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Everything posted by Alexonlyalex

  1. a new cassete is on ebay http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280320178385
  2. http://nca.ru/rus_concert.php?itemid=184 All in one; 26.07.09, tickets are going to sell on 16th march, a part of the project revolution tour. Saint Petersburg. Any thoughts, comments on that? EDIT: from LP Newsletter: LINKIN PARK TO PLAY TUBORG GREENFEST IN RUSSIA Linkin Park will play the Tuborg Greenfest in St. Petersburg, Russia on July 26. Pre-sale tickets for LPU members go on sale Monday, March 9 at 10am (local) until Friday, March 13 at 7pm (local). Tickets go on sale to the public on Monday, March 16 at 10am (local) at www.muzbilet.ru or by calling +7 812 303 33 33. Myspace Source
  3. http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280319760400 http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280320178385 your thoughts? I'll try get it for 70 bucks(I don't have at this time more ( )
  4. You could make a photo.
  5. I took last year mainstream songs, take something everyone know and everyone likes like what I've done and shadow of the day. The reason is that many people don't like when someone is screaming like on Given up Or you could make an accord old LP vs. new LP ( I would take OSC VS What I've done).
  6. I guess OSC was my first song(video) I was like 8 and I had absolutely nothing to do with music, then 2004? breaking the habit I loved this video. Then 2007 I have seen webster hall concert on pay-tv after that I looked in internet about this band and thought like yeah they are cool. So I guess webster hall concert brought me to LP.
  7. How long do you collect? (I guess since around 2001)
  8. How I already wrote, metallica does even a lot of more for their fans and this since 1993.BUT I guess metallica shouldn't be an example because they're like fan'aholics, there are always any fans in backstage (through invitation), They played 3 private birthday shows (for metclubs members, through winning a contest) and they try to communicate with the community as the time and the family allows it. Thats even not officially, they are doing it because they WANT to stay with their fans.(Metallica is on warner too) I'm not trying to make LP bad, I love this band and I will be a fan till they stop making music, Im trying to understand why they're doesn't make anything special for their fans anymore. I mean without us they're nothing (and for some fans the other way around)
  9. A very very good question!!!
  10. My oponion is that they are like tired of this all. I mean since 2 years they play almost the same setlist on live shows. A friend been on köln concert last year, he says like *0 conversation with the audience, seemed like they made their job and went to another concert*. Its even like they dont show any creativity less than don't take care of fans. Machine shop records is responsible to lpu. I guess they have just a bad management there.
  11. I would like to know what do you think about LP's relation to us.
  12. what happened to this great band? (( Fans are nothing worth for them anymore, maybe important to buy cds not more
  13. I believe theyll come to germany. And if im joining then correctly, I want bonus pass (im collector anyway).
  14. Im from germany and if they gonna be on rock am ring(im park) or something like that, I want to be sure that I will get ticket through LPU (because of M&G). Thats acctually the reason why I want to join the club. the lpu fan pack is nice but not really important for me.
  15. I want to join lpu next month and I want to know some reasons (to except lpu fanpack) why did you joined the club. Also I would like to know what does annoying you in or on lpu. Does somebody know metclub(metallicas fan club)? A friend is member there for like 10 years, he says that lpu is acctually pretty bad and they don't really take care of lp fans. What can you say about these thoughts?
  16. A very nice idea, what are going to do with the money youll get for the shirts? And whats about europe and asia, how you want to sell the shirts there?
  17. Hybrid theory EP, they put more creativity in this than in any other album cover.
  19. an update: Hybrid Theory Ep (re-issue 2001) Hybrid Theory In the end pt.1 In the end DVD Crawling CRAWLING DVD Papercut One step closer Frat Party at the Pankake festival Reanimation Reanimation DVD PTS.0F.ATHRTY PTS.OF.ATHRTY/ H! VlTG3 Meteora (Special Edition) Somewhere I Belong Numb Breaking the Habit DVD Live in Texas Collision Course(Cd/DVD) Numb/Encore Minutes to midnight Minutes to Midnight (Limited black covered fan edition+DVD) What I've done Road to Revolution Other: Its goin down Family Values Tour 2001 Thx Serg
  20. I thought you want to buy in real shop some records. Well, how I said try to find some good shops in knebworth.
  21. I saw 1 on amazon.com 130 dollar.
  22. I know from my experience that it's always cheaper to buy cd's online. Online you can also find some cd's that not possible to find anywhere else. But in uk you can find some collectors shops with really rare but cheap stuff. Just google a little bit. Try to type in google something like *rare vinyl cd shop UK* or something like that.
  23. We have over a million songs on our planet, its logical that some sounds similar.
  24. LPU1(HTEP) Hybrid Theory In the end pt.1 Crawling CRAWLING DVD Papercut One step closer Frat Party at the Pancake festival Reanimation PTS.0F.ATHRTY Meteora (Special Edition) Somewhere I Belong Numb Breaking the Habit DVD Live in Texas Collision Course(Cd/DVD) Numb/Encore Minutes to Midnight (Limited black covered fan edition+DVD) What I've done Road to Revolution
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