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Annoying thing is that another pop song gets the official video. If someone has never heard of LP and then starts watching the videos, he could think that LP is some kind of pop boys band...

FM isn't pop, but yeah usually they take the softest songs from an album to be singles. The only exception was MTM. And people who listen only to singles may consider LP as way different band than they really is.

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Annoying thing is that another pop song gets the official video. If someone has never heard of LP and then starts watching the videos, he could think that LP is some kind of pop boys band...

You sound like the typical Hybrid Theory/Meteora fan right now. Go listen to Some JB, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and please identify how Final Masquerade is a "pop" song. In fact, not a single song on THP is pop, even Until It's Gone, believe it or not.


You all know what I'm talking about. FM is a nice song, but when I listen to it, it makes me feel like I listen to any other LP's slow song. You are taking the word 'pop' too serious. I'd rather see a video for KTTK, Rebelion, ALITS or GATS.


If they are bitching about nowdays music being too soft and casual, why aren't they making videos for songs that are the exact opposite of that?



Calm down, guys. I'm here because I love them, but that doesn't mean they are perfect guys in any way. Your parents love you all, and they critisize you from time to time, just because of that. ;)


The thing is you're criticizing for the wrong reasons. I think you need to revaluate your definition of "pop". Look at slow songs like TLTGYA. Is that pop? No. The same goes with FM. Sure it's not AS heavy as the rest of the album, but it is in no way soft and casual.


and making Keys To The Kingdom a single won't do shit for the band or the album. As great of a song it is to us, most people unfamiliar with LP would probably skip the track while listening to the first 5 seconds to the intro.


Actually I agree with some of his points.


What's the point to repeat and repeat the word "heavy" like a thousand times before the album was released, and then release the "softest" songs as the main singles? No matter how we gonna try knead it, these two are (not pop, but) far from what you expected to be the lead singles for this album. GATS didn't got any serious promotion (music video, collaborate with another product like movie, TV show or game, physical release, etc..), and I don't know if I should even remind Wastelands here.


Releasing and promoting GATS and after Rebellion (or ALITS or whatever), and only then Final Masquerade was way better option.

Until It's Gone was enormous promo for the Mall, if they were used it for the movie instead of THP.


My point is that one "heavy" and one "softer" main singles plus some promos, is better than two "softer" main singles and two "heavy" promos for this album. It's just don't fit for this album. Very simple.


I don't think that anyone should say what the band should do, it's their band and their decisions, but c'mon. lol.


The only thing Linkin Park has ever released that was close to pop was BURN IT DOWN or A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES. Most of LIVING THINGS could be pop-indie. Final Masquerade is not pop, neither is Until It's Gone, I would consider those more alternative rock than anything, which is what Minutes To Midnight largely sounded like, alternative rock.


If i'm not mistaken i believe that Mike said that the band doesn't choose the singles. The label does it

There have definitely been exceptions to that. I believe the last time anyone in the band made that claim was around the MTM era too.


There have definitely been exceptions to that. I believe the last time anyone in the band made that claim was around the MTM era too.


The band chose The Catalyst, they really fight for it.. they tried to choose GATS as the lead single too.


I'm REALLY surprised the band/management hasn't done anything about Pellington leaking all this info about the Final Masquerade video throughout the process of making it.


They have. We've gotten emails saying what not to post, etc.


LP chose GATS. WBR chose UIG.



They have. We've gotten emails saying what not to post, etc.

...Have I broken the rules of Warner with this post? :P


...Have I broken the rules of Warner with this post? :P


Oh no, Warner is comin' 4 U. They gots to control everythangg.


Really great video. My only complaints were the lack of clarity at certain points, but other than that its definitely the best video LP has put out in a while.


So tonight or on Friday this music video will be on youtube.com/linkinparktv

As a digital collector, when I will have HD source I will edit the video to 03:37, because I don't like long intros/outros.


I'm not going to lie, this is an amazing video. I think this has become my fav already.


Very cool video, like the darkness of it. Nice to get something a bit different after years of kinda samey ones.


The one thing missing was the outro of Drawbar at the beginning, which would have made it perfect.

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