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Everything posted by MONDREUS240

  1. You should play on stage with LP more often, because you tell great stories XD!!!
  2. Wait...wasn't there a voting for Reanimation too?
  3. Uh..In my opinion it is... +1 Anyway IMO ATS>HT=MTM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Meteora
  4. If he ever tells you, he has to kill you.
  5. Lol! He looks so high in some of these pics, its not even funny XD! Anyway, I picked the last one. It looked the most human.
  6. ATS has a story, but its not a rock opera. Like all LP songs, the meaning isn't just given out to you. You have to discover it on your own and give it your own meaning. In case you guys forgot, your suppose to listen to the album as a whole. Who cares how many "songs" there are. A Thousand Suns is A Thousand Suns, not a collection of songs.
  7. Joe should sing a song by himself. I know he has that hidden talent.
  8. +9001 I love RB but I think its structure bores some people.
  10. Yea but it is more moving and it has a better hook. Plus LP had a hard time choosing it as a single to start with.
  11. Because its not a good choice for a single. Its not mainstream, its long, it doesn't have a common structure, but its a good song...but not a good SINGLE.
  12. Iridescent is probably going to be the last single.
  13. I don't see why people keeping saying that Blackout should be a single. Its the least radio friendly song on the album. Its an awesome song but it would not be a good single.
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