LPxDC Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 We told you we’d have another contest coming, so here we go! A year ago today (10/13/2009), Dead By Sunrise (Chester Bennington & Julien-K) released their debut album “Out Of Ashes” to the world. To celebrate the anniversary, LPLive.net wants to give you, the community, a chance to win a signed copy of “Out Of Ashes”, signed by Chester Bennington, Ryan Shuck and Amir Derakh. The CD originated from the LPST (Linkin Park Street Team) in 2009 as a part of their promo contest for the album. How do you enter the contest you ask? Simple! Post a reply to this thread saying which Dead By Sunrise song you can relate to the most and why. You have one week to get your entry in! On Wednesday, October 20, a winner will RANDOMLY be chosen to win the CD. This contest is open to anyone in any country around the world…aka internationally! Ready, set, go! Quote
hahninator Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 Sweet! Very generous of you. Thanks! Quote
HaloXero Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 any chance we could get pics of the actual prize? Quote
Xandersilk Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 The song I relate to the most off this album is "Fire", because I know a lot of people who have died and this song gives me hope to believe that they are looking down on me and watching over me. Quote
LPPanther Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 I'd have to say I relate most to Inside of Me or Inside Me or whatever it's called. Great lyrics! Quote
hawk Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 A year already? Shiiiiittt..... I know dude! I didn't think so either. I'll write my song a little later. Quote
LPsoldier0303 Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 I felt OOA was such an underrated album to start things off lol. The song I strongly relate to is "Fire". In December of 2008 I lost my best friend, my dog Kirby. She was a golden retriever and I loved her more than anything in this world. We spent days and nights together. She was the sweetest and greatest dog I could ever ask for. Unfortunately the Tuesday before Christmas Kirby became very ill and had to be put down. I was with her when she was put down. I held on to her as tight as I could until I felt her fade away. Im crying right now typing this out because it just hits me so hard. The reason the song is so significant to me is because Im not a religious guy but I kinda always believed in the guardian angel kinda thing. I listened to the song that morning after it was available on iTunes as a single and I stopped dead in my tracks when Chesters lyrics hit. I mean I know its kinda sounds silly but I immediately thought of Kirby and started to cry because it just fit so well with how much I missed her and how I felt she was watching over me because she knew how much I loved her even up to her last moments. Now I dont want sympathy on this because I have come to terms with her being gone and still miss her but Id never use this story for personal gain. This was just a felt a prime time for me to share my story of how much a song or album can instantly effect your life. Thanks guys Quote
LPxDC Posted October 13, 2010 Author Posted October 13, 2010 ask and ye shall receive. ill make you believe!!! voila!!! Quote
MaggotTheory Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 The song I most relate to off of Out Of Ashes is "Let Down". It spoke to me on way further levels than most Linkin Park songs. As some of LP's material just pushes me down further into hating people. When "Let Down" helped me forgive. I've related with that song lyrically on so many levels. Whether it be lowered standards of the dating world, or just flat out being scared to care about another human being, "Let Down" was my voice. My reason as to why I wasn't at my best. This song would be in my head through all my meltdowns. It's been a whole year since this songs release and a whole year to heal emotionally. Quote
RoddY Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 For me, the song "Too Late" has a special connection. When my ex girlfriend and I broke up she tried to fix it. This song obviously left a mark. She and I are no longer together, but I always think of her when I play "Too Late" Quote
hahninator Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 "Into You" easily, apply that to my relationship for sure. "You'll always be the one to catch me when I fall into you", etc. Quote
hi_c21 Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 The song I can most relate to on the album is "Fire". My great aunt passed away a few months ago, and it was incredibly hard on my mom and I both. Listening to this song always helps bring me closure and helps me realize that she is watching over me and I can feel her with me through everything each day. Quote
anjum Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 The song I really relate to is 'Fire'. I am really attached to the song on an emotional level. The song came out just a few months after my Dad's death & the song's lyrics kinda reitirate what I felt. The song really lifts up my mood, considering how true is it that though I can't see him or hear his voice or feel his touch, he is still with me, through all my life's ups & downs, keeping an eye on me, helping me, supporting me. Looking in the sky, I can feel his gaze on me......... Quote
