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After reading the review I feel kinda worried.


Why do they want to make such a complicated album..


But I'm sure it will sound great. And..it's time for the 30 sec samples DAMMIT

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I don't know,


One second I'm totally like YEAH!!!!!!!


The other second I'm going like... hmmm I don't know..


The description of the songs ( thank you very much for thath Ana ) make me more and more positive though! I sure hope it will be just like with The Catalyst : from 'WTF?!' to 'It's actually freakin great!!!' in about five listens hahaha..


Anyway I LOVE that 'my best band of the world' dares to change and look forward in this commercial thinking society!




The review (some) was just kind of vague. I know it's not the fault of the poster though. If they had trouble hearing it, that's fine. I'm just not going to go insane over this review. If I were to take the whole review literally, I would be preparing myself for a dissapointment. However, I'm not going to do that because I question whether some of these descriptions are accurate.


I do agree with one thing though. Most people are going to either love it or hate it. Unfortunately, if some of the descriptions this review gives are accurate (Mike and Chester almost always singing together, Chester being a second voice, 30% autotune, only two screams by chester, etc), then I think it's going to be the latter. The backlash and fanbase reaction for this album will probably be worse than Minutes to Midnight if that's the case.


As for me though, I've learned to not trust descriptions for songs. The description that the guy from XFM gave for The Catalyst ended up sounding nothing like the real thing, imo. So I'm not going to go crazy over this either. I know there's a chance that it won't sound anything like these descriptions when I listen to it. Good job to the person who posted though.


This sounds all exciting and I can't wait. The only bit I'm not too sure about is the auto tune. I didn't think the band was one for using auto tune, surely they are better than that. I remember in Mike's blog he said he was against it.

Agreed. Although, if anyone can pull off Autotune in an artistic manner, it's LP. I'm still heavily skeptical and would rather they didn't use it at all...otherwise, the review sounds pretty cool.

This does sound very interesting, using Soundgarden and Muse in the same description makes it sound very risky indeed, but I think like everyone else it'll be a love it or hate it record.


Interesting, but is there still a guitar solo in Iridescent? Just wondering.


And this album is going to be amazing, but I am pretty sure there is not going to be autotune. I mean, the whole effect is kind of a joke now. It's probably like flanger and chorus like in The Catalyst.


I'm going in to this album with a open mind and I love The Catalyst, but when I read "Chester only screams 2x." my stomach turned.

That is one of the things that to me define Linkin Park.

Now I'm nervous.

Posted (edited)

Anyway guys if this album wouldn't succeed in some parts the band will understand this and wouldn't repeat that. You know they try whatever to please their fans, us B)


If you remember good the video "Making of Minutes To Midnight" they clearly said that they don't want to do trilogy HT, Meteora and one more. They want to do a new music, new songs. In that album I definitely know they want to try something brand new so don't be disappointed, before hearing and after hearing the new album ;)


Edit: "Chester only screams 2x" - really ????! Of course that makes me sad...

Edited by Maxthunderer

To be honest it's not too difficult to determine which songs are which as they listened to the album in order - the only hard bit is where ana lost a track but by the sounds of it it's going to segue from one track to another rather than stop start :)


wow i can tell that this one will divide the fan base like nothing has ever before, MTM won't even come close. I for one am very excited but i can see how ATS won't appeal to many of the fans.


Brace yourself people i smell one big cry fest in a few weeks.


HT- Chester scream 4x

Meteora - Chester scream 4x

MTM - Chester scream 3x

ATS - Chester scream 2x

Everything will be fine this is not the most important


Everything will be fine this is not the most important

That's what i was trying to say. Btw, the review of the track #9 is missing.

Thanks for posting your review Ana.


Have to say, I'm all for change but am kinda worried by Ana's description of the songs.

Not loving the idea of speeches and surprised that Chester has moved into the background a bit.


Really need to hear it for myself before I can judge (obviously!)


If the album is like the description.

bye bye 50% from the real fans base

+20% Pop fans.


and bye bye tours or festivals with heavy bands.

I think that LP will sell alot of recors with this album, but lose alot of fans.


Im not saying that the album is going to be POP,

but is more accessible to pop fans.(will not be like QWERTY or others heavy songs, that not all the people like this songs for "heavys".


wow i can tell that this one will divide the fan base like nothing has ever before, MTM won't even come close. I for one am very excited but i can see how ATS won't appeal to many of the fans.


Brace yourself people i smell one big cry fest in a few weeks.

You're right. I don't know do they do the right decisions releasing such tracks (btw we don't know exactly how it sounds ^_^) but I think if this is an experimental album it will be first and last of that kind. Previous MTM album for me was amazing (don't know how you feel guys but its true, all songs are very cool and beautiful) but it was style "Alternative". But in result, LP guys are training to do something new and unique like they always make (because of that they are always called "UNIQUE" band) so be patient

If the album is like the description.

bye bye 50% from the real fans base

+20% Pop fans.


and bye bye tours or festivals with heavy bands.

I think that LP will sell alot of recors with this album, but lose alot of fans.


Im not saying that the album is going to be POP,

but is more accessible to pop fans.(will not be like QWERTY or others heavy songs, that not all the people like this songs for "heavys".

disagreed, have you listened to the album?

how can you make this conclusion?


i'm so excited.


sounds like this is going to be like nothing we've ever heard before, nevermind sounding like linkin park.


all in all, i don't care if there is a huge backlash like there was with minutes to midnight because i think it's so immature of people to hate on linkin park for change. even if you just genuinely do not like what ATS brings, that doesn't mean you have to stop supporting them or stop being a fan. it's ridiculous. and it bothers me to no end when people hate on it because it's not HT or Meteora - GET OVER IT, AND BRING YOUR COMPLAINTS SOMEWHERE ELSE.


even if i don't end up enjoying a thousand suns, although i highly doubt that will happen, i will still love and support linkin park.


You would be a fool to take a review seriously, every one has there own interpretations, everyone percives music differently. I have put past that chester has to scream and mike has to rap. instead of worrying about the new album or anticipate what will happen, im just going to be open minded and enjoy the ride.


disagreed, have you listened to the album?

how can you make this conclusion?

Right, but if with Catalyst LP losed alot of fans... imagine with the complete album,

i say it cuz i know some peoples that dont like more LP

more than ...like the new style


but is one opinion


based on this review i'm a little worried :\ i'm not a fan of mike's vocals at all so i'm pretty bummed it seems like it's all him (again, based on the review). i love everything lp has put out save for no roads left, and i will be heart broken if i end up not liking this. i'm trying to maintain an open mind though. i'm sure the album will surprise us with it's badassery! at least i hope.


You would be a fool to take a review seriously, every one has there own interpretations, everyone percives music differently. I have put past that chester has to scream and mike has to rap. instead of worrying about the new album or anticipate what will happen, im just going to be open minded and enjoy the ride.

why can't this board be filled with people like you?


First of all thanks Ana for the review :) I think I'm definitely going to love this album.I think they've gone into some really deep emotions and situations.It's kinda funny that people freak out when they hear that Chester is screaming less...I mean come on,is this the only important thing in the whole song/album?I'm happy to hear that we'll hear more singing from Mike and I'm really curious to hear the rapping from Chester :D I'm also really interested in the guitar parts by Brad...Ana's saying that there are some pretty heavy stuff in there...Overall like I've said before,they've taken a huge risk here but I'm happy they're doing that instead of doing the same album over and over again.Can't wait for September 14th!

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