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But seriously I don't think we're that bad. For the most part everyone is realizing that there are those who favor the HT/Meteora era and then those who favor MTM/ATS, or those like me who have them all mashed together, but if you're on the site then there is something about LP that you enjoy. :)

it was more at the people going nuts over one guy's review of the album. it just got me thinking that this seems to happen during every album release/tour cycle...


I listened to the album a few times by now.

I don't compare it to the other albums so I won't say it's better than ....or worse than ... but I can say that I like it. Although it takes some more time to form a more accurate opinion.


LT starts with the best song of the album in my view. LITE seems perfect to me. Absolutely love this song! Another highlight is "Castle of glass" awesome song and refrain in particular. These two songs are my favourites so far.


The song I like the least is "Skin to Bone" don't like the beat/melody as well as the lyrics. "Until it breaks" is also one of the weaker tracks on the album. I like Mike's third verse (the one he rapped for the WFTE intro at live shows) but Chesters part feels improper to me. It's cool to hear Brad singing at the end but it sounds not good in my ears xD


"Victimized" well...can't form an opinion. It's just so weird ^^ it's neither bad nor good.


Need some more listening time to the other songs.


I've agreed with you up until now...you've let me down. MTM is my favorite LP album.

I agree. LT is definitely not as good as the amazing MTM album was. Even the demos for MTM are fucking amazing.


Hey, people with the physical album, have any of you noticed differences between the stream and CD versions of TINFOIL and POWERLESS? They both seem to be somewhat longer compared to stream versions. Specifically, TINFOIL's intro sounded different and POWERLESS had an extra bar of music at the beginning before Chester's vocals came in, and another extra bar before the second verse.


Unless I'm just going crazy/hadn't listened to the songs enough.


It may just be the fresh music talking but this is the greatest album I've ever heard.

You are not alone Leftshoe. It's my second favorite album of all time. Really great cd!

Hey, people with the physical album, have any of you noticed differences between the stream and CD versions of TINFOIL and POWERLESS? They both seem to be somewhat longer compared to stream versions. Specifically, TINFOIL's intro sounded different and POWERLESS had an extra bar of music at the beginning before Chester's vocals came in, and another extra bar before the second verse.


Unless I'm just going crazy/hadn't listened to the songs enough.

I know in the case of the Powerless intro, it was probably just a result of the stream version having a really awkwardly-placed split between Tinfoil and Powerless. They split the tracks a bit too late on that version, right after the first piano chord that should have marked the beginning of Powerless. The very beginning of Tinfoil was also tacked onto the end of Until it Breaks on the stream.


Sorry to say LPL, but so far i've spent most of my time on LPA for album release. I don't post here that often anymore because of something that happened that I won't mention. But, I'm slowly getting back into LPL.


Anyways, I read this whole thread. All 22 pages or whatever. Great to hear different people's opinions. I love that picture LOL.


Anyways, I want to express my opinions on LT. LT brings everything they have done before, plus adds new sounds. It is truely an awesome album. It has the best LP lyrics imo, and has some of the best vocals and sounds from LP ever.


My ratings:


Lost in the Echo- 10/10

In My Remains- 10/10

Burn it Down- 10/10

Lies Greed Misery- 10/10

I'll Be Gone- 10/10. Sounds like DBS done right.

Castle of Glass- 10/10

Victimized- 10/10

Roads Untraveled- 10/10

Skin to Bone- 10/10

Until it Breaks- this song confuses me. Why combine four demos? WHY? Take Chester's part and expand it and keep Brad's part and you got an amazing song. Brad's part is the best part of the song. Get rid of Mike completely. His rap frick, the only thing on the whole cd I don't like. So yeah UIB and BID easily being a standout as one of the worst tracks ruined this from being a Perfect record foe me. It's so hard to rate this because I am so conflicted. I guess My rating for Until it Breaks: 8/10 (I used to say 9/10.)

Tinfoil: 9/10. Not as good as Session.

Powerless: 10/10


Well you may think I am overrating the songs, but this is legitely the 2nd best album I have ever heard (after Swoon by Silversun Pickups, the only album I have ever given a perfect score to.)




Overall album: 9.9/10


Songs from favorite to least favorite:

Castle of Glass

Lost in the Echo

Skin to Bone

Lies Greed Misery

Roads Untraveled

In My Remains

I'll Be Gone



Burn it Down


Until It Breaks



Favorite LP albums:

1. Living Things

2. Meteora

3. Minutes to Midnight=Hybrid Theory

4. A Thousand Suns



Top LP songs now:


1. Breaking the Habbit

2. Castle of Glass

3. Lost in the Echo

4. Skin to Bone

5. Lies Greed Misery

6. Faint

7. In the End

8. Roads Untraveled

9. In My Remains

10. I'll be Gone



11. Leave Out All the Rest

12. In Between

13. One Step Closer

14. Crawling

15. Given Up

16. Victimized

17. Don't Stay

18. Waiting For the End

19. Somewhere I belong

20. In Pieces


As you can see from my top 20 having 8 LT songs in it and my rating and my 2nd favorite of all time, I LOVE THIS ALBUM AND CAN NOT GET ENOUGH OF IT. MOAR LISTENS. MOAR.


