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I was googling some tracks from the live shows in '07, as well as the '08 Winter European Tour. Kept coming back because interesting things were being posted, news-wise.


Man!!! I really don´t remember the exactly year.

But I think it was on 2007...maybe... :lol:


I used to visit LPA and there was a link to this site. So since then it was a life changing :P


I found this after IM'ing Mark in February or March 2008 wondering if he had audio for a particular show, the Summer Sanitarium 03 San Francisco date, I think it was.


We got to talking about a photo gallery for the site, which I ran for a little while, until it was removed I think in June 2008.

  nkramar said:

Been here since before there was a here.


"Yo, we're gonna do this one beginning to end Reanimation-style just for you guys... It's called P5hng Me A*wy."


</'nuff said>

HAHA Nippon Budokan 2003!!! I also wanted to add in that I think I remember Mark talking about making lplive on the LPU forums back in like late 2005...I remember I first heard of him through LPU5 maybe? I joined during 4.0...


A few years ago I always looked for lp stuff on Forfeit the Game and LPA. A few years ago there was a link on the Forfeit the Game website and I visited the site. I was visiting this site everyday for a year or so and then finally signed for the forums;)

Posted (edited)

From the LPU. I joined the first day it launched, but that thing happened and I didn't rejoin until a couple of months after it relaunched. When I first joined it was because I wanted to support the site and also to get some updates (it usually has more than LP.com) but a few months ago I started to become active on the messageboard because the LPU one was dying out. It's funny because if there was a time I "helped" or found something cool, you guys would post it as "Aiman from the LPU" but now it's just "Aiman" :lol:

Edited by Aiman

I discovered LPL through the LPA forums last year. I think it was a discussion thread about Mmm... Cookies and how (a) LPA user(s) posted that members of LPL "said it was crap and dissed Mike". (Sounds pretty stupid now that I'm a LPL forum member. :lol: ) There was a link to this forum and without reading I was thinking like "OMG bad site, the members are idiots" because of the stuff posted on LPA. Then, some time later, I visited the LPL main site and I was really impressed with what I saw. I remember one day where I was really ill I spent with reading the setlists/show notes of EVERY LP show.^^

And now, over 200 posts later, it has become my favorite LP-related site. Highlights were the LPL meet&greets at Gräfenhainichen and Hamburg this year where I met many LPL members. Good memories. :)


In my case was thanks to Google, i just wanted some Linkin Park Live concerts and just apear this site, so i think ok lets see and since that day lplive.net is the first web site that i consult everyday...


i just feel love for LpL.... :blink:

Posted (edited)

I personally keep coming back because I really feel that everyone here does what they do out of love for LP. The site has gone above and beyond to keep not only updated, but exciting. The site offers not only the most up-to-date news, but real exclusives. I found Plaster here, I found State of the Art here, I found She Couldn't here and that's because of the effort the fans have put in. This isn't a half-assed site or community. I really feel like the people who contribute to the site are truly dedicated LP fans.

Edited by letdownagain
  Hahninator said:

How did you first discover LPLive? When did you first visit? Why did you first visit and why do some of you keep coming back? We've obviously gathered our own little community and I was interested in hearing about everyone's history with the site and how you all discovered LPL.


I discovered LPL about a year ago by clicking a link in your sig on the LPU forums. I was like, "Linkin Park Live Guide, wtf is that???" and I keep coming back because this is the best way to find out news about LP


I always needed a website to check my favorite band's status of what's going on and where are they touring at the moment. at first, i was at lptimes.com but i guess due to how busy and effort it takes to run the site, the information there stayed the same for weeks, sometimes a month. but then i switched to lpassociation.com and it was unique website but something about it got me to maybe there could be something more out there. luckily after looking through a few websites i found lplive.net, and so far for years i've been going on this website just about everyday cos the information that gets updated has me looking forward to reading what's going. + because of this website, i found cool intros to lp songs, rare demos and it totally added more number of songs on my itunes. then by reading what new stuff they did during their live shows, and how they messed up on lyrics just made me think "this is the best website ever" although i don't really comment any of the posts, but i'm on this website just about daily and i THANK EVERYONE WHO ADDS ANY INFORMATION ABOUT LINKIN PARK. you ALL ROCK!




This is an invaluable thread, keep it going!


But how 'bout I flip the script and recount how Mark found me?


I was making copies of We Major to hand out to people, so I posted a picture in the Fort Minor Militia Forums of three jewel cases with cover-art that I printed out inside.


