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yes, and also did a tour with them.


There are not many videos in good quality, but this concert is from 2016:


In this song he sing and scream a little bit: https://youtu.be/EYoly-tdUxM?t=1h24m14s


In this song he sing and scream at the same time: https://youtu.be/EYoly-tdUxM?t=17m4s

I'd love to see Dan singing with LP (two of my fav bands together) but SOTY are very underground and they are finishing a new album right now. And Dan is more oriented to punk, his other band, The F*ck off and dies is a standard punk band.

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Posted (edited)

I disagree completely. Also, Don Gilmore said Chester did a LARGE part of songwriting on Hybrid Theory and it wasn't until Meteora that Mike really took over. I'm still on the board that they can continue as 5, look at the custom setlists thread, TONS of live material in there for Mike. We will see what happens, but I would bet money they don't get a new singer. Seems illogical at this point to me.


Actually, I want to elaborate more on what I said earlier. Chester did contribute a lot to the first three albums. Hybrid Theory, he wrote a lot, and had a lot to do with the direction of the album. Meteora, he wrote the lyrics to Easier To Run, came up with the intro to Somewhere I Belong, and also helped craft the direction of the album, he was a big fan of the direction of Breaking The Habit, etc. Mike said that no one else could have done Breaking The Habit the justice Chester did it because of how good Chester sang it and was into it, etc. Chester also seemed to be very present during the Meteora sessions, he was in all the videos, photos, etc. And with Minutes To Midnight, everyone in the band wrote their own song ideas for that album, and Chester clearly talks about that on the DVD, etc. about ''having something that he really loved be cut from the process'' and ''I have very strong opinions on what should be on the album, etc.''. He also wrote lyrics with Mike for that album, as shown in the DVD. And last but not least, he seemed very involved with the album and tour for it.


A Thousand Suns was really the first album where Mike and Brad kind of took over the ship for the time being and it became that way since.

Edited by Geki

I had the feeling that Chester, except for few tracks like War, Halfway Right and Heavy, wasn't too much into the writing process of THP (for Mike s own admission) and OML. He just sang ( really good, clearly, I fucking love Chaz) the parts M&B wrote for him


I had the feeling that Chester, except for few tracks like War, Halfway Right and Heavy, wasn't too much into the writing process of THP (for Mike s own admission) and OML. He just sang ( really good, clearly, I fucking love Chaz) the parts M&B wrote for him


Yeah, but this is known fact. Chester was doing DBS during the ATS Sessions and STP during the THP Sessions. OML he was apparently battling alcoholism and depression, so that probably took up some time. But he did do a lot during HT, Meteora and MTM, now that I look back on it, Hahninator was 100% right.

Posted (edited)


You are crazy a band like Linkin Park won't play 10 song sets.

Mike struggles a lot when he tries to sing high like when he tried NRL he sounded awful.


That's because Mike sang it in 2011, like 4 years after the MTM Cycle ended, and it was over BIO. He didn't try a real performance of it, so it wasn't authentic, and also, NRL is a hard song to sing as it is.

Edited by Geki

Chester left such a legacy, that even if they get a new singer with a similair vocal range, it will be hard to get fans even satisfied. I am not saying people wouldn't give that person a chance, but it will be a big void to fill. And would that person be up for it. New material will always be a backburner thing in favor of the classics for the crowds at concerts. It will be an interesting task to accomplish, and it will be interesting to see how long they would be able to hold on that way. I feel with a new singer involved, even if the band and we as fans give that person the warmest welcome, I know LP has proved that their sound has no limits, and that they just do whatever they like and they are not afraid to change their creative process, but on the other side, I can imagine that entering such a solid group of people, who pretty much will grieving in different ways, even if some time has passed, could be hard for someone who understands the legacy, but is pretty much a bystander in it all.


There is literally no good answer to give on what we want, what we need or what we could see in the future, since I feel it will be something that the band also has to figure out, even if they already made a descision, since you only know if something like that works, when you do it. I will support their descision, even if they call it a day. But currently I can't imagine anyone else than Chester singing In The End, Burn It Down or The Catalyst on stage with the band


You know who should take over Chester's role? His son, Jaime. He writes music, and Talinda said today on her Twitter that he is just as talented as Chester was. The entire fanbase would accept him as the new lead singer and I'm sure Mike and the rest of the band could train him, etc. I would love for him to become the new lead singer, and he's in his 20's. It could happen.



Posted (edited)

Is he a singer though? His SoundCloud files are mainly piano playing. Talinda may have meant he's just as talented as Chester as in his level of ability, but it seems like his talent may be more in piano and instrumentation than vocals.


I would imagine it would be pretty hard for a beginning singer to be trained on how to sing Chester's songs, his son or not.

