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Posted (edited)

He's singing part of the chorus for The Catalyst. I can make out the: "like memories in cold decay, transmissions echoing away" part. And then he's also doing a lot of "oohing"

i was wrong about some of the things i've heard during that part. nevermind, it sounds pretty cool. when we get the dsp I'll try to play the piano parts :3

Edited by linkin_boss

Does anybody know where i can download the madison square concert garden 2008 ??

Yeah, it doesn't realte to the topic but I think I can give you an answer anyway :D


The DSP is available for purchase here. There's also an audience recorded DVD out there which shouldn't be that hard to get. Just have a look at some torrent sites, should be easy :)

Posted (edited)

RIP Mike's testicles


lol, and Chester has more energy in him! and he's putting more scream in a lot of the heavier songs!


Edit: Just watched ND. The breakdown sample was a "little" too loud in the mix and it made me jump when it started.

Edited by MONDREUS240

LOL Mike was awesome!

He laughed at people when they didn't know how to sing the last part of Bleed It Out when Chester screams "I BLEED IT OUT" and we're supposed to sing "diggin' deeper just to throw it away".

Him and Phoenix were talking about it during the song lol


but guys, check this out.




he really is the best

i asked him about the video we made and he was like: yeah dude, i just posted it on my blog. thank you guys so much!

really cool :)


They love their fans really B)

Posted (edited)

The proshot videos are terrible. I found better audience recordings than those. The muted sound like it was recorded from away was so annoying and made it really hard to play the videos from beginning to end. Thankfully there are fans who got a better recording. Professional my ass.


On a positive note, i am very much taken with the bands energy and cohesiveness with their performance. Brad seems to change his instruments with the same frequency as Britney Spears changes costumes in a show. The bands energy is awesome. They are definitely having as much fun as the audience. And i couldn't ask for anything better than that. And the new album sounds great live. Those songs excite me more than the old stuff and the performances of them are beyond awesome.

Edited by arbiter

The proshot videos are terrible. I found better audience recordings than those. The muted sound like it was recorded from away was so annoying and made it really hard to play the videos from beginning to end. Thankfully there are fans who got a better recording. Professional my ass.


On a positive note, i am very much taken with the bands energy and cohesiveness with their performance. Brad seems to change his instruments with the same frequency as Britney Spears changes costumes in a show. The bands energy is awesome. They are definitely having as much fun as the audience. And i couldn't ask for anything better than that. And the new album sounds great live. Those songs excite me more than the old stuff and the performances of them are beyond awesome.

you´re stupid!!! Sorry...


The video was showed on TV in High Definition...if the Rip is bad that´s another thing! But the PROSHOT is there (I have it in my SKYHD in FULL QUALITY)


Well, I loved watch these videos last night on tv. I didn't expect see Chaz screaming that way on BTH and Crawling. Fuck yea *-*


A little info: The same channel will make a resume from the whole festival. There's the possibility they show some different song, or not.


Nah his voice has become lower and more powerfull, he didnt have that energy in his voice in 2008. His voice is more like the HT/Meteora days imo.

i completely agree.


Just watched all the video and he sounds way better than anything ive heard from him since 2005 (besides One Step Closer which sounded weak to me and sounded better in 2005/2006/2007)


A few thoughts on what I have seen:


- the band definitely seems to be having more fun again onstage

- seeing Papercut live again is awesome

- getting a definite 2004 vibe from Chester... LOVING IT!!!

- it took them a year, but New Divide now sounds excellent live

- for the first time in YEARS, I have enjoyed Crawling live


Makes me that much more excited for them to start the US (well the Canadian portion) tour and finally see them!!!

Posted (edited)

mikes voice on the radiance O_O


great performance by LP in brazil!


joes hair :lol:


new divide was awesome . best ND performance ever!

Edited by SpikeMinoda
double post

haha wow AWESOME! Chester's screams sound much more powerful than they have in the past few years. His energy on stage is great also. I'm so pumped for the North American tour wooo! :)

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