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Also, I would like to add that the 'digital newsletter' the last 2 years is bullshit. I used to love getting my huge LPU package every year (4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0) and then the newsletter coming as well. It was fun for me. Plus some of the posters from the newsletter are badass like the 6.0 one.

LPU7 had the last physical newsletter. I wish they continued with this, but i think it was pretty expensive to do this.


I'm fine with paying $60 a year, but im not a fan of the price of the new LPU stuff to buy, comparing to LPU9 (I shouldn't be, since its not 2009 anymore) but the prices for a T-shirt was like.. $5 or $6 +shipping. These days i think it was $10 for the LPUX wrist band. Those 2009 prices were pretty mental, that price would have been for the production of the T-shirt and nothing else.


I was a little disappointed with the device case, Its only suitable for an iPhone or anything bigger. My phone is smaller, and does not fit in there at all, the material choice wasn't the best. Even my iPod touch Gen2 with a case on it does not fit it. I have 3 i bought cheap off eBay, and i can't really do anything with them :P


The LPUX shirt fits really well, but the stitching around the neck has come out, and i had to stop wearing that. I need to get it fixed again.


I think we need to realise that its not 10 years ago anymore, and prices change. The LPU9 prices were so low, and it was just catching up for LPUX.


My recommendations (Too late now) for LPU11 are:

Make sure of quality in all package items.

More interactive competitions for members, even if there are no prizes, we don't care. Just a lot of small things we can take part in.

Maybe a half hour or less chat/show around of the studio. For example, a certain day where chester or mike are recording vocals for a song we can take listen. I know this happens in LPU/LPTV episodes, but to see that live would be great.

The price does not go above the current one.


I'd encourage Adam (or anyone) to comment on some of the things i've said.

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I think on LPU11 can be exclusives tracks like this was with My December, Qwerty, and etc. And possible in the future these song will be played live.


Newsletters never really meant much to me though I have quite a few. Meh I rather be a bit green than having it just laying around. I'm guessing that's why the LPU took the route of charging an additional fee for a physical Copy. I was one of the People who left at LPUX I wasn't too happy with it but it's decisions the LPU made. Though now I think as I stated earlier LPU 11 May have just been hyped enough for me to join and check it out once again :)


Since the band probably won't tour during the LPU11 year, they should drop the price since they can't hold any Summit or other events.

Posted (edited)

LPUX sucks for a few reasons: Why can you download LPTV but not LPUTV? Why was the CD NOT included with the package? I bought the physical CD and the package separately but everyone should have a physical copy of the CD for the membership. And lastly, no forum like from 1-9. Why it was completely destroyed baffles me.

The CD being included is something we can't really do anymore at this time. It has nothing to do with us/the band wanting to make more money off you guys or anything like that. It's just something that, for the time being, is out of our hands and out of our control. However, we're doing our very best this year to get around that in a way. It's not perfect, but it's better than last year. You'll see what I mean when we launch...


I'd encourage Adam (or anyone) to comment on some of the things i've said.

All I can say now is that we listened to you guys in a lot of areas. If you don't think LPU11 is a major upgrade from LPUX, then I give up trying to make you happy. :)


LPU11 will definitely launch before X-Mas. We don't want to give an EXACT date just yet because we want to make 110% sure we can hit the date we're trying for. But trust me, it's really really soon.

Edited by Adam

The CD being included is something we can't really do anymore at this time. It has nothing to do with us/the band wanting to make more money off you guys or anything like that. It's just something that, for the time being, is out of our hands and out of our control. However, we're doing our very best this year to get around that in a way. It's not perfect, but it's better than last year. You'll see what I mean when we launch.

I understand, I just miss the CD being included. I still bought the physical copy of the LPUX CD, it's only 10 bucks, not too expensive. Can you tell us any information about the tracks on the CD this year? I hope it is demos and b-sides like the last few years.


