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About leftshoe18

  • Birthday 11/18/1991

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  1. They should just call it Linkin Park if they want to call it Linkin Park. Many, many bands have continued on, name and all, with fewer original members than this.
  2. I can't stop thinking about this. lol Looking forward to whatever comes from this. I hope they get a vocalist that they can play the heavy songs with, but I also trust Mike to rework those songs into something else (like the way he performed Papercut for instance).
  3. I'm guessing Joe and Rob aren't interested in a reunion if this is true. Or at least not at this time. The band would almost certainly bring on a new drummer to fill Rob's spot (either a new official member or simply a touring drummer). Joe would be a little harder to replace in my opinion.
  4. The groovier feel of the live version gives off more of that nu-metal vibe while the studio version has more of a punky sound to it like Given Up. A version of it that resembles the studio demo would work just fine on MTM, in my opinion.
  5. I wonder what kind of radio push QWERTY will get. I could see that song doing really well on rock radio.
  6. Weird that they took the time to do some transitions here and there but didn't use the single versions as the bases, so we still have a couple moments where album transitions were just edited around instead.
  7. Tribute bands dressing up and acting like the bands they're paying tribute to is nothing new. And there are plenty of tribute bands out there for other acts that are still touring and recording. Hybrid Theory is far more popular than any tribute band I've ever seen which is why I think it feels exploitative to many people. As long as they cover their bases on the legal side, I don't see any problem with them continuing to pay tribute to a band they obviously have a lot of passion for.
  8. People in general tend to think the lead vocalist of the band is always the primary lyricist as well when it's actually extremely common for vocalists to sing words written by a different member of the band.
  9. Does this stuff happen for other bands too? I swear Linkin Park is the only band I closely follow that has these kinds of mistakes continually pop up.
  10. I'm excited about the possibility of Linkin Park returning in whatever fashion that may be. This seems like an odd thing to just make up so I'm assuming Jay heard something - even if it turns out he misinterpreted what he heard and is way off base here.
  11. There are many free options available now. Nobody should be paying for AI vocal/instrumental separation at this point.
  12. I am fairly confident that naming Pushing Me Away "The Cure For Mr. Hahn's Itch" was a misprint on the label.
  13. Three Band Terror is just a demo for Until It Breaks though.
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