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Everything posted by linkindaniel

  1. This is prob my new fav LP album just saying
  2. That COG remix... wasn't expecting that!
  3. Best LP Album in a while. glad there's only one instrumental. great vocal performances by chaz and mike( and don't forget brad lol)and just awesome music. really addicting songs and really enjoyable too. LP IS BACK HATERS oh wait they never left haha Living things 4.8/5.0
  4. my reaction to previous comments on this forum...
  5. really good song IMO and like someduderemix said it does remind me of blackbirds in a way...and i kinda relate to the lyrics due to a past relationship that didn't work out #foreveralone LOL cant wait for 6/26!
  6. its freaking awesome! cant wait to hear the full song!
  7. A classic sounding LP record?
  8. this game is more frustrating than mw3 lol
  9. hope they come to Pcola this year. after that cancellation last time...
  10. great news! just got me more pumped up for this new album! lol damn it!
  11. lol im just gonna wait for the 16th. too many trolls online
  12. original FTW!!!!!!
  14. who else thought that joe was going do some scratching and mike would of put down a badass verse at the bridge?! this version is ok though... more clubby
  15. OMG! i wonder what it is !
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