Anyways, some final thoughts. Living Things is not old territory even though there may be some old influences, it is totally new and I am happy with the experimentation of this alvum, and hope for more awesome releases in the future no matter what the sound like :D


I know in the case of the Powerless intro, it was probably just a result of the stream version having a really awkwardly-placed split between Tinfoil and Powerless. They split the tracks a bit too late on that version, right after the first piano chord that should have marked the beginning of Powerless. The very beginning of Tinfoil was also tacked onto the end of Until it Breaks on the stream.

Alright, I forgot that the stream was originally just the entire album in one track, and I guess someone else did the splitting. Thanks.

That's some crazy fucking willpower.

Naaa not really. If it was a previous album it would have been. Each CD that comes out I get more and more ability to tolerate the leak and wait until the CD drops. This time I really disliked BID and LGM, not my kind of music, so it wasn't hard. Add that to the fact I discovered the 2011 Flipsyde EP last week and I saw Keane in Nashville 2 days ago and have been jamming to their new album for 48 hours....not bad. Seeing the theater event tomorrow and will grab the CD Tuesday sometime if it's in a store near me.


Hope it's good. BID and LGM are easily two of the worst songs I've heard by LP, right along with Iridescent and H! Vltg3. Hearing Shinoda in interviews from 2010-now destroy the idea of LP making "3-4 minute radio singles that we can make in a day no problem...that's not what we want to do" etc.... then hearing BID I just did a facepalm immediately.


Naaa not really. If it was a previous album it would have been. Each CD that comes out I get more and more ability to tolerate the leak and wait until the CD drops. This time I really disliked BID and LGM, not my kind of music, so it wasn't hard. Add that to the fact I discovered the 2011 Flipsyde EP last week and I saw Keane in Nashville 2 days ago and have been jamming to their new album for 48 hours....not bad. Seeing the theater event tomorrow and will grab the CD Tuesday sometime if it's in a store near me.

BID is one of the worst of the album. I like one song less than it but BID is week. Oh and Keane is amazing. I love their new cd! Such awesomeness!

I too am still waiting until tomorrow... and I'm actually excited for this CD. BID was a bit "meh!" but I'm still really liking LGM


I've listened to the original leak (iTunes Stream) a couple dozen times since it came out, but am looking forward to downloading the real deal from iTunes at midnight tonight.


When ATS came out, I noticed the CD and other digital versions (Amazon) were mastered at a higher volume and had more distortion & clipping, which drove me nuts when I listened with headphones. iTunes had a better mix, and will get my business this time around. I'll miss owning a physical copy, but since LP decided to skip a deluxe edition, digital will work for now. /end of audiophile rant


Didn't listen to it until today (because it came out in Denmark today). And it's fucking amazing, if you dont like BID or LGM i think you will still like this album, the songs is just fucking amazing. 9 Or 10/10


you want to know something annoying? the June 26th release date was a US release date, I hadn't bothered to check that it would be different in the EU/UK. (you might be able to see where this is going...)


Living THings was released in the UK TODAY and I've been sat on my ass all day, bored as hell. AARRRRGGHH!!!


going down tomorrow to buy a copy from my local store anyway though. still not heard these leaks :D


I've listened to the original leak (iTunes Stream) a couple dozen times since it came out, but am looking forward to downloading the real deal from iTunes at midnight tonight.


When ATS came out, I noticed the CD and other digital versions (Amazon) were mastered at a higher volume and had more distortion & clipping, which drove me nuts when I listened with headphones. iTunes had a better mix, and will get my business this time around. I'll miss owning a physical copy, but since LP decided to skip a deluxe edition, digital will work for now. /end of audiophile rant

Itunes is 256 kbps, so is amazon.


Getting a CD is better since you can get flac quality, which is what I'm doing since listening to 256 with my headphones doesn't sound nearly as good as flac.


Also it was probably the player or equalizer that was causing clipping. With studio headphones you shouldnt need an equalizer or volume enhancement past an external amp and a DAC.


I mean it all depends on your headphones as well. I've listened to ATS so many times from straight CD and I notice different nuiassances in the music each time.

/audiophile lecture


Its the 26th. Only a few more hours untili you guys get to listen!

Or, you know, right now.


Because I got my digital download just now.


Not that I'm actually downloading it. Passed it on to a friend because I have the fucking CD and I already ripped it.

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