Edited by Justin

Is he a singer though? His SoundCloud files are mainly piano playing. Talinda may have meant he's just as talented as Chester as in his level of ability, but it seems like his talent may be more in piano and instrumentation than vocals.


I would imagine it would be pretty hard for a beginning singer to be trained on how to sing Chester's songs, his son or not.


Yeah, but it's better than having some random person being brought in. I think they need a new singer but I'd rather just take Mike singing instead of bringing in someone completely new. Chester's son, I could 100% accept that. And I think many people would. I said earlier that they will need a new singer in order to do live stuff but who isn't to say that Jaime couldn't do it - we don't know because he's probably never tried. He might like the idea of it and if he wasn't half bad, I could see it working.



Yeah, but it's better than having some random person being brought in. I think they need a new singer but I'd rather just take Mike singing instead of bringing in someone completely new. Chester's son, I could 100% accept that. And I think many people would. I said earlier that they will need a new singer in order to do live stuff but who isn't to say that Jaime couldn't do it - we don't know because he's probably never tried. He might like the idea of it and if he wasn't half bad, I could see it working.


Your judgement is clouded I get it you are one of the biggest Chester fans that I know, it would be very weird to see someone else step in for you, that's what will happen if the band continues you and I know that Mike's singing voice is very limited.


I would love to see Mike doing lead vocals hardcore fans would get to listen to tons of special shit but let's face it LP plays for the average fans the ones that want to hear Crawling, Breaking The Habit, What I've Done etc etc etc and Mike simply can't sing that stuff.


I don't know if any of the five will ever read this, but here it goes...


Dear Linkin Park:

For 17+ years, you had touched the lives of many people in nearly every country on the planet! Everyone has their own unique story to tell about how you've impacted their life. My quest for you is Don't Stay. Keep going. Take as much time off as you need. I know there's someone out there whom you could make their dreams come true. It was nine years ago today I saw you for the first time. Thanks to the LPU, I was able to attend that show because another member had tickets and couldn't make it. Please do what the five of you do best... Make and perform music. Whatever decision you guys come to conclusion on, I will respect that. Thanks for all memories you've given us, and best wishes moving forward!

Posted (edited)


Your judgement is clouded I get it you are one of the biggest Chester fans that I know, it would be very weird to see someone else step in for you, that's what will happen if the band continues you and I know that Mike's singing voice is very limited.


I would love to see Mike doing lead vocals hardcore fans would get to listen to tons of special shit but let's face it LP plays for the average fans the ones that want to hear Crawling, Breaking The Habit, What I've Done etc etc etc and Mike simply can't sing that stuff.


Yeah I mean, if you want my true opinion, there is no Linkin Park without Chester, not at all. But that's my selfish thought. I know a lot of people want the band to continue on and think Chester is easily replaced. But the thing is, you can replace the job, but you can't replace the heart and soul, and Chester was 100% the heart and soul of the band. Someone said once that Mike and Brad are the brains, while Chester is the heart and soul. You can't survive without either, and the heart and soul is now dead.


I've just been going along with it because it's a possibility that the band might continue on. Like I said, my original thought and feeling towards it were that they should continue as a 5 piece. But I then realized they would need a new vocalist. It sucks, but I'm thinking realistically.

Edited by Geki

I'd love to see Dan singing with LP (two of my fav bands together) but SOTY are very underground and they are finishing a new album right now. And Dan is more oriented to punk, his other band, The F*ck off and dies is a standard punk band.

I think that there is no problem. Chester played with STP, DBD besides LP.
Dan put a post in his instagram telling about the best moment in his life (in the band) was the Tour with LP. He is a great choise for continue to listen songs with screams and high notes IMO.

Geki I want the band to continue on, but only a fool would think Chester is "easily replaced". Vocally he was one of the best singers of our lifetime, and even as a person he can't ever truly be "replaced", let alone easily.


I don't know what the band will do, and I doubt that they do either right now.

Posted (edited)

Geki I want the band to continue on, but only a fool would think Chester is "easily replaced". Vocally he was one of the best singers of our lifetime, and even as a person he can't ever truly be "replaced", let alone easily.


I don't know what the band will do, and I doubt that they do either right now.


I know, I agree fully. Chester can never be replaced, he was one of the most unique vocalists of time. I remember Mike saying on the Minutes To Midnight DVD. ''I dare anybody to cover a song and make it sound anything like him, you can't do it''. But yeah, it goes even beyond the voice. Chester left his soul and essence all over Linkin Park. That's why I say it would be nice for them to continue on as a 5 piece if they are truly going to continue on. Look at a band like Hawthorne Heights who lost a vocalist from a drug overdose 10 years ago, they still continue on but they just continue on without him, as if he never left, they didn't replace him. Linkin Park can do that, they'll just have to twerk things around a bit and as time goes on, they'll get more and more new songs to use with Mike. But I'm just not sure if Mike can handle it all himself. I did at first. I think they will need a new vocalist, because Linkin Park is so diverse.

