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New Album Speculation


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As they head into 2009, LINKIN PARK are hoping the year will produce a new album. But frontman MIKE SHINODA says they want it to be more than a basic record. He explains, somewhat cryptically, "the goal is to do something bigger than just a record, not just release it as an album but release it as an album and some."

Source here.


Thoughts? It's a concept album, but what else? A TV series? A two-part album? A remix album and a regular album combined? An interactive album? Any other ideas?


Edit: A user submitted this from LPZion.org:


"This is the most interesting part of the interview from polish Teraz Rock magazine. Article is called "Linkin Park - Pterodactyl's flight" and it's, interview, about new album. Here are the words of Joe Hahn:"

"It's a new audiovisual experience. We try to use new technology to be the leading player in what will become the music business. Get ready to interactive audiovisual project. This will be the culmination of everything you went through with video clips and so on. This will be happen in some kind of fantasy world." It is not known whether the multimedia project is a concept album which was announced by Chester Bennington."


Source here.

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Man this is great.. I'm just hoping LP will have more than 12 final songs on the new album, atleast. And another Hahn instrumental would be cool since he only stood and rarely bobbed his head the whole MTM Tour

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It's hard to come up with reasonable predictions with just that quote, but it's interesting to specualte.


If the album has a strong concept with a definitive storyline throughout the album, then maybe they will have a book of paintings or a graphic novel of some sort that illustrates the concept as well.


On a side note, I always thought Minutes To Midnight was gonig to be a concept, but it didn't turn out that way. What I've Done, Hands Held High, No More Sorrows and The Little Things Give You Away are the only song that could fit a ''concept''. But even these can be interpeted in a million different ways....

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i'm kinda worried about this... i just want a new freakin' album on CD with approx. 10-15 tracks, in a nice classic square-shaped glass box or eventually digipack (a bonus DVD would be nice but it's not necessary). i just like to keep it simple, maybe i'm old fashioned, i don't know. i really hope, they won't do anything lame...

Edited by igus
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I know this kinda might seem really off the wall but maybe they might do it as an application for an iPhone or iTouch. Like it would an interactive game that would depict the songs. But there could be like many possible stories depending on the choices you do throughout. I know it sounds stupid to me too just a thought.

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i'm kinda worried about this... i just want a new freakin' album on CD with approx. 10-15 tracks, in a nice classic square-shaped glass box or eventually digipack (a bonus DVD would be nice but it's not necessary). i just like to keep it simple, maybe i'm old fashioned, i don't know. i really hope, they won't do anything lame...

What do you mean by ''lame''?


I would like Linkin Park to do something really experimental, like TLTGYA-ish, only longer. They should try to write a 10min epic track. THAT would have been awesome! And not write short, radio-friendly, mainstream, made-to-be singles (Leave Out All the Rest).

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What do you mean by ''lame''?

by "lame" i mean releasing an album thru a video game for example... that's just my opinion.

I would like Linkin Park to do something really experimental, like TLTGYA-ish, only longer. They should try to write a 10min epic track. THAT would have been awesome! And not write short, radio-friendly, mainstream, made-to-be singles (Leave Out All the Rest).

and here i have to agree with you. 'The Little Things...' is definitely my favorite song and it's became to be it, even before i heard it! the way the band described that song in the interviews before the album's release... it really stimulated my imagination. and i loved the final effect. Edited by igus
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I thought that maybe they would package a disk with at least 1 demo of the final song, you know, just to show the process (or some of it anyway) of making the song. Its the most logical thing i could think of...

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now you guys had gave me an interesting idea. how about a DVD, showing the actual recording of every track. you know - six angels, every single one showing the recording of the final track that made the album. that would not be lame but interesting for me, although i don't know how about you guys. i remember that short footage from LPTV showing recording of 'No Roads Left' and i remember there was also some short footage of Brad playing 'QWERTY'. i don't remember it exactly 'cause i haven't watched it since a long time. i really liked it although it was really short.

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this is def some good stuff...

i really cant wait for this to come out.,... hopefully they make an entire instrumental song a good 5-7 minute epicness!

hopefully Brad does some solos on this too. hell any members do any solos

but deff need more Hahn... i hated that he looked so bored during Given Up at my show.. he jus stood there

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It's kind of hard to predict this, because a lot of this stuff has been done before.


Accompanying video/movie for the entire album = Pink Floyd: The Wall

Graphic novel for the entire album = Coheed and Cambria: Good Apollo Volume 1

Video game based on the album = Kiss: Psycho Circus


LP's said that the album will be something nobody's done before, and specifically that the method in which you recieve the album will be something new. It'll be interesting to see what that entails, and if they're actually doing something that's never been done, or just building upon something that somebody else did already.

Edited by Astat
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this is really interesting.


i'm guessing that when it'll be initially released, it'll be a video/movie, with nothing but the audio from the album (no speech, scoring etc), but it'll definitely eventually have a physical/digital album release.


on the other hand, joe said that it's "interactive," uses "new technology" and that it takes place in a "fantasy world." it's hard to speculate at this point, but i'm pretty excited for more info on this.

Edited by parth196
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that's cool but LOL "This will be happen in some kind of fantasy world."


Joe just smoked weed? LMAO


hmm.. maybe something simular to DaftPunk has done,

electroma and Interstella 5555 .


Full movie with just Music on it. BTH video-ish thing. i dunno.

Agreed with you man

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