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Everything posted by Alexonlyalex

  1. For more information visit http://lp-collection.net
  2. Hello guys, I just want to let you know that we are finally done updating our site. We updated our add/edit interface which makes the whole work a lot of easier. For more information just visit, http://lp-collection.net
  3. MIKE, ANY PLANS OF SUPPORTING LPLIVE.NET WITH INFORMATIONS, VIDEOS AND SO ON? WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE SOME OOA REMIXES? CAN WE EVER EXPECT ALL REANIMATION SONGS PERFORMED LIVE? CAN WE EVER EXPECT HTEP PLAYED LIVE? WHAT ARE YOUR FAV. LP FANSITE'S? WHAT IS THE IPHONE GAME ABOUT? IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKE A VOTED SETLIST FOR A LIVE GIG? A TRACK ON TIMBALANDS NEW RECORD IS RUMORED, WHAT CAN YOU SAY ABOUT IT? WILL YOU EVER PRODUCING A NONRAP BAND? THE LP FANBASE WISH MORE LIVE CLIPS FROM YOUR SHOWS, IS IT POSSIBLE TO ARRANGE AT LEAST 1 PROSHOT CLIP FROM EVERY SHOW LIKE FOR EXAMPLE METALLICA DOES? IS IT POSSIBLE TO RELEASE QWERTY LIVE CLIP FOR EXAMPLE ON LPU? ANY PLANS ON RELEASING A DVD/BLURAY WITH REMASTERED VIDEO CLIPS? ANY PLANS RELEASING METEORA / HYBRID THEORY ON A DVD? IS IT POSSIBLE TO RELEASE SHOTS FROM RECORDING HYBRID THEORY / EP? Is gonna be anything special on HT/reanimation/meteora anniversary? Is a best of cd planned? You said you've recordered over 300(correct me pls) songs for MTM and only 13(+1 LPU) made it to the album, why is it so hard in generellyto release couple of them for the fans? Is warner able to say "NO" to songs they dont like and just throw them out of the album? Will you renew your contract with Warner? Is another Linkin Park book planned? There is no making of OOA dvd, is gonna Linkin Park go the same way on the new album and release small webisodes before the album drops? Reanimation was great, isnt it time for another remix album? Why does Japan always gets bonus tracks and b-sides? Is it possible to release bits and samples for fan remixes? WE NEED TO TALK questions: Bugs Bunny or Superman? Modern Talking or Kraftwerk? Google or YAHOO? LPL or LPA? Twitter or bloggin? Hybrid Theory or Minutes to Midnight? Linkin Park or Fort Minor? Star wars or Star trek? Germany or USA? Democrats or republicans? Simpsons or Family Guy? Baseball or Basketball? Warner or Machine Shops? Itunes or Thepiratebay? Sweet or sour? Lost or Dr. House? Photoshop or Paint?
  4. lol, guys cmon, we'll get the video soon enough.
  5. wtf why are you all saying that Pro7 does not air in HD, all such tv total events are in HD, at least 720p. Like even all normal TV total episodes are in HD.
  6. I even dunno who you are talkin about.
  7. I think the organisation is much better this time, I bet this is gonna be epic.
  8. Awesome, just joined, really hope you have success.
  9. hmmm awesome, for my taste it needs "into you" and the setlist were perfekt.
  10. So guys, for some reason I didnt get my confirmation mail, is there someone who is ready to offer 1 ticket for me?
  11. Hey guys, jost got an email from EMP.de , it says we can expect new Ve'Cel Collection in the end of January. Do you guys like Ve'Cel? What do you think about it?
  12. YAY awesome If there are no other german tour dates I'll go there. My fav programm on tv.
  13. Somebody should advertise for LPL, like " hello, I'm balbla from lplive.net, my question ...... "
  14. Cant wait for the best show of the year (Stuttgart)
  15. Just updated http://lp-collection.net
  16. My live in texas is in Jewel case too.
  17. I would say, that this is a good start
  18. hmmmm how does a place for my head sounds accoustic? Hard to imagine
  19. I wish they would release a special edition with a dvd, instead of spoiling everything before the album is out. But I guess there are many ppl who likes this case of releasing videos.
  20. No one posting here anymore, hmmmm Hybrid Theory Ep (re-issue 2001) Hybrid Theory Hybrid Theory(special, limited, 2disc,korean, zippo lighter edition) Hybrid Theory Advance Hybrid Theory Sampler (version 1) Hybrid Theory Sampler (version 2) In the end pt.1 In the end DVD In the end DVD Amaray Crawling CRAWLING DVD Crawling DVD Amaray Crawling cassette Single Papercut One step closer Frat Party at the Pankake festival Reanimation Reanimation DVD PTS.OF.ATHRTY PROMO(street team sampler cd with sticker) PTS.0F.ATHRTY PTS.OF.ATHRTY/ H! VlTG3 H! Vltg3 Promo Vinyl Meteora (Special Edition) Meteora (Tour Edition) Linkin park Interview disk (somewhere I belong) Somewhere I Belong Blue Promo Somewhere I Belong Numb Faint Blue Promo Faint Faint Vinyl Faint/From The Inside Blue Promo Breaking the Habit DVD Live in Texas Live in Texas Cassette Collision Course(Cd/DVD) Numb/Encore Minutes to midnight Minutes to midnight tour Edition Minutes to Midnight (Limited black covered fan edition+DVD) (4X) What I've done What I've Done Vinyl Shadow of the day UK promo Shadow of the day Vinyl 7'' Given Up (2 track) Leave allout the rest (2 track) Road to Revolution Road to Revolution 10 Trk Promo Songs from the Underground New Divide 3 track Other: Family Values Tour 2001 And some more I dont remember.
  21. I dont like hiphop in any (only the rhymes on LP's albums) way, I dont like Fort Minor too (its a good album but I dont like it), and I dont like this song too.
  22. Well bazinga! is a story for itself. I even dont sure if the Admin is a fan, I mean they are making huge profits with their illegal store, they are selling selfmade cds for like 10 bucks+S/H each. In the past they sold a lot of more things. I think its all about money out there, I left the community because they translated chesters exclusive LPL/LPA interview,and didnt put a credit to the sites so fuck them.They are realy kinda asocial, at least the admin.
  23. May I use it for http://LP-Collection.net?
  24. Tommorow "She Couldn't" CD on http://LP-collection.net
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