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Everything posted by Xero21

  1. These are way better than the "high quality" release that came out a few years ago. Those were not very good at all. I actually preferred the original rips over them. These sound great.
  2. It should really be called Iridescent (Transformers Edit).
  3. I'm not seeing anything different from what we already knew.
  4. Ah yes, the album in 2011 posts. I was one of your doubters. The battle continues.
  5. What did we doubt you about again?
  6. I think the entire LP community should plan a vote attack at around 10 pm est.
  7. No, you can continue voting until it gives you an error message about voting too many times and taking a cool down period. Until you get that message, keep voting. And we really need it right now. In the past 10-15 mins it's gone from LP leading with over 51% to it almost being tied at 50%. Vote for Linkin Park people! Edit: Fuck, Paramore just took the lead. rally the troops one last time!
  8. Xero21

    Robot Boy Live

    I don't see why they couldn't just play the song as it is on the album, with just Chester and Mike singing the "main" melody.
  9. I don't think it's related to the live setting/meeting the band. Though that's a complete assumption since really I have no idea what it is.
  10. Absolutely. Which was inevitable. Linkin Park is a rock band that has been around for 10 years. Mainstream music fans are extremely fickle. The Billboard Hot 100 is currently being dominated by artists such as Katy Perry, Ke$ha, Chris Brown, Usher, etc. So I'll take Linkin Park's bad Billboard charts as a compliment.
  11. Just quoting this so everyone gets a chance to see it. I don't know anything more about it, but apparently LPUX may redeem itself yet.
  12. In my opinion, the $60 dollar price-tag has not yet been justified. Not everyone can make it to an LPU summit one day of the year somewhere in their country. Concert pre-sales? already had those. band chats? already had those, except the quality has even gone down because the chats aren't really moderated anymore. it's just a bunch of spam/stupid questions with snarky answers from the band members. LPUX CD? Already had LPU CD's. As for the OP's question, I have no idea what they should do. I know what I'd *like* them to do: Give us some b-sides (full b-sides, the rough instrumental demos are cool but they have more "complete" songs lying around). A monthly release maybe? I'm not sure 12 songs from the vault a year would justify a double in price, but maybe since they're exclusive unreleased songs it would be worth it. I know I'd have no hesitations paying 60 bucks for that. Edit: Though apparently something good should be coming for the LPU soonish that will make it worth it.
  13. It seems like they are. I hope they do, it would definitely help get music out quicker.
  14. I don't think it's talent nor confidence. LP just works differently than other bands. Take Julien-K for example, since a lot of us know about them. Their process seems to be this: 1. Create song idea. 2. Work on song for a while. 3. Once it is a rough song, with vocals and instruments, call it a demo, move on to a new song. It seems like JK does that process with a couple songs at a time. LP's process seems to be this: 1. Create song idea. 2. Track a rough version (like "Oh No" the PoA demo) 3. Move on and start a new demo. LP seems to kind of have a bit of a musical ADD if their process is the way it seems. Instead of doing the JK process of developing a few ideas into "full" demos, LP keeps their demos very rough, and keeps bouncing from idea to idea. Starting with A Thousand Suns though, LP started to take on a bit more of the JK process. As Mike said on his blog, they would separate some of their demos into "batches," and then work on those couple songs extensively. So basically, it has nothing to do with talent or creativity, they just have a different way of going about things. And as for Mike being the creative force in LP, it is true, it does seem like he creates a lot of the demo ideas. But Chester is no slouch either. And after seeing the ATS process, Brad plays a bigger role than I had originally realized.
  15. Not offended. I agree with you.
  16. It is a sad but true fact that people's donations depend on the quality of the music, even though the music is just supposed to be a bonus.
  17. I don't blame him. This was a quick little song made in a week to be included on an album thats sole purpose of existence is to benefit the thousands of people who are suffering from an earthquake/tsunami/nuclear meltdown/all hell breaking loose situation, and a bunch of people are on the soundcloud bitching about how it's boring. "cry me a fucking river you ass-clowns." is probably what I would have said. I'm not surprised he took down the post either, the song was made for Japan, not a remixing contest. it might look like he was using the situation in Japan for self-promotion.
  18. Literally it means "together," It's the closest Japanese way to say "We're In This Together."
  19. Good job at whoever misspelled Issho as Ishho. "Ishho" isn't a Japanese word. XP I like the song. Especially the beginning. Reminds me of Radiohead or The Postal Service.
  20. I can only assume this would be a good thing?
  21. I did, and it seemed like I was reading replies from two completely different people. Sometimes he'd be all like "nah I don't have problems. Chester's cool. I met Joe he's cool. blah blah." Then other times he was all like "lol fuck you and fuck Linkin Park. Mike is not a real MC. Joe can't play anything live. they made a subliminal diss record. they started this. blah blah." So basically, I've gathered that the guy is a little...off. Either way, he's trying to promote his band's new album by starting controversy because they have no buzz what-so-ever right now. He's not the first to do it this way.
  22. Wrong. He's been talking shit about everyone in the band but Chester. Calling them "Pro Tools," saying Mike is not a real MC, saying he'll "finish what they started" because he thinks Step Up is a shot at them (even though it was written over 10 years ago, fucking moron). But honestly, we should move this thread from Got News. It isn't news. It's some guy from a band most people have forgotten about trying to use Linkin Park's name to generate buzz, shockingly enough, around the time when Limp Bizkit's new album is supposed to come out. Let's not give it the attention.
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