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MFR Haiti Track?


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For the record - I'm not insulting anyone. I used to be a fan of LP but came to realize their lack of talent. Because of my once fandom I still tend to keep up with them and am allowed to discuss things on the forum as long as I'm not vulgar to anyone or throw insults...and I'm not doing any of that.


So yeah, "weezersucks", grow up.

why even bother replying or even in this matter signing up to a "linkin park" forum? All you remind me of are those haters on those bullcrap music site blogs or on YouTube talking bullshit about bands they don't like. All you guys are, are complete assholes...so why waste your time? I think you need to grow up and find a band you can actually appreciate and follow like everyone else here. I'm sorry but your kind of people make me pist. Post on some other band fansite you actually like. Leave the real lp fans alone and not bothered from your crap. Thank you

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LOL! Mike can't sing, has a really crappy rap flow, the only thing semi talented about LP is Chester and he sucks live.

You came out of the closet as a Mike/LP hater on an LP fansite. What next, you're going to join the LPU and start a thread about how much you think LP is a corporate made boy band?

Get an effing life and ditch the holy than thou and know it all act. Your need for attention is too transparent.

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You came out of the closet as a Mike/LP hater on an LP fansite. What next, you're going to join the LPU and start a thread about how much you think LP is a corporate made boy band?

Get an effing life and ditch the holy than thou and know it all act. Your need for attention is too transparent.

Did you not READ my previous post? Seems theres always someone that has to be show as an example
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You've got to be kidding me. Mike is BY FAR the most talented member of Linkin Park. While I agree he may not be the most talented singer out there, I enjoy it and he is great rapper IMO. What makes Mike so talented is how well he is musically.


Chestr has said back in 2000 where he was about to join Linkin Park, that if Mike could sing he wouldn't even be in this band!


And btw possibillities for a new track I think are almost zero. Maybe it's their chance to make Little Things a single :P

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Chestr has said back in 2000 where he was about to join Linkin Park, that if Mike could sing he wouldn't even be in this band!


And btw possibillities for a new track I think are almost zero. Maybe it's their chance to make Little Things a single :P

yeah maybe they change some words from Little Things and release that lol

Edited by Jesper
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okay ima say this right now, just because you claim to be the biggest Phoenix fan out there does NOT mean you know why he would do this or that. So hop off your high horse and dont speak for him, because for all you know it was serious. And what happened to Haiti was "serious" so i doubt Phoenix would make a joke about that so what you said is completely ignorant

I also think it was a joke that really aimed at getting the reactions that it now got *lol*

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Well, I'm also an earlier fan who just keeps up with news on this site. I think everyone should be allowed to critisize Linkin Park if they want to, although I don't see the point of doing it in an offensive manner on a fansite... I can sort of smell a troll.

Edited by Reumeren
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After reading the tweet again I am starting to think that Phoenix is asking John to contribute a track to a MFR effort...


I may be wrong but after reading it again it makes more since.

Yup, agree with you... But LP will definitely have a track on it, IMO.. but it can't be a new song..

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I was checking random twitters and I´ve looked into Talinda´s


and there was a message to Chester:


@chesterbe...I LOVE u babe and am extremely proud of what you guys doing today


maybe it´s related to this MFR effort...maybe not...just wanted to share :lol:

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After reading the tweet again I am starting to think that Phoenix is asking John to contribute a track to a MFR effort...


I may be wrong but after reading it again it makes more since.

Yeah - Agree with this one. This is the most likely.

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I was checking random twitters and I´ve looked into Talinda´s


and there was a message to Chester:


@chesterbe...I LOVE u babe and am extremely proud of what you guys doing today


maybe it´s related to this MFR effort...maybe not...just wanted to share :lol:

She was probably referring to the habitat for humanity build IMO.

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