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Everything posted by linkindaniel

  1. yay new album in 2015!
  2. well LP better improve their treatment with the LPU
  3. When They Come For Me a lot of WTFE haters ...
  4. pretty sweet but i guess it's just gonna be an hour with their greatest hits and ATS singles. not the full set
  5. HOPE they make a new song
  6. It's looks pretty sweet. it's better than that fanmade one
  8. the guys are good dancers XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. PHEONIX FTW JK I love all the guys (no homo)
  10. pretty sweet, i wish i could get a car studio or a car...
  11. pretty sweet dude! I'm jeolous!
  12. lol funny LPTV!
  13. happy birthday rob!!
  14. W&K should be the next single
  15. No reading my eyes!? EPIC FAIL but i guess WARNER didn't let them play that song. I hope the new LIVE DVD is in the U.S or a collection of various shows
  16. nothing wrong with APFMH live is the U.S tour but they've already played that song live last year. they should play Figure .09 live instead . that song is BADASS
  17. this is great! my favorite band and my favorite tv show together once again! I hope they play BITS live. and i remember i posted the WID SNL performance back in 2008 on Youtube and i got fucking owned by NBC!
  18. Mike is essentially the leader of LP. without him there would be no LP. and I'm not saying that he's the only member that can create music (Brad and Chester are also very important members) but every member is indispensable. P.S PHOENIX OWNS
  19. that cover was cool for being fan made but i wonder WHEN THE VID AND THE REAL COVER will come out?!!
  20. ah man why did i break the rules at november! but it's better to be on that list
  21. awesome interview! very interesting
  22. hopefully there will be a LP B-Side!
  23. lol i don't know if this is good or bad news
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