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Soon: New Single To Feature Kiiara, Music Video To Be Shot Next Week, & More!

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Looks like "soon" is actually coming soon. Some tasty new details regarding new Linkin Park music were just found, and it looks like some new music is right on the horizon!


We don't know much about the new single; just that it's coming "soon," as we've heard before, but now there are some new details that are making it more interesting. Firstly, it's just about confirmed that the up and coming pop singer Kiiara will feature on the song! An ad searching for a few roles appeared just recently, titled "Linkin Park ft. Kiiara Music Video." In particular, the roles ask for lookalikes for Chester and Kiiara, so it's safe to say that they will both be featured in the music video. It is currently unknown whether or not the band's previous shoot earlier in the year was just a photoshoot for promotional images or if the two shoots are for the same video. Josh from Casting Networks confirms to us that this is a real casting call for a real music video, if there were any doubts.


Some plot of the video can also be found. The synopsis claims that "interesting characters meet in a therapy session!" That's a pretty odd tagline to say the least, but it doesn't really provide many other details than that. The role descriptions say that the actors impersonating the stars will be imitating their movements, so maybe we can expect to see some freaky shit you'd see in a horror movie. Probably not, but anything's up for grabs at this point. The tagline may not be to tantalizing yet, but we're sure it'll be pretty cool Surely it can't be any more boring than the 'Until It's Gone' music video...


For those who don't know about Kiiara, here's a little synopsis: she's a new act in the pop world, most well known for her single "Gold." She found some big success in 2016, and she's on course to make her mark in 2017. She's support on The Chainsmokers' huge North American Tour this summer, and certainly a feature on a Linkin Park single will boost her up some more. Hell, it might even give Linkin Park some more momentum! She also appears to be a genuine fan of the band, tweeting out a few days ago that Hybrid Theory is one of the best albums ever created and, more recently, lyrics to 'In The End.' The band even sent her some exclusive merch, by the looks of it.


Going further back in her tweets reveals that she had a session with Linkin Park in December - that's likely when the song came about. It might a be a 'What I've Done' situation, where the label wanted a song from the album for the radio ahead of the album.



EDIT: It appears that Mike and Chester are already presenting new music! A Warner Bros. / iHeartRadio conference is being held right now, and Mike and Chester are there showing the crowd some new stuff. It appears the two may just be talking about the process of making new music, but it is unknown.




More details are coming in slowly, so be sure to check back here. For live updates, follow us on Twitter and like our Facebook page. LP7 is almost here, get hyped!

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Posted (edited)

So... the ride will start right now. Adjust your seat belts and enjoy the ride!


omg, i'm fucking excited!!!

Edited by HybridT

Not a fan of her music, her scene, or that style of music. I can tell this will be the end of LP for me.


So it's MTM/ATS all over again? This is it? Don't assume they're gonna do something really shitty just because you don't like the guest artist (wich is fine if you personally don't like it) but I wouldn't let my expectations go before time, in my opinion.


Hype levels at an all time low. Been growing out of their music since THP. their output since 2012 has been too simplistic for me; no lasting appeal. HT, MTM, and ATS are all that I really care to go back to. I feel like they peaked with ATS. not one song since has matched the greatness of that album.


I'll check out the new music for sure and give it a chance but my expectations are low. Sad. Guess my tastes have changed far too much to stay behind with them.


How can you people judge a song or album before you even hear anything from it? <_>


Hype levels at an all time low. Been growing out of their music since THP. their output since 2012 has been too simplistic for me; no lasting appeal. HT, MTM, and ATS are all that I really care to go back to. I feel like they peaked with ATS. not one song since has matched the greatness of that album.


The best song released since the ATS era is undoubtedly Powerless for me.


How can you people judge a song or album before you even hear anything from it? <_<




The best song released since the ATS era is undoubtedly Powerless for me.

Didn't judge the song. Judged their latest output. In regards to new material, my hype is low. No opinions on a song I've yet to hear :)


Great...pop star on the first single. I knew after THP they were going to go the pop route. Obviously we need to hear it first, but I have low expectations for this album.


Great...pop star on the first single. I knew after THP they were going to go the pop route. Obviously we need to hear it first, but I have low expectations for this album.

Technically, even before THP they were going on the pop route.


"Pop" is such a trivial term when it comes to music, really. Hybrid Theory was pop. Linkin Park has intrinsically been a pop band since the start. I'm not saying this in defense of the album, but I will say that you shouldn't keep your expectations low just because of one song and one silly tag. If you don't enjoy it, that's your prerogative, but give it a chance before you say anything too soon.


I'm excited! Although Kiiara is "mainstream", she's a talented musician with a talented voice. Linkin Park will never make another Hybrid Theory or Meteora, that's just the way bands progress. I'm glad they're doing what inspires them, that renders the best music. Let's keep it positive guys, LP knows what they're doing. :)


I don't know bout you guys but everytime new single coming out, everyone will hate it but after few listens, eventually everyone loves it. it's because LP knows how to make a great song. just my 2 cents.


I don't know bout you guys but everytime new single coming out, everyone will hate it but after few listens, eventually everyone loves it. it's because LP knows how to make a great song. just my 2 cents.

Yes. I'll be waiting for everyone to say they're pleasantly surprised despite expecting the worst.

Posted (edited)

I don't know bout you guys but everytime new single coming out, everyone will hate it but after few listens, eventually everyone loves it. it's because LP knows how to make a great song. just my 2 cents.


That happened to me with The Catalyst. Didn't felt it the first couple of times until I heard it play it live, holy shit, it sounded so good. It became one of my favorite songs to hear live during the ATS tour cycle.

Edited by KlaytonShinoda

she's a talented musician with a talented voice.


Hahahahahahahhaha. Is that song above supposed to be an example of that?


I actually don't mind this move too much, sure it's a bit "mainstream" But as long as the lyrics are good, I would enjoy pop music more if the lyrics where good, because I don't really mind it, except for the fact the songs are about the same damn thing, but I know LP worked their asses off and by the way as RougeSoul Said LP has always been mainstream. Think about it, what was mainstream in 2000? Nu Metal The only non mainstream albums IMO where THP and ATS. I'm along for the ride. and I don't care if anyone else is, because at the end of the day, LP's music has been there when I've struggled and Although I probably won't like it on first listen, It'll grow on me (kinda like MTM/ATS, which I didn't like at first) sure it's different, but I love LP BECAUSE they're different, no two albums are the same. So In The End (pun intended) as long as the lyrics have meaning, I will like this album


I'm hyped for it. Considering Kiiara's "Gold" vibe, plus Dark Crystal from LPU16, the album might come out with some of those dark sounding beats. Or maybe not, but I wanna listen to it anyway.


I'm hyped for it. Considering Kiiara's "Gold" vibe, plus Dark Crystal from LPU16, the album might come out with some of those dark sounding beats. Or maybe not, but I wanna listen to it anyway.

If this album has a Dark Crystal vibe, I'd Love this album, as it's my favorite LPU16 demo, I could actually see that dark beat vibe happening.

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