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Well LPLive, I think it's time for some new interviews. I will be doing a new staff interview very soon as well as one from just a general LP fan, but I wanted to ask you guys a question....


Who would you like to see featured in a new LPL interview? I'm talking like...someone outside of LPLive. Maybe a member of a band LP has worked with (Ryu?), maybe someone in the crew for the live shows, or maybe someone that works in their management? Suggest some jobs you'd like to have an interview/perspective from or some names and we'll see what we can do for you!


I'm interested in what you guys are thinking. We already have a few lined up but it'd be good to get an idea as to what the members want to see in terms of an interview with someone. Ryan Shuck (Julien-K / Orgy / Dead By Sunrise) was our latest, maybe we can beat that one? Previously we've also had Pooch (the live engineer of the band), Cyclefly (who worked with Chester on a collaboration), and Greg Watermann (the official photographer of LP).

Posted (edited)

personally i think mark fiore would be cool. but it'd probably be next to impossible to contact him... unless you can contact someone who's easy to contact like pooch then ask him to contact mark... lol

Edited by Aiman
Posted (edited)

Mark Fiore would be cool^


Also, Sal would be a pretty cool interview wouldn't he? He's been to what, a shit-ton of shows? And this is LP*Live*, I'd like to hear what he has to say and he could share some experiences maybe?

Edited by Xero21

For a fan, Sal is a genius idea. I'll get right on that - excellent idea, I never thought of him :)


Fiore would be really cool but I've never heard of a fan contacting him. Should've asked him when I saw him a few days ago, lol. Pic here.


how about one of LP ;)


I ask their PR agent if we could do an interview...

honestly Im writing a mail asap


No one can beat Ryan *laughs* :D


But on a serious note: How about Scott Koziol? I have no idea if there is a way to contact him but maybe you guys will find one *laughs*


Or maybe someone from Grey Daze? Haven't you interviewed Sean Dowdell before? If not, then I'm sure it would a good pick!


Mark Fiore would be cool, too! Or someone from Fort Minor or their management.

  Phil said:

^Scott Koziol would be really cool.


Do you think that this is scotts actual facebook?

If not him, how about someone like apathy or someone else who worked with fort minor?


LP american already interviewed Scott.. There's not really that many important questions to ask him

  The_Glue said:

And you made a good job :P


I want to see more of that staff interviews.

Thanks, man ^^


What LPL member will be interviewed next ?

Posted (edited)

Sal and Mark Fiore are such good idea's that I can't possible come up with anything better... :o


No, but really, Sal is a great idea. Everyone talks about him, but no one really knows him, ya know?


And I think interviewing a guy like Ryu would be cool too. Just to hear about his personal experiences with LP would be interesting considering he's known Mike and the guys for years.


And you should interview some people that have been banned from LPL, just so I can get some comedy/entertainment.

Edited by Cyro

I feel pretty cool for suggesting Sal. Bwahahaha. But I would really like to see it happen.


And thanks in advance Adam for trying to get us an interview with Mark Fiore.

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