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Posted (edited)

would rather have 10 "bad" demos with vocals from MTM, ATS era than this instrumental shit. Anyway James Jean artwork is pretty cool

Edited by mrfox
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  On 11/21/2014 at 11:43 AM, AndOne said:

The song might be related to the Czeck Republic because they visited the studio in Praque and Berlin 2008, where they probably recorded this.


A Thousand Suns credits:

Sono Records Studio (Nouzov, Czech Republic)
Tritonus (Berlin, Germany)
Wasn't there a demo called Sono or Sonos?
I used to have the magazine article from June 2008 (foreign) where Mike was in the studio in the Czech Republic. He is sitting at a piano. It was a jpg file and I think posted by a Brazilian website. It might be on my hard drive still...let me do some searching around. It's worth it to find that (if anyone else has it, post it please) because it's directly related to LPU XIV.
EDIT: Ok I can't find the picture. I need help with that. After huge Google searches, I found an article that talks about it: http://kultura.idnes.cz/jak-mike-shinoda-z-linkin-park-nahraval-v-nouzove-fb1-/filter.aspx?c=A080730_115706_filter_vk
"Even within the current European tour, Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park is working on new stuff. It is not clear whether it was material for his new album of his band (for which the reports Rolling Stone magazine actually works), or a possible solo album, but in any case you carry a hard disk with unfinished tracks and uses the services of various studies . On the day he stopped just as the Czech Sonu."
Need to find that magazine article & picture.
EDIT 2: Another article and some pictures, but not the exact picture I was looking for. http://www.muzikus.cz/pro-muzikanty-clanky/mike-shinoda-v-sonu-kytarista-linkin-park-natacel-v-cechach~03~zari~2008/Mike was sitting at these keyboards.
Posted (edited)
  On 11/21/2014 at 2:55 PM, Hahninator said:



A Thousand Suns credits:

Sono Records Studio (Nouzov, Czech Republic)
Tritonus (Berlin, Germany)
Wasn't there a demo called Sono or Sonos?
I used to have the magazine article from June 2008 (foreign) where Mike was in the studio in the Czech Republic. He is sitting at a piano. It was a jpg file and I think posted by a Brazilian website. It might be on my hard drive still...let me do some searching around. It's worth it to find that (if anyone else has it, post it please) because it's directly related to LPU XIV.


Has a "track" called Sono in the StageLight Samples.

Edited by kiq fLP
Posted (edited)

Does anyone have a picture of the LPU package, or what the T-shirt will look like?


Edit: Nevermind. The LPU site is showing the LPU13 bundles but once you click on them to purchase it shows the new pictures for LPU14 bundles.

Edited by springer
  On 11/21/2014 at 3:52 PM, LeonardoMF93 said:

More demos and the most part without vocals! ...and I was thinking that the LPU CDs couldn't get any worse.

Yeah, because a CD full of live performances you can as well watch on Youtube would be infinitely better.

Posted (edited)

Ahh, so the digital download is not included with the full package? Lame. Pretty bad that I have to torrent music I have purchased!

Edited by springer

Really unrespectful what some writing here. I don't know any band who gives some of their demos to the fans. You even haven't be in the lpu to hear these demos and then there is such a complaning about the missing of vocals. I don't get it.


I wonder if they might just be completely out of, or dangerously low on, "interesting" vocal tracks.


I'm not trying to bitch here - I haven't even listened to the album yet. But, the band clearly knows that big parts of the fanbase that listens to this sort of stuff are unhappy with getting instrumentals, and the instrumental portion of the LPU albums grows every year. Maybe they're holding themselves to a bad standard with this need to release all demos every year.


I know that that was probably a direct response to "WE DON'T WANT FUCKING LIVE TRACKS" from these same people six years ago, but I think most would appreciate some live tracks from the vault, if they have any, which they surely do. Maybe a 60/40 demo/live split, or something like that.


I dunno. It kind of feels to me that they're starting to hit the bottom of the barrel - not in regards to quality, per se, but in terms of things they actually want to release.


But maybe I'll feel completely differently when I get around to listening. Who knows.

  On 11/21/2014 at 11:39 AM, navabaca said:

Nice cover!


Please, Blanka in English is what? Im excited, because Blanka in Czech language is female first name, name of Prague tunnel complex, and other. And in 2008 LP had one show in Czech Rep (Brno).