linkin_boss Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 I guess the song that i can most relate to on OOA is Too Late. there are so many things that happened lately through my life (I even told some of them at the start of this year on personal life subforum), and there are many feelings through the song that feels just like what i've felt, like regret, lonelyness, and how I've been trying to get outside those hurtful memories, but every way comes back to what happened with those certain ones... and theres nothing that i can do to turn back time and pick a better path... Quote
parth196 Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 wow, so many beautiful lyrics to choose from. and i can relate to a good number of them. i've gotta go with let down. i've been in two relationships where i was ready to give my all to the girl, but in the first case she was not prepared to do the same at all, and in the second case, we had terrible misunderstandings and i wasn't given a second chance (i'm still trying to this day, the relationship ended about a month and a half ago). the lyrics and performance of let down, especially the acoustic performance in 2005, almost always get to me. close alternatives include: crawl back in, too late, condemned, into you, and in the darkness. damn, such a great album. it's a shame that it was so quickly forgotten in this community. Quote
Anality Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 (edited) the song i can relate to most is "Let Down" considering my erectile dysfunction problems Edited October 13, 2010 by Anality Quote
JessicaCandy133 Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 One of my favorite songs on Out Of Ashes is Fire because I love the lyrics and how I can relate to it. I can relate to this song because I just moved somewhere and I left all of my friends and most of my close family members. And everyday when I look at the stars I know one of my friends or one of my family members is looking at the same exact star I'm looking at and I think of all the great times we had. And I know all of my family and friends are waiting for me and I don't need to get locked up in the past because I know I can still move on without changing myself or my past. I know they'll be waiting for me forever. We'll always be right beside each other even if they aren't really right there next to you. They're always there for me and inside my heart. Quote
Geki Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 (edited) The song I can relate to the most is Condemned. With my current situation in life, I feel really bad about myself. Anybody that read the LPL Loveline thread knows all about it. It just sucks and it seems to be getting worse and this song always helps me get my aggression out. EDIT: Here is why: I have been dating this girl since February who I truly love with all of my heart. But I feel like she always uses me just for my money and my car... And I know that I for a fact, TRULY love her. Her parents always treat me like shit and verbally abuse me, like she does. And I do everything for that family all the time. I spend at least 80 bucks a day on them. And I get nothing in return. And I'm stuck between a girl I love, and my family and friends who hate her. This is why I relate to Condemned, because I feel condemned, so to speak... I really hope I win this prize because I am a huge DBS fan even until this day... Edited October 13, 2010 by Geki Quote
Mafiosa Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 The music that I most identify myself on Out Of Ashes is 'Fire' because this song was released at the same time I lost my dad, he died and at that moment I was disconsolate, aimlessly, not knowing what to do, sad and unhappy and Dead By Sunrise launched Out of Ashes and for being the first song, I identified with 'Fire' and it was my comfort, my place to strengthen me, cause in that moment I was so frail and sad. As always, Chester always composes lyrics that I identify, but 'Fire' in special was made for me and for my father, than today is no longer among us. ♥ Quote
Killerbarbie Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 "In the darkness" has got to be mine. Why? It gives me special feelings.... *make me happy on my b-day the 20th please?* Quote
Legend Posted October 13, 2010 Posted October 13, 2010 Mature Content Ahead. Readers Discretion Is Advised, por favor. I wasn't happy whatsoever with the Out Of Ashes album, however, I did relate to one song very well. It actually was a splitting image of my life. If I was to make a song to match my life and put it on an album, it would be this shitty ass song on this shitty ass album. Crawl Back In is my life in song form. And might I say, my life isn't all that interesting. Or is it? Back about 47 years ago, I was raised by a very abusive family. They would beat me, burn me, starve me, and mentally abuse me. It was brutal. It sucked waking up every morning, knowing I'm about to get a whipping with a leather belt because I wouldn't eat my shitty expired Raisin Bran. I cried myself to sleep every night, hoping for my escape. My escape from this world. I thought of suicide. No. I was too scared to swallow bleach. I thought of running away. No, I was too scared of playing frogger in city streets. I didn't know what to do. So there I lay, every night, depressed, abused, alone.... flooding my soul with never ending tears. I woke up one