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The Hunting Party Summer European Tour

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Posted (edited)

That's wild if the UK gets shut out and all these other countries get a show. But they still have at least one more show...no Summit show yet.


Interesting that the tour starts with 3 festivals and ends with 2.

I'm not really sure what shows they would play here (UK). I think most of the festivals have their line ups or aren't the type of festival you'd see LP at. They just did a UK tour of (some of) the main arenas this past November so I don't really expect us to be getting a show so soon but then again they played all those German shows in November too and they're getting shows announced.

Posted (edited)

This is great! Some cool other artists too, does anyone know what the price of tickets will probably be (combi tickets), or what the prices in previous years were?


I wasn't there last year but I read that the tickets were €175 (combi with 5 days camping included) and €85 (1 day), no extra reservation fee (+/- €5) included in these prices though.

I'm still waiting for @anvanoppens reaction :D


For my first reaction you should have gone to my Twitter account ha. :D

You should have seen me from an hour before the announcement (I was actually planning to attend the PKP announcement event but cancelled plans last minute): full of stress with several sites open at once (Twitter, FB, Festileaks forum, PKP.be, PKP 'livestream', LP.com) and the radio (Studio Brussel, also made the announcement around the same time) on in the background. And then notifications kept pouring in all over my social media, while I was still trying to tweet and RT people's reactions with the LPBE account. Crazy...


Although I'm still in shock. Despite all the official announcements, I still refuse to believe that they are coming back to Belgium... It's too unreal. :wub: Impossible to describe how happy I am... :lol:


I'm so glad, not only for myself (I mean I'll travel anywhere during EU tours to see them anyway), but all the Belgian fans that were waiting and begging for this to happen (some of them have travelled during EU tours as well). Pukkelpop wasn't lying with their description about LP (http://www.pukkelpop.be/nl/bands/linkin-park/) :lol: . A 4 year gap is already way better than 10 years, so I hope to see them here more often from now on (I'm very hopeful about the band playing more locations they haven't done before or not very often, this tour is looking great so far).

Edited by anvanoppens

The fact that they were the most requested act at the festival, and LP is touring Europe in August instead of June...that's really cool. Now...where will that last headlining show/Summit be? Sept 1 Czech Republic? Sept 2 UK? Sept 1 France? Switzerland? Surely they announce it soon...


maybe the summit will be in Moscow

little info for the Rock im Sektor site:

That's no arena that is the same stadium which LP played in 2008.


It's not Moscow because they sold the premium packages for all the solo shows so far. It has to be an unannounced show.

That's no arena that is the same stadium which LP played in 2008.

Why is it called arena when it's a stadium?


It's not Moscow because they sold the premium packages for all the solo shows so far. It has to be an unannounced show.

Why is it called arena when it's a stadium?

Why Bayern's home stadium called Alianz Arena? :)


Good question actually, i never noticed but I tried to look it up. Every stadium is also an arena. It's debatable what you define as a stadium or as an arena. We usually define indoor sport arenas for hockey etc. as arenas and everything that is bigger as stadiums. By the classic definition stadiums are open.

At least in the German language arena is a synonym for stadium.


Yes that's true. Traditionally speaking arena is indoors. Stadium is outdoors. That makes it easier. However, there are stadiums that are indoors like the Georgia Dome or Superdome. Hard to say exactly how to define them...

Posted (edited)

So are we thinking no more show announcements?

at least a summit's show must be announced

Edited by stich

What do you think? Setlist may be different from that of the tour in the US? Any major changes other than the two other songs are possible?


Well if they do change the setlist, it will be after the USA shows I bet. I don't think they will do a single thing differently for May and June, since Chester literally goes right from the STP show in Florida on May 3 to the LP show in Vegas on May 9. He gets what, like 2-3 days to rehearse max? It took them 2 weeks just to learn Castle Of Glass, lol. I think they'll just rehearse the USA setlist again, and that's fine with me because that means I'll see From The Inside and A Place For My Head at Rock On The Range. :D :lol: B )


They might change something small for Europe, since they've done two tours of Europe already for THP. Since they dropped THP songs and don't seem interested in UIB or Rebellion anymore, maybe they drop Wastelands and add A Line In The Sand.


I think they will change some more things for Europe because many of this countries saw LP on this tour with THP in 2014

I'd be shocked if the sets were too different. They might change a few things (make Set A longer, add in a new song etc.), but the sets as a whole will probably be pretty similar.


The US shows might be a good indication if they'll change something.

But they really need to change something for the European tour because last time they changed nothing because they were too lazy to rehearse. This time they have way more time, and even they know they can't play the same shit again. They always changed stuff in Europe, even if it wasn't always massive changes.

I'm not expecting a massive change but exchanging a few songs would totally do it, add something new from Hunting Party, bring some older song back would be enough.

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