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Everything posted by Alexonlyalex

  1. Yeah dude, fuckin awesome. I hope that my first time will be less problematical.
  2. Why do understand everybody under *care* talking on stage? It's a part of it. As I wrote this thread I thought about things like LPU, lp.com contests, about the support team of lp/lpu, Internet activities of other bandmembers, contact with the fans. All these(for me, MY opinion) are not so good as they could be.
  3. Thats the biggest advantage if youre livin in USA. I'll go to Japan or USA on exchange programm, I ask myself why didn't other people did the same as you did? I guess there are lot of fans in california.
  4. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280320178385&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBUAA:DE:1123 $50,00/EUR 39,07 not bad.
  5. Alexonlyalex

    Hello LPL

    Thx, I have no idea how I changed the settings, well I think it was done by itself.
  6. Alexonlyalex

    Hello LPL

    I see all replys of any topic as a tree, Is that the new feature?
  7. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280319760400 Sold for US $318,00/EUR 248,95. Seems to be rare.
  8. It's not our fault if the tour managers want have lp in germany. who is going to the show?
  9. A small update: Hybrid Theory Ep (re-issue 2001) Hybrid Theory Hybrid Theory(special, limited, 2disc,korean(?), zippo lighter edition) In the end pt.1 In the end DVD Crawling CRAWLING DVD Papercut One step closer Frat Party at the Pankake festival Reanimation Reanimation DVD PTS.OF.ATHRTY PROMO PTS.0F.ATHRTY PTS.OF.ATHRTY/ H! VlTG3 Meteora (Special Edition) Meteora (Tour Edition) Somewhere I Belong Numb Breaking the Habit DVD Live in Texas Collision Course(Cd/DVD) Numb/Encore Minutes to midnight Minutes to Midnight (Limited black covered fan edition+DVD) What I've done Given Up (2 track) Leave allout the rest (2 track) Road to Revolution Songs from the Underground Other: Family Values Tour 2001 Amazon Germany have problems with J-k DtA
  10. Cmon dude, they said they don't want let us wait so long.
  11. I don't understand why everyone say that it's warners fault. I guess they can't forbidden them to have more contakt to the fans or things like that.
  12. I have to drive around 400 km to stuttgart, and? lp is worth that.
  13. I asked my parents, you can stay in our house if you can fully pay for yourself.
  14. I talked to ym parents, and found out that they have to go to stuttgart in this periode anyway. So I don't have to pay for the transport.
  15. Alexonlyalex

    Hello LPL

    So guys, I had a great night, and now?
  16. My parents support me. They'll say that we are going to like disneyland and I can't come to the last day.
  17. YEEEAHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY FIRST LP SHOW YEAHH
  18. I've found a mistake on http://lplive.net/julienk.php there is no *site* category on the right side.
  19. I wanted to get it for max. 100$.
  20. I can't understand why you're discussing about countries which are not announced yet. Try to be patient, it's too early anyway.
  21. I wonder where they got so much money for all these bands.
  22. OMG!!! US $232,50 for http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280319760400
  23. no, I mean the organisation was very bad. Like in Köln (I guess) they sold only beer and after the show the fans couldn't drive by train because it was closed by police.LP was good as I heard
  24. THe last europe project revolution in germany was totally bad(I've heard, very often) I hope they'll leave PR at home this year.
  25. If someone is interested he says: So we don't need to wait so long.I can't wait. A little bit different translation but has the same sense.
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