercial release, so who knows? to be honest i really cant beleive that there are many HT demos left. at least ones that sound drasticly different...
  19. I usualy agree with Astat on this, but comparing LP to Led Zep!? 0_o Another guy a couple of weeks ago was comparing them to f**king "Dream theatre"! I mean, C'mon... With that logic the majority of LP's catalogue is complete rubbish if you mesure them up like that. Great songs don't nessisarly mean super complex time signitures, intricate solos, crazy fills etc etc... thats what I like about LP, they can put together fantastic songs without going down that route. Sometimes simple is better.
  20. Nice thread. I'm also in a band myself for the past 4 years or so (though we've hardly done any gigs or even recorded our album yet xD) but we're determined to get something finsihed this year! We've been gathering up ideas for covers we'd like to play at some point, especially songs that are in our bands style and sound. Heres a taster of familiar & unfamilar song we'll like to perform... "Buy Myself" - linkin Park/Marilyn Manson "Hold me, thrill me, kiss me, kill me" - U2 "Passenger" - Deftones "The Passenger" - IggyPop/Michael Hutchence "Slip out the Back" - Fort Minor "Counting Bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums" - A perfect Circle "Coming Second" - Elbow "Tin pan vAlley" - Robert Plant "When Your Evil" - Voltaire
  21. 1996_LP


    Bloody hell, this thread is something else... The whole "killing fields" debackle the othe day bad enough. CHILL guys, Lp apparently has the best fans in the world, I cant say I agree with that, though we're certainly the most obssesive xD
  22. I have a sad feeling that most of the old songs will go (mentioned above) basically all the non singles from the 1st 2 albums. I'm not a big fan of LOATR & it isn't the best live, but could you guys really see them cuting it? something that was from the Twilight OST?!
  23. Yeah, chaz does that alot. In "no more sorrow" he points to the audience and sings "and I'm begining to think that WE'VE been decieved"
  24. +1 I was at the london show, & their performance blew me away. One of the best gigs i've been too Besides, what else could DBS do? they pratically played the whole album, what other songs apart from GMYN are there?
  25. 1996_LP

    Two Things

    argh what the hell guys, logged onto Demonoid, and I cant even find Julien-k on there let alone "killing fields"!? xD
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