morning with a purring sound on near my window. As I poke my head out a window, I see the most gorgeous sight I have seen in my life. It was a little Kitten! This little grey kitten looked up at me, and stared at me. Not budging an inch, just gazing at my eyes. As I gazed back at this poor kitten, I knew we had a connection. His eyes gave me life. The best day of my life and the worst day of my life was seeing this kitten. I knew I had a friend in this kitten, however, I was saddened to see his glossy glass eyes, making me remember my depression and sadness every night as I lay there crying. I instantly took this kitten under my wing. As my friend. As my family. I gave him a proper name of Milky Way. Because I like Milky Ways. This was by far the most amazing and longest lasting Milky Way to stay by my side. I knew we were meant to be. Milky Way and I were the best of friends. We would spend all night telling each other ghost stories, and we would spend all day playing tag. Milky Way would always win. I don't know what it was, but I think me running in my rain boots to chase Milky Way slowed him down. Milky Milk didn't see it coming that day when I was wearing Rocket Skates! The little bastard still outran me. . Milky Way was the happiness in my life. And then the most dreadful event of my life happened. I went to bed, Milky Way by my side. And I was happy, knowing that all the depression and abuse my family would give me was gone once the Milkster was around me. As I woke up the next morning, ready to rub The Milkinators tummy, he was gone! All that lay there was a ransom note. "If you want you're fucking cat back, come in the kitchen... bitch." Was this a sign? Was this a joke? Did Milk Mak-A-Lot leave this note for me? I put on my Superman T-Shirt and a red cape and I run to the kitchen. And then it happened. I fell on my knees and started crying. My Milk Man was a gonner! My Milkwilky was DEAD! He was beaten to death with a 2x4, my family standing there, laughing at me crying my eyes out. I was so depressed. I couldn't take it. My only happiness in life was taken away by my abusive family. What could I do? I didn't know what to do. I start gasping for air. I can't breathe. It felt like my lungs were collapsing. My vision starts to blur. I close my eyes. It felt like my eyes were closed for ages. I remember opening my eyes and seeing blood everywhere. My family members, dead on the floor. I look at my hands, I had blood drenched all over them. My clothes were soaked in red liquid. Did I do what I just think I did? Did I completely massacre my family? I didn't believe what just happened. Their helpless bodies just lay their on the floor. Holes in their bodies. Holes? It seems like a hole was dug in each of their bodies, right into their heart. Their hearts were gone. I look around, and I see a bowl of fresh meat. Yes, it was the hearts of my family. I was about to destroy their hearts, just like they destroyed mine. The anger I had towards them built up inside of me, and I did what any pissed off mother fucker would do. I sat myself down to their helpless bodies, and I ate their hearts like it was the most tender cut steak I've had in my life. And I enjoyed every minute of it. This was revenge! This was my revenge for what they did to Mr. Milky Johnson. This was a very tragic part of my life, but it was so important to me because it showed just how crazy love can drive a man. This event made me finally get rid of all of the pain over the years, and connect with my only love in my life, Milky Way. Sometimes I look at my own face, And I don't know who I am: These lyrics have a lot of meaning to it. It signifies how whenever I looked in the mirror, I couldn't recognize myself. I could never picture myself as a strong, brave, sexy human being like I am now. I was always a little pussy bitch. But now, I'm a man! Hear my roar! I see a piece of everyone I know, Buried underneath my skin: This refers to my carnivoristic characteristics in my life, of my families flesh and blood swimming in my body. I don't wanna be like them, I wanna crawl back in: Refers to me not wanting to be horrible, abusive, human beings. I just want to crawl back into my quiet little hole of a bedroom with My Milker and lay in peace forever. I hear them telling me who they think I should be, Why won't they leave me alone? I can't deny it, I try to fight it, But I'm losing control Refers to my family abusing me, telling me that I would be a nobody in life, and that I should be just like them. I just wanted them to leave me alone for good. I tried to fight it for as long as I could, but eventually I turned green and muscular, and ripped through my jeans, and went incredible hulk on their asses. Don't wanna lose my innocence. Don't want the world second guessing my heart. Won't let your lies take a piece of my soul. Don't wanna take your medicine. I wanna crawl back in Refers to me being such an innocent, sweet, cute young man. I didn't want people to guess how I felt about my family. I didn't want my families abusive goals in life take over who I was. I didn't want to take their laced Advil pills. Whatever the fuck was in it, it killed my dog Peppy. And lastly, refers to my bedroom. I hope this story touched your hearts as much as it touched mine... and my families. I love you Milky Way. DBS made this song for us! Never forget! Quote
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