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New LP.com Intro: "A Thousand Horizons"

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Check out the new intro on LP.com - "A Thousand Horizons". This status by Joe says, "A Thousand Horizons. Coming soon to a Tokyo near you."


View the image here.


What do you think it could be? Do you think this has to do with the upcoming LPU Summit in Japan?



Upon further investigation, the website " http://www.1000horizons.com/ " has revealed this,


Translated from the text; also a video advertising the event can be seen below the text.


With the latest release of "A Thousand Suns", Linkin Park's musical pieces and artwork has evolved to a whole new level. And now on September 9th, 2011, the night before the Thousand Suns Japan Tour final performance, you will witness Linkin Park like never before with a completely new art show at Roppongi nicofarre.


A Thousand Horizons Show


We will be streaming a special art film combining the unpublished remix of "A Thousand Suns" (world premiere) and nicofarre's visual effect. After the show ends Linkin park will be doing a talk session and you can view all this over at Nico Live! Don't miss out!!



Thoughts on all of this? Do we have any users attending the event? Let us know!




Edited by LPxDC
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Sounds like a DVD title to me for some reason...maybe they'll finally release a DVD like Frat Party for the ATS cycle, that'd be amazing.


Sounds like a DVD title to me for some reason...maybe they'll finally release a DVD like Frat Party for the ATS cycle, that'd be amazing.

I hope so


Sounds like a DVD title to me for some reason...maybe they'll finally release a DVD like Frat Party for the ATS cycle, that'd be amazing.

It'd probably be in black and white though


Possible ideas? New DVD like Frat Party, possible LPU Summit in Tokyo, the name of the tour in Asia?

Posted (edited)

Maybe it'll be a Live-DVD with the or one Tokyo from this year.

And 'A Tokyo' maybe, because the show would play in Tokyo, but if you buy and watch it at home, not living in Tokyo, you see LP playing a show in Tokyo at your home -> so the place you watch the DVD could be the Tokyo they mean.


Sorry for this complicated explanation :D

Edited by Jats

i think "a tokyo" has nothing to say. sounds just more interesting than "coming to tokyo soon", in my opinion.

i highly doubt it's gonna be something like Frat Party, since it's clearly restricted to tokyo. Maybe ATS front to back, I don't know.


In my opinion i think its a live bootleg cd/dvd like live in Texas and im thinking we are gonna see a new setlist also, i just have a gut feeling.


If they play a new set in Japan, they'll probably play that set in Florida. I'm going to Florida. That would be dope.


lmao at all the speculations, nothing really great has come out the ATS cycle so lets just wait and see what this is . and lol at people saying new sets.


Sounds like a DVD title to me. I hope its something like Frat Party. It'd be cool if they had commentaries for all of their music videos, extended making of's or something along those lines.

Posted (edited)

Brad mentioned in the recent LPU chat that he was looking forward to debuting Robot Boy "in a special setting" or something to that effect. With that in mind, the only thing I can think of that makes any sense is that they'll be doing ATS all the way through when they play in Tokyo. I'd be shocked if it was anything different.


The DVD idea makes no sense whatsoever, they wouldn't have a title ready before they even play the show that they're recording, and they probably wouldn't inform people of where it was being filmed ahead of time either.

Edited by Astat

... the only thing I can think of that makes any sense is that they'll be doing ATS all the way through when they play in Tokyo. I'd be shocked if it was anything different.

What I first thought as well.


I wish it were a remix album, but somehow I have a feeling that LP won't do that again. It also could be something like a Tour Documentary, but it's true that it would be weird to announce that before it's shot.


I've collected some funny ideas of LP fans on Twitter and put them up in a poll. Don't take them all serious! XD You can vote here: https://adiek84.wordpress.com/2011/08/23/li...usand-horizons/

My fav ones are: a restaurant in Tokyo and "it's nothing, they just like to lead us on" XD


i for one dont want another frat party type of DVD. The only reason that dvd worked was because it was a mixture of live/tour and FUN. They are old and 'mature' now and i just dont think they can pull off the spontaneous fun and laughter they used to do.


i for one dont want another frat party type of DVD. The only reason that dvd worked was because it was a mixture of live/tour and FUN. They are old and 'mature' now and i just dont think they can pull off the spontaneous fun and laughter they used to do.

Have you seen their recent LPTV episodes? They're as lively as ever, they're not exactly as old as the Rolling Stones or anything.
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