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Everything posted by Alexonlyalex

  2. I dont wanna imagine what will going on, if they would play in a smaller club ala DBS. I mean at least 1 girl has been already knocked out.
  3. Well, all i can say on this is that, Warner malaysia/taiwan/korea has made excellent job on promoting LP on Radio televison and ect. The second most amount of Promo CDs/DVD's are coming from there.
  4. If somebody needs mine, pm me.
  5. Guys, you must understand that both, the concert host (the company which organizes the concert) and LP's management must be 100% sure that the concert will be at least to 95% sold out otherwise it doesnt make sense to play. It seems to me that in your countries Linkin Park CD's are not sold well, thats the reason why both (the host and the management) thinks that nobody will come to the concert or at least too less people to make money of it. And well, since both (host and management) are looking at the sellings to analyze success of a band, you guys have to make the sellings better instead of making some petitions, thats how the bussiness works.
  6. I really wonder how that thing tastes like, never seen it in europe.
  7. This whole thread is officially completely fail. And I think I speak for everyone if I say that they fucked the promotion for the secret stuff up.
  8. I think that all LP members have unlimited access to LPU.
  9. I remember, once he told that he even toured with his theatre group across usa.
  10. 2 awesome songs in 1, just awesome
  11. It was said the song as soon as downloaded, will be usuable outside the game.
  12. Laaaaaaaaame. lol
  13. If I'm correct, then "Pictureboard" is a song that LP played once back in 2000 live and never again, either live or studio. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. You are such a bragger, hahaa
  15. You guys still remember Dead By Sunrise Interview on bonedo.de? (http://bit.ly/b8h7R2) Well, the second part is online now, Amir and Ryan explaining how they play certain songs live and many other stuff. http://www.bonedo.de/workshop/gitarre-bass...p;type=workshop Don't miss PART 2 at the bottom.
  16. This And continue being with warner after the overnext album(or at least without renewing the contract with better conditions and more freedom)
  17. oh gosh, please shut up, and think before writing.
  18. That girl was right behind me, and her sister left to me, she didn't speak english so I called chesters Bodyguard. She couldn't breathe, but to be honest I didnt wonder because, I couldnt breathe either, the people were pushing so hard that it was impossible to move right way. Chester was def. right by going away, its hard to imagine what there was going on. Anyway I was really afraid of her, but it turned out well, it could be much worse than that.
  19. I bet you will truly love delta fiasco if you see them live.
  20. Well its brazil, is anything else need to be said?
  21. I'd rather LP with Jk and Delta fiasco, but the tour period wouldn't fit I guess. I hope dreaming is not forbidden.
  22. hmmm, thanks for thinking that I'm stupid. Btw. it might be true.
  23. Hello guys, once again there is some new content on bonedo.de. This time it's Julien-k explaining how they work, what it takes being a musician and what theire music is about. A really deep view inside their work you shall check it out. http://www.bonedo.de/feature/allgemein/int...p;type=features Thoughts?
  24. You are right, I edited it.
  25. A little reminder for all of you, if you guys didn't see this interview, please check it out!!! Chester Bennington, Ryan Shuck, Amir Derakh, Elias Andra, Brandon Belsky and Anthony “Fu” Valcic met up with the bonedo team at the last Dead by Sunrise show in Europe in the Docks club in Hamburg, Germany. Few minutes before the show the band explained how they met each other, how the band came together, where the energy for a new beginning is coming from and how the songs were written. Beside this, the band introduces their live equipment in the Gear Check video. Moreover bonedo.de raffles an Orange Tiny Error “Hard Wired Edition” autographed by Ryan Shuck and Amir Derakh. All you have to do is to answer the question: "What is the first song on the Dead By Sunrise album Out of Ashes?" In quite some days an interview with Julien-k is coming up on bonedo.de, you may not miss it. The interview with the band is here (http://www.bonedo.de/feature/allgemein/int...view/index.html) The raffle is here(http://www.bonedo.de/feature/allgemein/akt...nnen/index.html)
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