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Everything posted by leftshoe18

  1. Another fan reporting in that I do indeed think this shit sounds good.
  2. You can't have an album leak if you release the full album beforehand.
  3. I don't follow a ton of bands closely anymore (too much work and kids) but Korn with their latest album posted a clip of lead single Rotting in Vain a week or two before it was released to generate hype (as well as lead singles for at least their previous 4 albums). Nine Inch Nails on the other hand have released the lead singles for the last two full albums completely out of the blue (Discipline with 2008's The Slip and Came Back Haunted with 2013's Hesitation Marks) to promote the album. I guess it really comes down to the label and the band themselves though I remember Linkin Park doing the promo clips before lead single releases since I started following pre-album stuff back in 2005/2006 as a teenager. Personally I like knowing that a band I like is up to something. It let's me build hype and anticipation for the product instead of just suddenly having it. It doesn't feel "earned" in a sense I guess. To use NIN as an example again - they just released a new EP in December a week after announcing that there was going to be new music. There was no real hype period and we didn't know for sure that Trent Reznor was really up to anything prior to that.
  4. https://www.instagram.com/p/BPyBrSugp6Z/ Looks like Garrix played a bit of the song in a live stream.
  5. They could pull a Nine Inch Nails and say literally nothing until a week before an album's released.
  6. New NIN this week and new LP coming soon! I can't wait!
  7. Cool stuff! Are you gonna work on a second verse and complete the song? That would be really cool. Adding a chorus to Animals and/or Asbestos would be great too.
  8. Wow this has a really cool sound. A little disappointed it never got finished honestly.
  9. Last Line was a Minutes to Midnight/A Thousand Suns era song. Devil's Drop was probably made in the early stages of Living Things when they were doing folk songs. It Goes Through could be from the early Hunting Party batch since it's just Mike and has an "indie-pop" vibe.
  10. New movies get released to theaters on Fridays and home video on Tuesdays here.
  11. Pretty excited for the new Linkin Park track as well as the Rivers Cumo collab.
  12. I haven't even been able to listen to this yet.
  13. I said it when I first heard the song and I'll say it again. It Goes Through is Mike's attempt at a Nine Inch Nails song.
  14. In Minnesota there's regularly people walking around in shorts and a sweater. I always think to myself, "If it's cold enough to wear a sweater...why the fuck are you wearing shorts?"
  15. Well that was unexpected. Edit: doesn't really sound "Linkin Park-ish" in the slightest. Cool little instrumental but nothing special.
  16. Does anybody think After Canada and Divided May have been leftovers from the VMA scores?
  17. I looked at the previous 2 release threads. They were 4-ish and noon-ish. Edit: central tume
  18. Anybody think LPUTV for LPU14 might have some making of for The Hunting Party?
  19. My guess was 12 EST/9 PST which I believe was the time the site went down for upgrades. Most releases in the US correspond to the East Coast so it would make sense IMO.
  20. At a point in time that we have not yet passed.
  21. We never have the tracklist until it ends up in some fan's hands.
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