You're paying double the price a year for the same, if not less, content! Previous years have everything this one does and more, but they throw in shit about an "LPU summit" and suddenly you're supposed to get a big dick? If you honestly think you can say it's more, you're fucking blind or ignorant. Emotion and personal feelings about "value" aside, LPUX was horse shit. You get three items in a package, two small store discounts, and the rest is "a chance" to do this or that. "A chance" at meet and greets, "a chance" at band chats, "a chance" at winning merch. The rest is downloads. You even had to pay extra for a physical CD, didn't you? And then the LPU Summit? Please. That doesn't add value to shit unless they hold it driving distance from my house. Why would I want to buy a plane ticket to go talk to fucking Linkin Park fans? On top of that I'd probably end up with an assault charge. Thanks for costing me so much, LPU X.

damn you got a problem LMFAO. i haven't seen a post this angry in a long ass time, even here lmfao

right everyone read this:-


LPU Membership...is optional.

Noone is forced to pay money they don't want to. But if your a fan who wants to spend their cash that they earn (kids who get their parents to pay for it, and also moan GTFO!) on a band they love to get some extras, why moan.


It's like monaing that a happy meal is £1.99. If you don't want to pay £1.99. Don't pay it. Simple.


right everyone read this:-


LPU Membership...is optional.

Noone is forced to pay money they don't want to. But if your a fan who wants to spend their cash that they earn (kids who get their parents to pay for it, and also moan GTFO!) on a band they love to get some extras, why moan.


It's like monaing that a happy meal is £1.99. If you don't want to pay £1.99. Don't pay it. Simple.



I passed on LPUX because I didn't see the incentive to pay all that moola for stuff I couldn't do/wouldn't have access to, i.e., meet and greets/summits. I do hope LPU11 comes back to earth, price-wise.

Posted (edited)

The CD being included is something we can't really do anymore at this time. It has nothing to do with us/the band wanting to make more money off you guys or anything like that. It's just something that, for the time being, is out of our hands and out of our control. However, we're doing our very best this year to get around that in a way. It's not perfect, but it's better than last year. You'll see what I mean when we launch...




All I can say now is that we listened to you guys in a lot of areas. If you don't think LPU11 is a major upgrade from LPUX, then I give up trying to make you happy. :)


LPU11 will definitely launch before X-Mas. We don't want to give an EXACT date just yet because we want to make 110% sure we can hit the date we're trying for. But trust me, it's really really soon.


Finally boss posts good job bro , atleast this time let the forums kick up in Lpu and we can smash it !!!!!! itz been a while . " LPU11 will definitely launch before X-Mas." so long then............ expected in nov end or early first week dec .No cd again this time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! baaaaaaaaaaaah again disaster i expected the cd at least this time . hmmmm guess i have to order LPU 11 For my name which pops in the cd case inlet covers :(


The LPUX shirt fits really well, but the stitching around the neck has come out, and i had to stop wearing that. I need to get it fixed again.


My large was way too tight it didnt fit well , bravadousa needs to make good quality shirts like previous t shirts 9,8,7 we far better , I expect a good design in the front similar to the old ones too , i guess few had similar thoughts of attractive designs ;)


Maybe a half hour or less chat/show around of the studio. For example, a certain day where chester or mike are recording vocals for a song we can take listen

nailed it !!!!!!!!!!!! i would pay 100 $ if this feature is included ;)


at least something like this plz


Edited by Dmitry

You stuffed up your quote, can you fix it.


No offense or anything if you made that, but that design has nothing to do with ATS era art, or any art they have had before. It looks like its been copied from google, and slapped on an LP symbol. The back of the shirt also does not make any sense, because those dates are not all the world tour. Its got LP Underground on the sleeve, but those dates don't have anything to do with the LPU.


But yeah, that picture is completely random, why is that on there?

Posted (edited)

You stuffed up your quote, can you fix it.


No offense or anything if you made that, but that design has nothing to do with ATS era art, or any art they have had before. It looks like its been copied from google, and slapped on an LP symbol. The back of the shirt also does not make any sense, because those dates are not all the world tour. Its got LP Underground on the sleeve, but those dates don't have anything to do with the LPU.


But yeah, that picture is completely random, why is that on there?


ryan its my personal design and it has nothing to do with official or something , i made it for my own personal and for few who wanted one , The point is u need more attractive LPU shirts like before versions 9,8,7,6... , imo i felt LPUX was dull ............

Edited by aravind221

Am I the only one who wants to have T-Shirt with a Linkin Park motive instead of animals ?

Yes. Bring on the fucking Linkin Park Llamas!


no way! metamorphosis was a beast of an album!

the majority of the fans disliked it, i was one, it had some good songs but wasn't as good as their other albums
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