Edited by Geki

If they continue that way, as a 5-piece, then it would be up to the fans to accept that hearing certain songs live just won't happen anymore (a lot of the singles, and all of the heavier material). Certain songs like ITE I'm sure the crowd will happily sing Chester's parts to the top of their lungs, but most of the older material would have to be retired.


While that sounds sad, and there's also the problem of casual fans not being ok with that, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to me. Again this is all up to the band, and I'll support whatever they do, but nobody will ever be able to do those songs justice the way Chester did. If the band announced that a lot of those songs would be retired rather than having someone else sing them, and the band would continue with Mike, I wouldn't have a problem with that.


We'll always have memories of Chester singing those songs, and as sad as it is to think about that is what we're left with now.


I believe either they will find a new vocalist or go separate ways. Kinda doubt they'd retire, but they could afford to. Maybe some of the guys will start a new band (Like how Foo Fighters started)


Look at Alice In Chains. A lot of people thought they'd be done after Lane died. They found a replacement and kept moving on. They are still a solid band and even play their oldies.

Posted (edited)

I believe either they will find a new vocalist or go separate ways. Kinda doubt they'd retire, but they could afford to. Maybe some of the guys will start a new band (Like how Foo Fighters started)


Look at Alice In Chains. A lot of people thought they'd be done after Lane died. They found a replacement and kept moving on. They are still a solid band and even play their oldies.


Idk. This is Chester Bennington we are talking about here. A band who has sold over 80 million albums and won several Grammy Awards.

Edited by Geki


Idk. This is Chester Bennington we are talking about here. A band who has sold over 80 million albums and won several Grammy Awards.

and you put as example "Hawthorne Heights", c'mon!

If they want to continue, and want to keep making amazing and varied songs, They need a new vocalist, that's it.

Will be fans that will accept it, others will accept it with time and others that never will accept. Same circumstances with each Album from the band, People that at this time not accept the sound of OML. This is how it works.


I want that LP remain the great band that it is and continue the legacy that Chester left us.

For me there are 2 options:

• New singer and keep the name Linkin Park

• New singer and change their name.


Is hard, really, for me say it that is really f*cking hard, but I also think in the other 5 guys. If they continue as 5 members, the brain (brad and mike) will have a limit when creating songs. They need someone who can sing high notes and scream.


To be honest, I don't know why they should change their name seriously?


We know that Chester was a huge part of LP and made the difference between LP with or without him. But Linkin Park is not just a band. Linkin Park is a damn big brand and as commercial as it sounds you can't just change a big brand such as LP.


Of course commercial matters are never above tragedies but the name "Linkin Park" is still their live even though they just named themselves after Chester joined.


If they continue that way, as a 5-piece, then it would be up to the fans to accept that hearing certain songs live just won't happen anymore (a lot of the singles, and all of the heavier material). Certain songs like ITE I'm sure the crowd will happily sing Chester's parts to the top of their lungs, but most of the older material would have to be retired.


While that sounds sad, and there's also the problem of casual fans not being ok with that, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to me. Again this is all up to the band, and I'll support whatever they do, but nobody will ever be able to do those songs justice the way Chester did. If the band announced that a lot of those songs would be retired rather than having someone else sing them, and the band would continue with Mike, I wouldn't have a problem with that.


We'll always have memories of Chester singing those songs, and as sad as it is to think about that is what we're left with now.


Linkin Park's biggest days are well behind them anyways, even the band knows that. They aren't going to ever have the success of something like Hybrid Theory or Meteora ever again, and probably not the success of Minutes To Midnight, either. Sales dropped largely for A Thousand Suns and albums after, they might be able to pull that sort of success if they continue on, but I sadly doubt it. They lost the heart of their band, the soul. Casual fans already were not as interested in Linkin Park before Chester even died, and it also depends on what kind of music they are going to make in the future. I'm sure if they made another nu-metal record or hard rock record that some people would eat it up, but doing so without Chester might be pretty hard. They could go a hip-hop direction, but if they did that, there's no need for a new Chester. Continuing on the pop train seems to be what they should do, and they could easily find a pop vocalist, since pop music doesn't require talent like the singing on the first three Linkin Park albums. They could do that, honestly. This site and LPA are a very small fraction of people. Not everyone posting is going to go to the shows and buy their music, even if they say they are. I mean this thread only has 9 pages. In the past, this thread would have had like 50+ pages, easily. Same with LPA. Linkin Park isn't as big as they once were, and sometimes it's hard for the hardcore fans to realize that.

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