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Everything posted by Hybrid1988

  1. After the song finished I almost word for word thought this to myself.
  2. Holy shit I actually like it! The lyrics are dumb as hell but the delivery is great! This track is a banger! Just a fun song. Looks like I'm now 1-3 on OML tracks now
  3. I'm more excited for this than One More Light
  4. Mike, pls stop. You just can't pull off that braggadocio style. We're 3 songs in and I can't see how exactly they benefited from writing lyrics first. I haven't seen anything that is a huge improvement over their past material. Hoping the beat is good. Maybe then I can just tune out the lyrics and listen to it like a piece of ear candy.
  5. Oh man. It's becoming more clear every day that this is not going to be an album for me. The good news is that with all the info and leaks trickling in, I am being let down softly rather than all at once on release day. If they wanted to go the pop route, I was hoping for something along the lines of Purity Ring, Chvrches, The Weeknd, or Bruno Mars. Instead it looks like we're getting material reminiscent of Selena Gomez, Katy Perry, and Twenty One Pilots. I'm still holding out some hope for OML, Talking to Myself, and Sorry for Now because I quite enjoyed what I've heard of those songs so far. Such a sad state of affairs for someone that has been following the band since 2000 and has loved most of the bands output since. Well, I guess 17 years wasn't a bad run eh? Better than most!
  6. What a completely unremarkable song. Better than heavy but that's not a huge accomplishment. I felt absolutely nothing listening to this song. It was just there. That might be worse than a bad song because at least a bad song would elicit some emotional response.
  7. Now THAT'S what i'm talking about. More of this please! These small clips (although alternately arranged) sound WAAAAY better than Heavy. Good lyrics, super catchy, (and especially with OML) with lots of heart. Now, I am a little excited for this album.
  8. I know people that went to this show. They definitely DID play a new song. It wasn't broadcast for whatever reason.
  9. Much love and respect to Chester. It's refreshing how honest and open he is.
  10. Can LP go back and replace BID with the version they performed on Facebook? That would be greeeeeat.
  11. lol, I've learned to not take mike seriously before an album drops. Homeboy has a track record of saying some contradictory shit.
  12. I'd be more upset if they didn't whore their names out to a bunch of other pointless shit (I.e. That infinity speaker, project spark, stage light, transformers toys, 3D figures, nendoroids, etc. etc.). I'm a year there will be no mention of it just like the rest of that stuff nobody asked for.
  13. This is what bugs me. After being up on his high horse and taking shots at the pop scene he makes something like this. Makes his whole attitude and persona seem manufactured. Chvrches latest material shits all over this song. Oops! Edit: whoa I don't know how the quote formatting got screwed up. I'm on mobile so I'm not gonna bother fixing it. Sorry :/
  14. Whoa, didn't expect so many people to dislike this. After getting called out for being negative on the big two fansites, my opinion seems tame compared to what others here have expressed. Looks like we got another polarizing album cycle ahead of us. This is gonna get interesting.
  15. Oh hey! The song is not nearly as bad as I expected it to be. The vocal delivery is much much better than what we were shown in the clips leading up to release. The production is also top notch. That being said, the song is just ok. Not bad, but not amazing. I was surprised to see how short it was. Left me thinking "That's it?". Interested to see what the rest of the album brings. uch a long wait until release. I'm expecting they're gonna really market the hell out of this thing if we gotta wait three months. But with only 10 tracks, are we going to go back to the old school approach where we only get to hear the single and 1 other song? Or will they go THP route again where we get a handful of songs to tide us over? The real anticipation begins now.
  16. The new JK album was fantastic. They've really come into their own with the CA Noir material
  17. Based on all the clips, I Still think the song sounds generic and boring but that's a pretty cool album title. I can dig that. No strong opinions over the new logo. Same shit but within a hexagon. People are going insane over it though so I guess they're on to something. Funny how LP is dropping a song tomorrow and going pop while incubus (who's been mellow for a while now) is also dropping a song tomorrow and apparently their new stuff isn't going to be mellow. This is such an ass backwards year of music for me.
  18. LP isn't a jam band, that may be a big part of why it won't happen. Foo Fighters on the other hand, those dudes JAM. I've seen numerous foo's members live in other bands and those dudes love to improvise and just rock out to songs on the fly. Great musicians.
  19. Ha! My life doesn't revolve around LP so sorry I am not a regular. When I have a more favorable opinion of the bands output, i'll post it here first. Until then, I guess you'll just have to put your big boy pants on and deal with the fact that people have dissenting opinions I suppose.
  20. I'd say that the whining about everyone else's whining is much more annoying. Let people have dissenting opinions. I always thought the point of a fansite was to discuss the bands material, not jerk each other off about how amazing everything they do is (to be fair, LPL is much better at avoiding this than other fansites).
  21. They'll definitely tour with twenty one pilots this cycle. Edit: oops originally quoted the wrong person
  22. Those lyrics sound like some teenager venting on tumblr. Not impressed.
  23. We're on video 6 of 8 and I'm still not hyped. Bummer.
  24. "Heavy" lolololololo Well at least this leaked so some of us don't have to wait another two weeks while they drag out realeasing info.
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