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At the LP Youtube channel you can find a video of the band working on "Iridescent" and how the idea for the gang vocals grow up.


What are your thoughts on the video?


More of this stuff is what the DVD should've been.


Throughout the process, LP told us how much they were putting into this album, and how it meant so much to them.

The DVD made it seemed like they were slaving away, under pressure, not doing what they wanted.

This, I think, shows how meaningful it was to them - like when Mike starts singing to himself as he listens.


More of this stuff is what the DVD should've been.

Thank you! i know i'm not the only one who feels kinda ripped on the content of the DVD. should have been an hour at least!


Here's one thing that gets me. In the LPTV's the band seems calm, and not stressed to the point that their at each other's throats. They seem to be enjoying the process, and not concerned at all with deadlines, etc. Why didnt they show this in the DVD?? If one looks at the dvd alone, without watching the LPTV's, they'd think that the band was on the brink of breaking up, while the LPTVs dont even suggest it!!! But that's my 2 cents.


on topic, I liked this. Iridescent is my favorite track on the album, and the gang vocals just completly killed it (in a good way) it reminds me of HHH, with the Amen vocal chorus. Just beautiful. and Mike's singing?? AWESOME


Here's one thing that gets me. In the LPTV's the band seems calm, and not stressed to the point that their at each other's throats. They seem to be enjoying the process, and not concerned at all with deadlines, etc. Why didnt they show this in the DVD?? If one looks at the dvd alone, without watching the LPTV's, they'd think that the band was on the brink of breaking up, while the LPTVs dont even suggest it!!! But that's my 2 cents.


on topic, I liked this. Iridescent is my favorite track on the album, and the gang vocals just completly killed it (in a good way) it reminds me of HHH, with the Amen vocal chorus. Just beautiful. and Mike's singing?? AWESOME

Totally Agree With You!! The DVD "Meeting A Thousand Suns" scares me!!!


Loved this. I think the reason the DVD was the way it was, was to really tell Warner this caused us a whole bunch of shit, get the fuck off our backs. Months and months of footage was compressed into 30 minutes, the band played it how they wanted to, and pretty well I'd say.


This song draws attention to its sound. Piano beautifully, vocals Mike multiplied by Chester's vocals makes this song definitely single. Like the chorus from the guys ..


Really awesome LPTV...I wish this kind of stuff was on the DVD like everyone else. Would it be against the rules to ask for a download link of this?


Awesome video. It's nice to see that the feelings i have towards the songs are the same they have too. And the gang vocals are used perfectly on the song. It is a thing of beauty with so many things that strokes your senses albeit subtly.


I am so Happy they did not included all this is DVD. Otherwise it would have been like MTM. DVD and LPTv 15 = Same.& Other videos Non Studio.


But They didn't released Summer Tour Video other than that LPUTV one. :(

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