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Everything posted by Astat

  1. Not really a fan of any type of music with religious lyrical content, but instrumentally they were pretty good. I've always liked the punk/ska genre and they did it pretty well. Phoenix also played some really cool bass parts back then, I wish he'd incorporate slap bass into an LP song sometime because he used it to great effect in some of the Snax songs.
  2. I love the Grey Daze material. I still think some of Chester's best vocal performances come from those 2 albums, he really pushed his range both as high and as low as it could go back then. Wake Me is also an amazingly well-produced album, considering how unknown of a band they were and how limited their budget was.
  3. Brad tends to be pretty nice in the chats, but he's not as talkative as Mike or Chester. He's fairly good about answering questions, but he usually doesn't go into much detail.
  4. I wasn't even aware that Dolla was a person. o.O
  5. I'm sorry, but this is absolute bullshit. ANYONE can make an unauthorized biography and obtain the rights to sell it commercially. Are you saying we should pay money to people who are deliberately putting out inferior products to cash in on Linkin Park's fame? Paying for one of these is just as bad as paying for a B O O T L E G. The people who make these are nothing more than glorified B O O T L E G G E R S who can get away with selling their products because of a legal loophole. *Edit* Oh, and nice use of the censored words list. You can't say B O O T L E G or any form of it on this website, it automatically gets changed. NEWSFLASH: There is a fucking difference between a B O O T L E G G E R and a "live audio/video archivist," and there is a time and a place when using that word and its derivative forms are perfectly acceptable. Good to see the Communist China LPL making a return.
  6. Astat

    DBS Updates

    Cool stuff, nice to see an album title, and I was kind of anticipating that DBS might make an appearance at the opening of the new Club Tattoo in Vegas. I'm just wondering how they're going to schedule DBS tour dates, since Julien-K is already doing a pretty extensive tour this fall.
  7. I can see them opening shows with New Divide, the intro has the kind of buildup in it that goes along with the beginning of a show. If not, it could be the first song after the encore break.
  8. There's only one guitar part in this song, I'm 99.9% sure that it'll just be Brad on guitar when/if they play it live. There are a TON of keyboards/synths buried in the mix, plus the bass part has some distortion on it, so that's where the "rhythm guitar" type of sound comes from. FYI the thing at the very beginning and end of the song is synth, not guitar. ...There is not a SHRED of punk in this, or any other Linkin Park, song. And Linkin Park has been a band with pop characteristics since 2000. Get with the times much? Papercut ending - 2 harmonized vocal parts that are both doubled, plus the rap part = 5 vocal parts One Step Closer chorus - Chester singing part (doubled), Chester screaming/rapping part (doubled) = 4 vocal parts With You chorus - Doubled Chester lead vocal part + background harmony + Mike = 4 vocal parts I think you get the idea. 1. I don't give a fuck what country you're from, learn to speak English at least semi-coherently or don't bother posting your bullshit on an English-speaking website. 2. Mr. Hahn is ALL OVER this song. You're clearly one of those people who thinks that all Joe does is scratch. He will have a TON of stuff to do when they play this one live, there are all kinds of sampled parts, chopped-up guitar stuff in the breakdown, synth loops, etc. 3. MIKE SHINODA IS NOT JUST A RAPPER. And finally... "Is not LP" - Who the hell do you think you are, that YOU have the ability to determine what is and is not Linkin Park? Linkin Park music is whatever kind of music Linkin Park wants to make, not what people like you think they should make. If Linkin Park listened to people you, they would be about as popular as fucking Limp Bizkit right now.
  9. You will be disappointed with everything this band does until the day they break up or the day you die, whichever comes first. Guaranteed. They're never going to make Hybrid Theory Part 3/Meteora Part 2 like you want them to. I don't think it's the greatest song either. The difference is, I have an open mind. You, on the other hand, think that anything that doesn't sound like One Step Closer or Somewhere I Belong is "disappointing."
  10. Working on it right now. Yes, it's easy, the guitar part is all octaves, except I have no idea what the hell happens during the breakdown. Lots of chopped-up and pitch-shifted weirdness going on there. Working on that too.
  11. There is one part that sounds a LOT like WID to me, at 3:18 where they play the chorus without drums, that's almost the exact same thing that happens in WID after the guitar solo. But otherwise, it doesn't remind me of WID much. This song has a lot more of an industrial feel to it.
  12. WTF @ the weird out-of-tune guitar breakdown, lol. Sounds like something out of a Nine Inch Nails song.
  13. June 8th will probably be the CD single release date too, so you're getting more by waiting.
  14. Alright, you got me on that one, you were talking about Phoenix, then you said LP in general had good basslines at that time, then you talked about Phoenix again. I don't get why people say Carousel has such a good bassline though, it's literally 2 notes for the entire song.
  15. Astat

    Box office.

    LP has never really released their box office sales to the public like some other bands do.
  16. Megatron is one of the characters in Transformers. One of the many interpolations in the movie will probably be "Megatron's Theme" or whatever. There'll probably be an Optimus Prime theme as well, etc. Yeah, the one in the trailer is a little fast. The song's in the key of F minor, but the one in the trailer is just a little sharp, it's above F but below F#. FYI, What I've Done is not in the same key as New Divide, WID is in G minor. Phoenix didn't play on the Hybrid Theory EP... *facepalm* No.
  17. It was recorded at a studio in Nashville, TN.
  18. Did you not read my post? CHESTER DOES NOT SING ON THIS SONG, PERIOD. I can't believe this song was released over 7 years ago and people still think Chester's on it. It doesn't even fucking sound like him.
  19. Haha, wasn't it like a month ago that I went, "Hmm, I wonder if they'll hit up China later in August since they'll already be in Asia for the Summer Sonic shows?" I'm a bit puzzled about the announcement saying 8 countries, because they've already announced shows in 11 different countries for this summer. And is this city spelled "Macao" or "Macau?" It's the same location as the cancelled show from October, but all the announcements spelled it as "Macau" then.
  20. Don't worry, I'm probably hitting up the bar with a friend before the end of the weekend.
  21. From the description, it sounds like this one might be worth getting (it'd be the first unofficial double DVD, I'm pretty sure). I'd still be wary of it though.
  22. Thanks everybody, and thanks Mark for the show. P.S., I'm not drunk. *Italian accent* You, shut up-a-yo face.
  23. I find it strange that those 2 tapes would sell for so much during a period of relative inactivity. I was checking some other eBay auctions recently and the majority of them had no bids, or were selling for way less than I've seen them sell for in the past. I've seen sealed LPU3 discs sell for almost $100 around the start of the MTM cycle, but now nobody even bids on them.
  24. No. Chester sang the song live with Adema at least once, but he is not featured on the studio recording.
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