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Everything posted by LPlover

  1. Who voted for Iridescent ?? my vote goes to Robot Boy, it's not bad but the other songs are better
  2. Hybrid Theory : Forgotten A Place for My Head By Myself Reanimation P5hng Me A*wy Meteora : Nobody's Listening EASIER TO RUN !!!!! FIGURE.09 !!!!! Minutes To Midnight : The Little Things Give You Away Given Up A Thousand Suns : BLACKOUT !!! IRIDESCENT !!!! When They Come for Me Wretches & Kings The Catalyst Others : Blackbirds No roads Left Part of me ACROSS THE LINE !!! HELL YEAH XD ! Qwerty Dedicated Step Up ...AND OF COURSE NEW DIVIIIIIDE !!!
  3. really.
  4. 1. The Requiem: 10/10 EPIC ! nothing else... 2. The Radiance: 10/10 gives me chills... 3. Burning in the Skies: 9/10 -great lyrics -loving mike's part 4. Empty Space: x/10 ...i'm not gonna count that 5. When They Come for Me: 10/10 LOVE THE RAPPING ! 6. Robot Boy: 7/10 -good lyrics -kinda repetitive... i like it but it's the track i like least in the album ( not counting Empty Spaces ) 7. Jornada del Muerto: 9/10 great interlude... Like the Japanese part XD ( yup! it's japanese ) 8. Waiting for the End: 10/10 -Rapping and singing both great -The lyrics are incredible ! 9. Blackout: 10/10 LOVE IT ! IT'S GONNA KICK ASS LIVE 10. Wretches and Kings: 10/10 I LOVE THE DRUMMING 11. Wisdom, Justice, and Love: 10/10 -best interlude in my opinion -good speech -i like how the voice changes into an evil/robotic ( almost scary voice ) -brings tears to my eyes... 12. Iridescent: 10/10 -...and then the tears fall down -Mike's singing is BEAUTIFUL ! You feel the sadness in his voice ( his voice made me cry more ) -Love the Chorus -Beautiful lyrics -The whole band sings the chorus...No comment. -the.best.song.i've.EVER.heard. 13. Fallout: 7/10 -not much to say. just not bad. 14. The Catalyst: 10/10 .... 15. The Messenger: 9/10 - never heard chester singing like this before...beautiful Experience when listened from beginning to end: 10/10 -Really brings you to a journey...and WHAT A JOURNEY ! Overall album rating: 50/10 XD best LP album.
  5. Iridescent
  6. LPlover

    ATS Live

    And the crowd of course
  7. one word : Blackout.
  8. H! Vltg3 the EP version is better...
  9. I'm saying it : it's the best LP album ! I liked every single track !
  11. Burning In The Skies, When They Come For Me, Robot Boy, Waiting For The End, Blackout, Iridescent and The Messenger sound AWESOME !
  12. +2
  13. i'm not listening to the song on youtube so you better give us a description...
  14. +9001 i'm with you... it's gonna be freaking hard
  15. don't say that or you're gonna get in trouble...
  16. I want a detailed description of wretches and kings for those who already heard it !
  17. T_T ok...i'll just wait in my emo corner
  18. awesome. that's all.
  19. Wretches and Kings and The Messenger seem interesting.
  20. OMG this thread is hilarious XD
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