Blanka = white (female)

  On 11/21/2014 at 4:14 PM, Qwerty18 said:

Yeah, because a CD full of live performances you can as well watch on Youtube would be infinitely better.

ALTNC or Final Masquerade mixed in 2007 dsp style is definitely better than 0:42 sec long track "Dave Sbeat feat. Joe" or crackling **** like Froctagon


Why Lorenzo make a poll on LPU site what we want to see in LPU package? We get another bracelet, Guitar Pick and Sticker sheet, lame...not joining this year


Just some random LPU statics:


Tracks with vocals1: 42
Instrumentals2: 37
Live: 31
Before LPU 9:
Tracks with vocals1: 16
Instrumentals2: 5
Live: 31
1 Any, including remixes and cookies.
2 Including Announcement Service Public
Including Ambient and Lockjaw, excluding Morning After bonus track for LPU9 and LPU XIII bonus tracks.
  On 11/21/2014 at 2:55 PM, Hahninator said:



A Thousand Suns credits:

Sono Records Studio (Nouzov, Czech Republic)
Tritonus (Berlin, Germany)
Wasn't there a demo called Sono or Sonos?
I used to have the magazine article from June 2008 (foreign) where Mike was in the studio in the Czech Republic. He is sitting at a piano. It was a jpg file and I think posted by a Brazilian website. It might be on my hard drive still...let me do some searching around. It's worth it to find that (if anyone else has it, post it please) because it's directly related to LPU XIV.
EDIT: Ok I can't find the picture. I need help with that. After huge Google searches, I found an article that talks about it: http://kultura.idnes.cz/jak-mike-shinoda-z-linkin-park-nahraval-v-nouzove-fb1-/filter.aspx?c=A080730_115706_filter_vk
"Even within the current European tour, Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park is working on new stuff. It is not clear whether it was material for his new album of his band (for which the reports Rolling Stone magazine actually works), or a possible solo album, but in any case you carry a hard disk with unfinished tracks and uses the services of various studies . On the day he stopped just as the Czech Sonu."
Need to find that magazine article & picture.
EDIT 2: Another article and some pictures, but not the exact picture I was looking for. http://www.muzikus.cz/pro-muzikanty-clanky/mike-shinoda-v-sonu-kytarista-linkin-park-natacel-v-cechach~03~zari~2008/Mike was sitting at these keyboards.


This is it?



Yes!!! Great find! Fuck yeah thanks!


FYI, speaking of Sono (which is included in this), this is never really discussed from what I can tell but there are some good sounding demos in the Stagelight package...I never was able to mix them all together so I'm glad a video is up of these. I wish we had longer versions but it's a good look into the demos.



Is Heretic the missing VMA score song?

  On 11/21/2014 at 4:24 PM, SixOldShoes said:

Really unrespectful what some writing here. I don't know any band who gives some of their demos to the fans. You even haven't be in the lpu to hear these demos and then there is such a complaning about the missing of vocals. I don't get it.


Agree with this.

  On 11/21/2014 at 5:15 PM, Hahninator said:

Is Heretic the missing VMA score song?

It's likely, since Catharsis is also there in the sample pack. Also everything in the video sounds way better than the stuff we got this year... Wish I had heard it before I bought it, goddamn. Nothing beats LPU9. THAT was the best year ever.


Mike singing in BTH is epic, that's some balls for exposing yourself to the world like that.

Posted (edited)

Some good demos here. Malathion and Blanka are probably the demos the band were working on right before Projekt Revolution 2008 kicked off since they were in the studio during the months before their summer tour that year. Not really ''ATS'' demos IMO. Heartburn is pretty cool to have. I remember the band doing an interview about MTM in 2008 and Chester said they had a song that the rest of the guys in the band thought sounded like ''Mulan'', so I'm assuming it's probably this song. MTM was such a creative period of time for the band. The BTH demo is amazing, it's cool to see the original lyrics and where Chester and Mike were coming from when they said BTH was really hard for Chester to work on and record. Rhinocerous is pretty dope sounding, standard Meteora demo, IMO, which is good. After Canada is very interesting, 2005 demo, hmm. We know the band worked on new music in December 2005, maybe this is from that time frame, like Divided was from off of LPU X? Who knows. Still interesting that we got another 2005 demo, however.

Edited by Geki

I've listened to about half of them before going to class, so I'll post my review after I hear the rest. But my initial reaction to seeing only one vocal demo, especially being from BTH, was a bummer, but Mike has a different vocal take so it's a little different. The names are pretty cool though.

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