Next thing I know that familiar AIM jingle sounds and I see a new message:



Session Start: Thu Oct 27 16:01:25 2005

Phort Mineur: hey, it's Hahninator

Rest is history ...

Posted (edited)

Hard to remember. Guess late 2007. Or summer 07. Not really sure. Somebody mentioned LPL in a Bulgarian LP fansite. I found the live guide very interesting. Forums, news... Then the LPL exclusives. Awesome website! :)

Edited by dark_master

it was last year, around the middle of August, to be exact. i was looking for videos of the Project Revolution Concert in Atlanta, Georgia from a few weeks ago. i found a video of HHH/Crawling, with Chris Cornell, and i read the comments, and the uploader said that he got it here. so, i went here, and i liked it. it wasn't until around May, though, that i became a member on the forums, mainly because i wanted to partake in the downloads. anyway, i've enjoyed the site, and it continues to be my main point of intrest for everything LP related. Good job, guys!! Keep up the good work! :)


i don't know, when i first came here... i just remember deciding to become a member after this year's show at ferropolis/gräfenhainichen, because i wanted to share my opinion and because i was hyped about LP again... haha...

i love this site, because it knows everything that's related to LP. and i haven't seen a fan-page about LP before, where people really know, what they're talking about in a way you guys do. i remember surfing around the guestbook of the old linkinpark.de. dude, those dumbasses there... they were asking things like 'will chester leave the band?' all the time... and they were dissing eachother.

LPL is just the opposite, cause you get answers to your questions and here you get the feeling that LP-fans stick together, no matter how different some opinions on several things are... it's not only about those when-will-the-next-album-come-out or i-love-chester-bennington kinda things. i appreciate you guys putting so much effort into this site and trying to make it as informative as possible!! and of course, the LPL exclusives always kick so much ass!!


THANK YOU!! :lol:

  sotrix said:

Rest is history ...

I'll see your story and raise you mine:


Look at Mark and LPLive now. Would you believe that just a short 4 years ago, he would have gone running to a source for a show to tattle-tale on me that I'd uploaded a 'rare' piece of audio?


Oh my, how times change. :P


After seeing LP in Sydney in 2007, I was interested in finding out what other setlists they played around the country. I googled it, and found this website. I loved it, and visit it pretty much everyday. It's a damn good site.

  sotrix said:

This is an invaluable thread, keep it going!


But how 'bout I flip the script and recount how Mark found me?


I was making copies of We Major to hand out to people, so I posted a picture in the Fort Minor Militia Forums of three jewel cases with cover-art that I printed out inside.


Next thing I know that familiar AIM jingle sounds and I see a new message:




Rest is history ...

I still have a few copies of the original We Major CDs. I've been trying to figure out what to do with them. Are they hard to come by?

Posted (edited)

lmao i met mark through either Jnudda when we were FMW or MSS. I think at one point we butted heads on something, that time is still fuzzy for me and I wanted to kick our site owners ass. who knew that after getting royally screwed over by the previous owner J and I and with the contributions of several of our users that J would be the owner of LPP. I knew of this place but i didnt really come here. Through LPU mark would critic my modding and I kinda joined here.

Edited by taminator

I was part of some LP group on facebook. Hahniator spammed our group and said to check out lpplive.net lol And I did, the rest if history. That was a couple years ago, i was a lurker for a while before i registered.


One thing I like about this site is that it really feels like a FANS site. Lptimes, lpassociation, etc etc are just very formal and posts the most recent news thats worthy of a headline. You miss a lot of things here and there that big fans like me want to see and read.


Lplive I feel just has a good grasp of letting you know EVERYTHING thats going on in the LP world. You guys do it in a simple way, and each news headlinefeels like a conversation going on from post to post. I think that's a nice touch.


Also, i'm a live junkie so it's cool to get updates about their shows.


Easily my fav LP fan site. I visit this site daily..


It wasn't that long ago. when i found out about she couldn't through youtube, I quickly learned about lplive. It's been great too! I seriously go on here everyday just to see if something new is posted. Great work to everyone on the site, and I seriously can't wait for the exclusive that's gonna be brought to us soon! :)


After searching around desperately on Google, trying to find a DSP, from my first LP show last year, I was amazed to find them all accessible on LPL, (which eventually came up as a hit), and continually check back on a daily basis to keep up with all the news and exlusives.


The content thats made available and the constant stream of news (when there's stuff to post) is fantastic!


Keep up the good work guys!

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