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Everything posted by LPlover

  1. LMK, sorry...
  2. Chester is funny as always loved the singing in the car
  3. THAT is what I wanted
  4. And One. It's too soon for iridescent to go.
  5. In my opinion ATS>MTM=Meteora>HT
  6. IMO new divide or ATS should've won but My December deserved it too
  7. Iridescent, it's my favorite LP song ever.
  8. Hard to choose... QWERTY.
  9. wow. Now my two favorites are gone... No Roads Left
  10. No Roads Left. Can't believe New Divide went out before it...
  11. This. It would be awesome.
  12. I totally agree XD. Honestly i don't see the problem with the interludes. I actually like them ( yes. Even Empty Space )
  13. +9001
  14. Only one song ? That's hard but i choose One Step Closer this song IS Linkin Park. Maybe cuz it's their 1st single
  15. If it was two years ago it would be Numb and Easier To Run but now i think When They Come For Me and Wretches And Kings
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