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Great! :D I bet you are proud of that... I refer you to this paragraph of my "big" post:

"Some of you claim this will bring back exclusiveness and feeling special as a fan back. NO IT WON'T. Adam said there will be no more exclusive content! So don't count on that. You will feel more special and be a bigger fan cause you've paid 60 instead of 30? You can just feel SNOBBY, and some would consider that STUPID. You won't be special, because from now on most of the members will be one-timers who come to get pre-sales and M&Gs. "


And you should note that my post is mostly about international members. You are from USA, so there is no point in discussing it with you.

It's not about exclusiveness, it's not about being snobby or special, it's about supporting the band I love. And that's my choice, and your choice, and we've made different decisions.

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Posted (edited)

lol I genuinely find it funny that I have never seen one post from you that doesn't have any negativity in it

I'm stating the truth kid. And if thats the case, search harder. This fully concerns me because I've been in the lpu since lpu 3.0. I'm sure you cannot say that same.

Edited by spraypaintninkpens

so basically they want me to pay $60 to be able to spend more money at the store. That's like a shop at a mall asking entrance fees to everyone....


And i'm sorry how is LPUX more exclusive with some people saying they are tired of tracks leaking?

Do you really think the tracks will stop leaking because its more expensive or did i miss something?


I agree that LPUX will be a great deal for some people but not me.


i purchased the LPUX monthly pass for $10 will this make me eligible for the presale for the NYC show on 9/14? or do i have to purchase the annual membership to get presale for that show?


any help is much appreciated




Now the most important question for me is - will the new LPU merch and older LPU9 stuff be selling in LPU BANDMERCH store? If so - fuck this. I'm not joining, as probably everyone from Ukraine and other countries that Bandmerch stopped shipping stuff to.


I'd recommend to do something about this - bandmerch limited country list a lot, and this made me very angry. Even people from Russia can order something there, and we from Ukraine - can't. WTF????


And they told me that they don't feel like adding Ukraine to the list.

First of all, an advice, full his invox of mail complaining about this and you will get your country in the List, i'm from Uruguay (remember me ? you help me a lot with the international shipping ;) ) a smaller country than Ukraine and i get that Bandmerch put my country in the list, so, work hard for that and you will win this fight...


OK here is the copy of my post from the other thread, cause disscusion has moved and I didn't notice that:


First, I am a member from the start and I haven't skipped a year. I live in country where chances of LP having a gig are close to 0 and I am a LPUer essentially for the package.


Because there is no shirt&CD any more I don't think I will continue my membership, even though it would not make a visible dent on my "budget". And I don't think anyone who is not from USA, UK and Germany should. Why would you? What you should do is wait and if LP announces a concert in your country or you decide to travel to a concert ONLY THEN buy a membership. That is because they cannot offer anything worth 60$ unless it is some kind of personal experience(M&G, concert experience...). Content is not exclusive and chats are not worth 60$. Nothing they can offer online for international members can be worth 60$. End of discussion for me here. :D

That is what is thinking every international LPUer right now, because a lot of countries where the chances to have a LP show are close to 0 and like me i'm LPU for the package, because i'm still waiting the exclusivities of LPU...


The news: take too long to appear, when appear aren't news anymore

The Chat: i just get one Chat in March with Rob and was really boring, and my question was really good but who select the questions just put the questions of his friends, because the questions were really stupid... i Don't need the CHAT if i can talk with Mike in Ustream, is stupid...

The Contensts: are always for US only, sometimes (and really weird) is worldwide...


So, LPU is not for International fan base, the international fan base just want the package because is the only exclusivity that can get, and yes maybe this October in Argentina i can get a M&G with the band but i have to wait 10 years for this, so was pure coincidence...


When my membership finished i will pay the monthly membership and i will buy the Merch, and that is my solution... :(


One more thing who said that "i LPU member because i want to know LP Fans, IS LYING !!!"


lplive is much better...


They now are moving websites from lpunderground.com to linkinpark.com/lpu.

There will be TWO packages now for the LPU - a $10 per month subscription, or a $60 a year subscription.

The $10 package comes with presale opportunities and is basically online-only.

The $60 package comes with the LPU M&G at shows, presales, access to special LPU events (LA laser show / NYC album release show), and access to LPU merch.

I'm confused! I see people saying they will just pay for the $10 monthly option so they can buy the merch...thats fine.


Buy if I'm reading Hahninator's comments correctly, he is saying $10 option is online only with the only perk being pre-sale opportunities.


All the 'good stuff' including LPU merch comes with the $60 package...correct...yes/no???


Like some other international fans have said, its kinda crazy paying the $60 when there is no guarantee of M & G and no guarantee LP will even come to my country.

In saying that, I went to the RDS show in Dublin and got a M & G pass. It was the most exciting 12 seconds of my life when I got to see LP in the flesh!!!


Another thing, its saying that current memberships will carry over to LPUX. I bought the most expensive LPU 9 package and my membership expires in April 2011.

So as my membership is being honoured and carried over to LPUX, will I be allowed buy the LPUX merch without having to actually buy the LPUX membership? (Hope that question is clear enough!)


