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Pooch on South America: "I was told that there was no promotion made for the purchase of the South America DSP's. So the priority is to finish Europe and then work on South America. They WILL be released but not until late November, early December."

I'd come here exactly to ask about it...

so, some more time to wait ._.





Anyway, would be so cool they release the Brazil DSP in December 3 (my birthday) :D

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Manufacturing factories for these vouchers are located in Berlin and Stuttgart for now, so please let me know your closest location so I can send you a direct link to your voucher. :)

genius. plain and simple.


Pooch on South America: "I was told that there was no promotion made for the purchase of the South America DSP's. So the priority is to finish Europe and then work on South America. They WILL be released but not until late November, early December."

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! >.<


Thanks for info Mark!


Talking with a guy came the question: which process of mixing DSPs? Does Pooch only take the soundboard recording and edit it or he uses some program?


Talking with a guy came the question: which process of mixing DSPs? Does Pooch only take the soundboard recording and edit it or he uses some program?

The DSPs actually aren't a direct board recording like a lot of other bands release. LP's entire performance is captured in a giant multitrack Pro Tools session, then Pooch and Dylan go through the whole show and remix/edit it, then split up the tracks accordingly. It's essentially the same process you'd go through mixing an album, except with about twice as much material, and a much tighter time frame to get it done! But that's why LP's DSPs take a week or so as opposed to bands like Metallica who put their live recordings up within a day or two - most bands just take a direct board feed, throw a normalizing preset on it to balance out the volume, split the tracks, and upload it. LP actually goes through the process of mixing each show like they would for an official live CD.


Manufacturing factories for these vouchers are located in Berlin and Stuttgart for now, so please let me know your closest location so I can send you a direct link to your voucher. :)


Posted Image


Paris is my favorite show of the 4 so far. The guitar part after Faint is cool. WTCFM is really good although I think the best bridge of that song is Berlin...can't beat the megaphone and Chester going AHHHHAAAAA in Berlin LOL. The set sounds great, the crowd rocks. PMA on ITE. APFMH. Paris rules!


Paris is my favorite show of the 4 so far. The guitar part after Faint is cool. WTCFM is really good although I think the best bridge of that song is Berlin...can't beat the megaphone and Chester going AHHHHAAAAA in Berlin LOL. The set sounds great, the crowd rocks. PMA on ITE. APFMH. Paris rules!

This, exactly my thoughts.

Just had a massive fight with Windows Explorer and iTunes, lol. Anyway I finally figured out how to get the tags EXACTLY correct for Linz, so that's up.


Please delete the version you have of it that you have now and redownload this version with the 100% correct tags. The pictures ARE included, so Linz is totally done. Phew.

Posted (edited)

thank you guys!


tomorrow you ll find Frankfurt public recording (wav) on wbb.

Just downloaded and listening i ll put it up this night...



and btw there is something wrong with the forum in firefox (at least in mine)

Edited by verbatim2

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