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Everything posted by MONDREUS240

  1. You know...if the video wasn't mostly Transformers footage, it would be somewhat decent.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR_MQB2k49A :/ it would be 75% of Transformer footage...
  3. I'd like to see Robot Boy being played, but I have strong feeling that it won't. Other than that, I don't think that they will change the setlist that much.
  4. There may be hope for this video...as long as some of it is in color.
  5. It has nothing to do with logic. We are all expressing our different opinions. Thats what you do on a forum.
  6. Just listened to it with the vocal remove effect on Audacity...god damn... EDIT: Actually, while filtering the acapella track, you can hear all of Mike's background vocals a lot more. Even the ones during the second verse.
  7. I can see him throwing a neighborhood barbeque, grilling some hot dogs and wearing an apron.
  8. I currently see Mike as the frontman, since he's doing most of the press, interviews, and LPU chats.
  9. He seems like a very knowledgeable young man, and its nice to see someone giving LP fans a good name.
  10. Awesome! The $60 were now definitely worth it!
  11. My favorite song probably has to be Iridescent. I still have chills when I hear this song, especially when it's heard with WJ&L. My second favorite probably is With You or BITS.
  12. I agree 100% His voice also sounds a lot thicker on some songs as well.
  13. The next Live DVD should be in 3D!!!
  14. I have a feeling that this movie is going to be much better than the second. I'm actually kind of excited to see it now.
  15. OMG Yes! Finally a video with some originality and a story!
  16. You do notice that the effect wasn't even selected during the video?
  17. Its ok. Not as good as the original though, but it will probably fit better with the movie. I hope that they use the original for the video though.
  18. That pic in the preview better be the single cover, because its awesome
  19. I hope the video actually shows them playing the song unlike BITS XD
  20. Especially the way ATS has been selling
  21. I am actually very enthusiastic about the episodes being around 7 minutes, as apposed to the 2-3 minute ones we used to get! But still...The black and white still bugs me, it feels like watching something in low quality.
  22. Yay! The site's back! Can't wait for the exclusive
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