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About Rokaito

  • Birthday 06/04/2009

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    Texas, USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
  • Interests
    Drawing, Sketching,music stuff,Anime,playing video games,reading

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  1. Well,if that's so,you have a interesting way of speaking sir,sorry for any disrespect I may have Input πŸ˜…
  2. Okay,I don't mean to be rude,nor disrespectful at all,since I've been taught to be respectful, but we're wondering about anything Mike and Tak not talking to each other or if they still have some sort of beef πŸ˜…
  3. I just don't get why,could've just had Ryu's verse as an alternate version in some cases if you ask me
  4. Yeah I'm so terribly sorry my mind went blank,you guys definitely know more about that stuff than me,clearly
  5. Same here, it'd be nice if that were the case
  6. You know,I do plan on getting a vinyl player,but I never knew that I'd be seeing practically a "gajillion" vinyls of linkin park stuff,I'm actually starting to understand how upset you guys are about it,and yes I know gajillion ain't a word but it may as well be how many there are
  7. So what would that mean exactly? πŸ˜…
  8. I've been waiting on confirmation on my account deletion,but nothings happened yet πŸ˜…
  9. I'm sorry for being the goofball In this situation but what does BSM stand for?πŸ˜…
  10. Haven't seen one of these kind of posts in a while
  11. Im curious... Was there any other known working titles from/for Meteora I could've sworn that there was (Like serpent or something)
  12. Was there other known working titles from meteora?
  13. Since I like THP,mark the Graves πŸ™‚
  14. You must be wearing a hat because that's gotta be a coca cola bottle cap
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