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Does anybody have this pic in a larger size? Or the actual picture or photoshoot rather than the crappy magazine scan? Lol.

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Edited by Skipees
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Just a quick dude, can i put the link of dsp's downloads?

Just checking

No, DSPs cannot be shared here anymore.


Quick question... Does anyone know what Blackbirds is about lyrically? I always thought either addiction because there is a lot of references, but also about maybe having bad luck. Anyone know?


Quick question... Does anyone know what Blackbirds is about lyrically? I always thought either addiction because there is a lot of references, but also about maybe having bad luck. Anyone know?

Not really any way of knowing what ANY LP song is about (besides specific ones like TLTGYA or In Pieces). The band has said they want the listener to find their meaning for their songs.


What happened to the Tech N9ne Remix?

And what happened to the january remix (january was supposed to be the last month, not december) and the Lost In The Echo remix contest winner? (they said the remix would be released)

And what happened to the january remix (january was supposed to be the last month, not december) and the Lost In The Echo remix contest winner? (they said the remix would be released)

An answer for every question:


The band stopped giving a shit. Those remixes were horrendous anyway.

Posted (edited)

An answer for every question:


The band stopped giving a shit. Those remixes were horrendous anyway.

Doesn't excuse dropping the ball on stuff that was supposed to happen, particularly with the LITE remix contest winners - The main aspect of the "grand prize" was being officially released through the Living Things Remixed program.


Anyone remember that big t-shirt design contest the LPU had a couple years back where the winner was supposed to have their design sold through the LPU web store? That never happened either. There's a bit of a precedent for crap like this, unfortunately.

Edited by Astat

I know there not legal here so don't think I'm asking for them but...


Have New Divide/SOTD/BTH/BID been cracked into multitracks yet? Just saves me from continually searching the internet.


Does anybody have this pic in a larger size? Or the actual picture or photoshoot rather than the crappy magazine scan? Lol.


I think I have a copy of this magazine, I can scan the article it when I'm next home if no-one finds a link for it



Not really any way of knowing what ANY LP song is about (besides specific ones like TLTGYA or In Pieces). The band has said they want the listener to find their meaning for their songs.

I would add Carousel and Across The Line to songs that seem to have a direct meaning, and Chester has certainly attached that meaning to Breaking The Habit, although again, that one could be about any sort of habit - hell, mike may have had a really tough time trying to stop himself cracking his knuckles or biting his fingernails... :lol:

I do think that the band has ended up writing quite a few songs about drugs, but it's correct to assume that we should never assume anything! they're designed to weave with one's own life, and I think there are tons of songs that you could make fit that genre if you wanted to -


Part of Me ("this part of me won't go away"...)

Papercut (paranoia)

Crawling ("something inside me", lack of control)

Runaway (despair, guilt)

By Myself (paranoia)

In The End (relapse)

A Place For My Head ("you try to take the best of me" could be personification)

Don't Stay ("just give me myself back")

Somewhere I Belong ("I want to heal")

Easier To Run (guilt and relapse - "so much simpler than change")

Figure.09 ("hearing your name the memories come back again" personifying?)

From The Inside ("throw it all away, 'cause i swear, for the last time, I won't trust myself with you" personifying?)

Nobody's Listening (cries for help?)

Numb (physical side-effects, "I may end up failing too" guilt?)

Wake (the title theme of destruction and one's personal 'wake' is interesting - Chester's problems in '05/'06 etc. this song sounds like a rebirth)

Given Up (suicidal thought)

Leave Out All The Rest (guilt)

Bleed It Out ("throw it away" appears again, who is the "you" chester is saying must face the problems? himself?)

What I've Done (easy - tons of destruction ideas in there)

No More Sorrow ("you"/"yours" personifying? "liars and thieves abuse power with greed" - unsavoury types)

Blackout (the "beautiful hallucination" line from the rough scat intrigues me, but in the final track the "you"s could again be personifying)

Iridescent (getting clean?)

Lost In The Echo ("so conditioned I could never let go" - 'conditioning' is a really interesting term to use here, psycho-pharmacology stuff)

In My Remains ("wash away the worst of me" cleaning up, addressing issues?)

I'll Be Gone ("climbing through tomorrow" - progression)

Castle of Glass (tons of healing metaphors, "poison" idea)

Powerless (obvious)


I am by no means suggesting that every single one of these songs is about drugs, but they can be related to that issue. I love all the different multiple layers and subtexts in the band's lyrics, and it's something that fascinates me as an ability...


Really good post LGraham. I agree with almost all of what you said. There are a lot of death metaphors on MTM. Shadow Of The Day and Valentine's Day are also songs about death. Blackbirds is also about drug addiction. It's obvious.


