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Everything posted by thedamian58c

  1. Well, since he put some work to learn to play guitar for THP, and since got his "teenage desire" to play guitar, I think he will play Rebellion. Guitar problem can be solved by letting LP pick up garbage, and later making guitars out of it, they already played with a guitar made of garbage at XGames 2012. Is there a "proper" hand muting technique? I though the only way to mute a string is to put your finger on the string without pressing it to the neck of the guitar. Wait...is there a right-hand muting technique? Btw, many of the things you wrote here should be added to Did You Know Facts topic
  2. Nope, I care how good stuff LP makes, not how mainstream they are
  3. I would like the shoutbox to be faster, it updates every minute, before it updated instantly.
  4. Well, this video doesn't impress me. It could be a lot better if they would put more work into it or simply by replacing song, for me Wastelands don't seem to be that hardcore LP song to make UFC video of it
  5. I strangely didn't notice that there's LP pics from the past (like Meteora era), a LP music video featuring pics and clips from the past, must be awesome. I'm glad that it is directed together with Joe. Mark Pellington's videos looks pretty good, but Joe's are better
  6. All For Nothing Oh no, War is one of my favorite tracks from the album
  7. I'm very excited, I think Rebellion deserves a music video too.
  8. I just watched the show and I feel it's the best LP show since 2012
  9. Yeah, Mike improved his singing a lot since Meteora era, but he still isn't better than Chester. Chester sings much harder parts than Mike, Chester parts contains singing at higher, more intensive and longer notes, and he sings much more. What fails Chester's voice now, is that his voice got more hoarse, and he can't hold some notes, for example Faint. He wouldn't be good screamer neither, just look how he screams in Faint. But he would be still a better screamer than Oliver Sykes. What I think is strange in Chester's voice is that, there is some parts that he is almost perfect, while there are similar parts where he isn't that good. For example screams in APFMH vs. Faint. It's good that you kept being a LP fan, here you won't get picked on for being a LP fan
  10. I won't listen to those songs until they release The Mall soundtrack/score album, do we have any info when it comes out?
  11. I actually though he says "1,2....1,2 fuck you" until I saw this comment
  12. and Final Masquerade (Alternative drum play)
  13. I think that the things from twitter THP listening party with Mike should be added
  14. There's a lot of interesting facts written by Mike during THP listening party on Twitter
  15. Very good and funny interview of Brad
  16. I didn't get what Phoenix and Brad talked about, can someone explain this to me?
  17. Some members had different answers on one poll than on the other poll, and that's the people it's made for. So what's your problem with it? You don't have to vote for different things on both polls if you don't want
  18. 0:12-0:30 looks like there's an unreleased song for the album
  19. I noticed that Chester's voice were pretty raspy, if we compare it to what it normally is. This GATS performance sounded closest to the studio version. I feel like Chester messed up UIG's last chorus, he said "no you don't know what you got" all the time. Really liked the show
  20. No Numb, no ITE, no BID, almost perfect, but I missed some HT songs
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