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The Hunting Party Summer European Tour

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I'm glad that there is a german show before I'm leaving for California.

So I will probably be at Rock'n'heim....it's just a 30 min. drive. :)

Posted (edited)

So it's just that? We got 1 more show on September 2nd and it's done? Or will we get shows before Green Park and/or after Rome?

Edited by RhinePT

I didn't even think about it until Mark brought it up but there's either no summit on this tour, or the show with the summit wasn't announced yet.

Same for the US tour in June, there doesn't seem to be a summit either. With the US summit in February canceled that would mean there will be no summit this year (unless they announce more shows), that would suck.


3 German shows is good. Still not enough IMO but that's good for such a short tour. I'm surprised the UK didn't even get one show. There's room to add one more to make it ten on Sept 1 or 2 I guess. I'm surprised they're doing such a short tour.


3 German shows is good. Still not enough IMO but that's good for such a short tour. I'm surprised the UK didn't even get one show. There's room to add one more to make it ten on Sept 1 or 2 I guess. I'm surprised they're doing such a short tour.


3 German shows is a lot since they played Germany early in 2014 and went back again in November for like 9 shows or something like that. I'm also surprised that the UK didn't get a show. Maybe they will, who knows. I think the goal is similar to how 2013 was. Do a short touring schedule for the year and be done by September and Mike will go write the new LP album while Chester releases the STP release in the fall and then Chester will come back in around December or so once he is done touring with STP and work on the music with LP and LP will release the album in summer 2016 with a new tour, etc.


Chester said they were already working on LP7 back in January and he recently told Altwire that he would like to have an LP album out in 2016. He also said that in order for him to continue working with STP they will have to find a way to work around LP, which they have been doing, so he said it will work out. LP is his #1 priority and always will be but Mike can still write a lot of the album while he is on the road with STP, etc., so it evens out nice. This is how I think 2015/2016 will be. I find it highly odd that it's almost April now and Mike hasn't mentioned literally anything about Fort Minor this year so I'm thinking we might have just overreacted as a community and there might not be new Fort Minor shit, maybe just an anniversary show or something.


I think 2016 will be the next 2013 for LP. Australia, Asia, and some random shows. Maybe even a 2009 style European Tour.


STP and Fort Minor in fall 2015 and most of 2016, big touring for both. LP reconvenes in the actual studio in late 2016 to write, with an album out in mid-late 2017. I think FM is about to kick in big time.


I see it playing out way later than you I guess.


The same person, who told us about LP show in Poland before it was announced, told us also that Mike will be in studio with FM after European Tour...


The same person, who told us about LP show in Poland before it was announced, told us also that Mike will be in studio with FM after European Tour...


Well, maybe. Anything is possible. I was just guessing what I thought would happen. I'm not against a FM comeback. It would be awesome if it happened. The first show I ever went to in my life was a FM show in 2006 and I loved TRT.


That's wild if the UK gets shut out and all these other countries get a show. But they still have at least one more show...no Summit show yet.


Interesting that the tour starts with 3 festivals and ends with 2.


This is great! Some cool other artists too, does anyone know what the price of tickets will probably be (combi tickets), or what the prices in previous years were?

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