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finally got this to work.

although if people tag each other in photos as a means of getting them to see the photo, or "something I did" it doesn't have the personal effect it should - a DVD game a friend bought is hardly something for that old lady to screaming about :lol:


but it is a pretty cool idea


The little boy is Mike? I can kind of see it in the eyes/smile. But I thought it was just stock footage.


It's a bit strange that Mike, who's a pretty private person, would put this pictures in the video.


I expected from the video much much MUCH more. I thought it would be something post-apocalyptic, with this guy running from somebody or just like From the Inside and with the band playing music for moments. A bit disappointed.


the best one: :P

Posted Image

:o :o :o

Mike just posted THIS on his blog.


Looks like people having trouble will be able to see a non interactive version of the video on Linkin Park's official YouTube page in a couple of days.


Nothing loads for me when I go to lostintheecho.com. All I see is a black page and "____ and 1,000 others have shared this on Facebook."


YouTube, anyone?

use google chrome,idm installed,facebook a/c logged in,wait for some symbols to go black under "connect with facebook",when they will all gone black one by one,video will be played,or simply,if the idm gives you the option to download any kind of thing,download it,single's size is 41.something MB


Nice idea but I'm sorry, the video sucks IMO.Video does not match the pace or style of the song what so ever.

I took as the guy with brief case is like a soul eater or something like that. Gives his victims the photos, the look and see reflections of people they hurt etc. they die and shatter, then he eats their souls. You can see him kinda chewing while people are crumbling

Again, nice idea but video does not suit the song


biggest let down of a linkin park music video in years.

people staring at each other, crying and looking at pictures. wtf?


and how the fuck do they call this "interactive". "interactive" comes from "interaction" as far as I know. Interaction means, I can interact with the stuff as taking action and not giving my personal stuff to some random media.


biggest bullshit in years. empty spaces is the greatest piece of music compared to that ... I don't even know how to call it...


Eh, I thought it was an interesting idea. The storyline was really really vague, though. I didn't really get it whatsoever.


Finally got the damn thing to work...the scenery of this video is cool, and the whole "crumbling" thing at the end made it interesting, but other than that, the whole video is just...awkward. It doesn't help that it decided to pull the dumbest photos it possibly could off my Facebook page. :lol:


To be honest, if they had clips of the band performing along with the storyline, it could have been a great video. But without any trace of the band in the actual video, then its not really Linkin Park. They could have just used any other song by any artist and it wouldn't have even made a difference.


I quite like the video. To me, the people in the video are survivors of some event that has devastated the world's population numbers. These survivors lost loved ones and were never able to say goodbye to any of them - hence, they are clinging on to memories/pain/suffering and not letting them go.


Gino's character comes in with photos of said loved ones. This is the only part I can't work out - whether he is there to help them or if he is some kind of demon/spirit equivalent to the likes of death. Him taking the photos that the people leave behind after they turn to dust makes me think there is menace behind his actions. But it could also be perceived that he's helping them to 'move on' - hence they look at the images and turn to dust after letting the frustration out.


It's really quite clever and thought-provoking when you think about it.


Though I'm not sure if a photo of me G-rated tea-bagging my brother's girlfriend takes away from the meaning of the video :lol:


LOL, this facebook interaction stuff was funny.

I watched it with my girlfriend, and she freaked out when whe saw our photos there... That was hillarious. At some point I guess she thought that everyone sees this version that we saw... LOL

She didn't know that I connected it with my facebook.


At first I thought it took photos from my PC, but it was quite strange that it took exactly those photos out of tons of photos I have, but then dumb me realised that it took it from Facebook.

I had a photo of me with LP crew member there from Odesa show 8-)


Strange music video overall. Gotta read some explanations of the meaning by Mike or whoever stands behind it.


BTW, I saw such kind of 'interactive' video once. It wasn't music video though, but it also used people's photos. It was something like - Look at this person, he saved us, he is number one, etc. And then photo of you everywhere - in newspapers, bigboards... But it didn't take photos from facebook. As far as I remember, user had to upload someone's photo, and send the generated link to this someone, whose photo was used.


Haha, that was really weird when they start crying seeing my photos from the party))) Yes, that was really awesome parties, you missed that but why cry? :lol:


very interesting video indeed. I liked it... but it was very strange. i guess it could have a longer story, but it was cool to see a little change and see a video without the band.

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