''I sweat through the sheet as daylight fades as I waste away'' - Drug addicts and alcoholics sweat A LOT and waste all day sleeping to recover from the day before. It's a cycle.


''I shiver and shake the warm air cold'' - Drug addicts and alcoholics get cold even when it's hot sometimes. They also shake.


''The light goes dim, the fever stings, as I shake from the hell that the habit brings'' - Most obvious line. Alcoholics especially get fevers a lot. And habit is the keyword. Also various other lines in the song.


Interesting, I'm always bad at this stuff, but maybe it's just me but honestly I care a lot more about the music then the general meaning of a song. A song could be deep and thoughtful as hell but if the music sucks I won't lke it.

For me it's also different because English is not my mother tongue so it's a lot easier for me to "ignore" the lyrics and just pay attention to the sound of the words.


I was always curious what other people think about this.


I know there not legal here so don't think I'm asking for them but...


Have New Divide/SOTD/BTH/BID been cracked into multitracks yet? Just saves me from continually searching the internet.

as far as i know, there is no news about that yet, because they changed the encryption method.

I know there not legal here so don't think I'm asking for them but...


Have New Divide/SOTD/BTH/BID been cracked into multitracks yet? Just saves me from continually searching the internet.

Only "Burn It Down".

People know there has been a ''theme'' for each LP album. Gives insight into what the songs are about as a group.


Hybrid Theory - ''The lyrical content of the songs primarily touches upon the problems that Bennington encountered during his childhood, including child abuse, constant and excessive drug and alcohol abuse, the divorce of his parents, isolation, disappointments, and the aftermath feelings of failed relationships''. That's from Wikipedia. No idea if this was said somewhere or if it's false but it could work. Overall this album is about adolescent problems and issues like paranoid, depression, drug use, anxiety, etc.


Meteora - Brad said Meteora in Greece was a place people went to find themselves. That being said, this album deals with finding yourself and facing emotions. Obvious one..


Minutes To Midnight - In LPTV, Joe said What I've Done was about ''Recognizing and accepting the faults of the past and trying to move on with the future'', then he said that is really what the whole album is about. Another obvious one.


A Thousand Suns - Dealing with nuclear warfare and personal issues. A lot of paranoid and emotions that would happen with people if the world went into a nuclear war state. This wasn't said by a band member but this is my opinion.


LIVING THINGS - Dealing with emotional issues and relationships. Mike said back when this album was being made that the lyrics this time around were more about relationships and emotional issues. With songs like LITE, BID, LGM, IBG, Roads Untraveled and Powerless, I can see this. The other songs also all deal with emotional issues.


Hybrid Theory - ''The lyrical content of the songs primarily touches upon the problems that Bennington encountered during his childhood, including child abuse, constant and excessive drug and alcohol abuse, the divorce of his parents, isolation, disappointments, and the aftermath feelings of failed relationships''. That's from Wikipedia. No idea if this was said somewhere or if it's false but it could work. Overall this album is about adolescent problems and issues like paranoid, depression, drug use, anxiety, etc.

Well that can't be right, given the fact that the majority of the songs on HT were written before Chester even joined the band.


thanks Geki, I agree on the absolute TON of death metaphors in MTM. and yeah, I gues Blackbirds could be a part of that. I haven't listened to that track in literally years...


Interesting, I'm always bad at this stuff, but maybe it's just me but honestly I care a lot more about the music then the general meaning of a song. A song could be deep and thoughtful as hell but if the music sucks I won't lke it.

For me it's also different because English is not my mother tongue so it's a lot easier for me to "ignore" the lyrics and just pay attention to the sound of the words.


I was always curious what other people think about this.

I've never considered the fact that having English as a 2nd language would make your enjoyment of music a much more pure experience.

I'm an Arts person so I tend to be very attentive to analysis of things like images and literature. I attach a lot of my opinions upon music to the words, but I've never thought how much it could make me like a song that was musically quite poor :P


I guess my only equivalent (from my extremely limited knowledge of German language music) would be that I bet you would have a totally different way of listing to Rammstein than i do. I know very little of the language, and now that I think about it, I do tend to appreciate the tone and delivery of Lindemann's voice, it's almost another percussion instrument to me, like a tuned drum. and the backing track does have to hold my attention for me to consider it a "good" song. yet on the opposite side, I am a really big fan of 30STM, but having started to play some songs of theirs along to a CD, I do notice the relatively simple formula thay have in their songs - their sound is pretty vast, but its all based upon about 5 chords just played in different orders and a few alterations. I'd been so taken by the words and voice, that it had totally escaped me until I properly sat down and worked it out practically.


I'm glad you posted AndOne because I find this kind of thing really interesting. If my degree course wasn't just about purely visual Arts, I would have done something about music's impact on society - this is exactly the sort of thing I love.

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