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Everything posted by thesungoesdown

  1. Now a poster here is comparing a performance where Chester (and Brad), LInkin Park band members who performed, to a performance by NON-LINKIN PARK members at Chester's funeral. The logic here is so dodgy. I don't assume to reason with you guys. Do as you may. It's your site.
  2. This is terrible logic. No band members actually performed. It's a bad touch. I would remove it. It's borderline offensive to have it as a "gig"
  3. This isn't a Linkin Park performance. Whose the moron who made that page?
  4. There's only 2 options: 1) Find a new lead singer 2) Form a new band
  5. I think they can care less about anything right now. Send your condolences on social media and MORE importantly don't be an insensitive dick about it on social media. I'm seeing way too many posts on YouTube along the lines of "Their last record sucked that's why he killed himself' i mean WTF is wrong with people.
  6. Today was Chris Cornell's birthday. The album backlash at around the same time Chris passed obviously had a big effect on Chester, but you had such a beautiful family.....I'm so fucking speechless right now. I'm actually fucking ANGRY right now. How could you do this Chester? If ANYONE in the LP community, maybe younger and is overly sensitive is even thinking about suicide as this seems to happen in circles like a disease, PLEASE get help.
  7. Mike needs to STFU. Translation of that rant is buy the album, don't download it.
  8. I think the album title is going to be called Living Things, and I think it's in reference to the cutting edge art of this album. A long time ago Joe Hahn said the way we're going to receive this album is going to be different, there's going to be an interactive component to it. I bet it has something to do with each song coming alive through artwork and whatnot. I'm really not impressed with the fact that we haven't heard anything yet. I'm guessing we get another puzzle next week for the album cover and unlocking that gets you the release date. Then we get a tracklist something in May. This is definantly a June release.
  9. Ditto. I think this whole record is going to be like that to be honest. The creative side is going to come from elements they throw into each song, but mike calling it a "firecracker" record and Chester saying that playing these songs live are a big influence to create uptempo songs, just sounds like at the end of the day they want to add more energy to their live shows. more what i've done's, new divides, etc and less burning in the skies, iridescents, etc. I think this album is going to be a lot like Hybrid Theory/Meteora in the sense that the energy never dies in the album. You can jam to those albums beginning to end. It's not going to be as heavy, use as much distorted guitars, screaming, etc but the energy is going to be up and they album won't feel as random as a Minutes to Midnight ( i.e. Leave out all the rest after Given Up)
  10. Pretty generic song title BUT I love it when LP is in attack mode in their songs ha. i.e. bleed it out, wretches and kings, etc. Expecting a sing along stadium song with a big chorus, but nothing too heavy.
  11. If they're touring in late May/Early June then it's obvious LP is planning on wrapping up the album before then. They've obviously decided on what the first single is, so they've made definite progress on the album and what they expect it to sound like. I think the album is finished and all that's left is mixing. The Europe tour is a warm up. I'm going with single/video out in May before the tour. April's going to be virals and whatnot. News should start flowing in early April. A couple new songs played on the euro tour with a mid-late June album release. Summer US tour to support it kicking off in July! My pipe dream lol.
  12. I still listen to this album all the time. It took time to appreciate this album, but i love it.
  13. Definantly a live DVD. Big meh..
  14. Interesting. And even more interesting, I totally didn't realize the song is called Wisdom, Justice, and LOVE. The entire time i thought it was wisdom, justice, and WAR lol.
  15. Burning in the Skies and When They Come for Me I hope. Most likely BITS and Waiting For the End though
  16. No More Sorrow with the extended introduction-open Bleed it Out with a place for my head 1st verse/bridge after the bridge of BIO- close the main set Fallout/The Catalyst-Open encore Faint extended outro- Close.
  17. The designs look great, but the only think i don't really like is the LPL logo, its super plain looking.
  18. I really doubt this album get's 5 singles. It's almost gold in the US, and has sold a little more then a million worldwide, it's not really an album that should be heavily promoted at this point. I think LP is going to go back to recording end of 2011. Most likely a single early 2011, and the last single spring 2011. Tour during the summer time then ATS era is done. If I have to pick a last single on this album it would be Wretches and Kings though, it's good for radio.
  19. AMAZING! Burning in the Skies is my favorite song on the album. I actually have a really good concept in my head for a video, too bad I can't pitch it to LP. I think Wretches and Kings should have been the 3rd single though. A live version to promote their US arena tour if anything. Honestly though the single selection has been weird this time around. They should have went 1. Waiting For the End 2. Wretches and Kings 3. Iridescent 4. The Catalyst The Catalyst should have been last and saved as a surprise for the album. The album really accumulates to that song as the climactic moment of the album, yet they break it down, remix it, tease us with it, and release it before the album comes out until we're somewhat bored of it. Terrible move by LP.
  20. I miss LPTV videos like this! Nothing formal or promoting anything, or making the _______ type of LPTV, but just an inside look at the band and their personalities. Funny stuff in there, i remember some people saying that they lost their sense of humour or some bs, vids like this should prove them wrong.
  21. Blackout was ok. Burning in the Skies was great though. Defiantly a song you can sing along too in an arena. I HOPE they play it often in the north american leg of their tour.
  22. Original is way better. I honestly love W&K, i think i've heard it at least once daily since ATS dropped
  23. LOL yeah okay. 2013 at the earliest. 2011 they're touring into summer. Fall of 2011 they'll take a break. Some touring early 2012 and into summertime. Then they'll start seriously working on the album end of 2012. Wrap it up by summer 2013, promote and release album fall of 2013. They'll probably get some ideas and samples together from now until then, but no chance in hell we get anything in 2011.
  24. And for those who aren't familiar with the awesomeness that is Pendulum. Here's their cover for The Catalyst
  25. Quick question, does linkinpark.com only sell floor seats? Every ticket is selling for 1 price as general admission on the floor. I'm interested in the Toronto show, they're playing at the air canada centre and I KNOW they can sell the 2nd, 3rd levels as well. I was just curious as to what was going on..
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