I really don't know the answer to that. I sure HOPE so. However, the LPU website sure doesn't say that at all. It says only the $60 members get to buy merch. Ouch >_>


I really don't know the answer to that. I sure HOPE so. However, the LPU website sure doesn't say that at all. It says only the $60 members get to buy merch. Ouch >_>

That's a bit of a kick in the teeth, having only paid for an LPU membership about a month ago. We should be able to buy the merch without purchasing ANOTHER membership...

Posted (edited)

I hate the new LPU business model, regardless of what is on the CD. If they guarantee a meet & greet, or something special that people outside of NY/LA can take part in (think: LPU tour '03), the cost is justified. Otherwise, Linkin Park are just like Roger Waters, Rihanna, or any other Rolling-Stone-Cover-Wannabe that gouges the fans. Charging $60, or even $10, for the chance to buy tickets for a rock show makes as much sense as Ticketmaster you $2.50 to print your own tickets.


LPU math:






Cool to see the responses being mostly positive though. One of the perks of being a fan of a major league band. Only in the music world can a "company" or "business" charge more while giving the customer less, and be met with rave reviews!

Edited by sublimeric

I really don't know the answer to that. I sure HOPE so. However, the LPU website sure doesn't say that at all. It says only the $60 members get to buy merch. Ouch >_>

Damn is not fair, i paid $115.80 for the Premium Membershit...

The only "good thing" in this new LPU is the M&G for the Countries who have a lot of Shows like US, Japan and "Europe", i know is not a country but the Countries are really near between them and is easy go to other Show, because the $60 membershit will push away the simple fans who are not Hardcore and just want to see LP with the Chance to know the band just for coincidence if they have lucky, but for the otherside is pushing away a lot of Hardcore like me that want to have Exclusive Items, because the chances to know the band are close to 0...


Blackchester just asked Mike and Dave what the LPUX CD will contain and the answer is:




Blackchester just asked Mike and Dave what the LPUX CD will contain and the answer is:



Oh damn that's right there's another fan listening party today. Is Blackchester gonna write us his thoughts I hope?

Posted (edited)

That's a bit of a kick in the teeth, having only paid for an LPU membership about a month ago. We should be able to buy the merch without purchasing ANOTHER membership...


Ditto. That'll mean when my LPU9 membership expires next july, I'll have to buy the $60 LPUX pass (or LPU11 if its changed by then) and purchase the LPUX & LPU11 CD's from the merch store at around $100 for the whole lot! xD


*EDIT* 10 DEMOS ON LPUX!!!! Might be worth it after all :D

Edited by Bennington_Hahn

10 demos damn !!!!! worth if its included in the membership package , who cares abt t shirt , stickers , shoe laces and stuff , the cd is the thing which every fan needs ultimately and there is still plenty of time hope lp considers the fans request and do things accordingly



LPUX MEMBERSHIP + CD = worthy piece of ******* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I really don't know the answer to that. I sure HOPE so. However, the LPU website sure doesn't say that at all. It says only the $60 members get to buy merch. Ouch >_>


Hopefully Adam can clear this up. Would be such a rip off I couldn't buy new LPUX merch with my existing VALID membership!


did anyone else notice that on the top left of the join page for LPU that it says "WHAT I DON'T DESERVE" backwards?

Yep, noticed that right away. We already know that's a lyric in one of the songs on ATS...


Wait a minute...


OH! I get it now! "What I don't deserve" = being charged $60 for half the product I paid $30 for last year! Yeah, that's what I don't deserve!


did anyone else notice that on the top left of the join page for LPU that it says "WHAT I DON'T DESERVE" backwards?

It's Adam's passive aggressive revenge for all the bitching.


Yep, noticed that right away. We already know that's a lyric in one of the songs on ATS...

yeah i knew that but was just wondering why it's there and why it's backwards...

Posted (edited)

Yep, noticed that right away. We already know that's a lyric in one of the songs on ATS...


Wait a minute...


OH! I get it now! "What I don't deserve" = being charged $60 for half the product I paid $30 for last year! Yeah, that's what I don't deserve!

LPUX is also referenced in Lying From You just like Pretend To Be is. That's what I'm trying to get people to see. All of this was predicted in Lying From You, 7 years ago! First we have:


When I pretend everything is what I want it to be

I look exactly like what you had always wanted to see


And then we have the part where Mike is pretending to be the LPU:


"I can't forget about the criminal I am, stealing second after second just cause I know I can. But, I can't pretend this is the way it'll stay. I'm just trying to bend the truth."


I have no doubt Mike was referencing LPUX. He knows that LPU is criminals for doing what they are doing and that they are just stealing people's money second after second because they know they can. At the same time though, the LPU can't pretend that this is the way it'll stay...meaning that they can't pretend that people will stay in the LPU.


And then even Chester has something to say about LPUX:


"I wanna be pushed aside so let me go"


He's basically saying he wants to be pushed out of the LPU.


Ok, wow, I took all that way too far. Still kind of funny when you think about it though.

Edited by LinkinParkHotspur

He knows that LPU is criminals for doing what they are doing and that they are just stealing people's money second after second because they know they can. At the same time though, the LPU can't pretend that this is the way it'll stay...meaning that they can't pretend that people will stay in the LPU.

Not criminals, capitalists.


Hey guys! you are not going to believe this, but I have just found the real meaning of the "X"


it doesn´t mean "10" it means "Xpensive" haha.

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