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Everything posted by LPlover

  1. OMG i can't believe Easier To Run is eliminated, it's like the best track in the album ! my vote still goes to faint...
  2. I don't work.
  3. I JUST LOVE IT ! Now I feel like i'm gonna die waiting in front of my computer for a whole week, dammit, this is going to be the longest week ever !
  4. Dude, what ? My vote goes to... Faint, please don't kill me !
  5. 15 tracks !!! YEAAAAAAAHHHHHHH !!!!
  6. session ! Easier to run ? it's the best track in the album !
  7. easier to run. Best track in meteora. MUCH better than numb. numb is good, but i just can't compare it to easier to run, the lyrics are so much better.
  8. 1- New Divide : when i first heard it, i knew it became my favorite. Everything in that song is perfect. I enjoy listening to it at least 5 times a day " listening to it right now ! ". it makes me feel like i'm in a wonderful dream. 2- Leave Out All The Rest : Like LinkinParkFan4Ever said, it's very touching, maybe because i can relate. 3- Hands Held High : I think this song has the best lyrics ever ! It means a lot to me, it's like mike said what i always wanted to say.
  9. session. I don't understand why people hate numb and nobody's listening so much, i really don't understand
  10. I don't understand why people hate hit the floor ? it's great ! anyways it's really hard but i think i'll go with session ( it's a great instrumental, but i think the other tracks are better ). PS : leftshoe18 you forgot nobody's listening.
  11. Seriously, who doesn't love numb ? It's the song that made me love Linkin Park, but it's not my favorite in Meteora, sorry.
  12. the best track on HT is APFMH
  13. I can't believe papercut is gone ! anyways my vote is for with you ! APFMH must win !!
  14. Dude, there's no one step closer.
  15. I'm sorry but, pushing me away
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